Rebel Rising: A Memoir | 誠品線上

Rebel Rising: A Memoir

作者 Rebel Wilson
商品描述 Rebel Rising: A Memoir:✰「胖艾美」回憶錄。自信以對,勇闖好萊塢!備受全球觀眾喜愛的「胖艾美」RebelWilson親筆撰寫勵志回憶錄!從《歌喉讚》系列電影到《伴娘我最大


內容簡介 ✰「胖艾美」回憶錄 自信以對,勇闖好萊塢!備受全球觀眾喜愛的「胖艾美」Rebel Wilson 親筆撰寫勵志回憶錄! 從《歌喉讚》系列電影到《伴娘我最大》,知名好萊塢演員「胖艾美」Rebel Wilson 以其獨特魅力和幽默天賦紅遍全球。然而,在光鮮亮麗的背後,Rebel 有著鮮為人知的辛酸奮鬥史。這本《Rebel Rising: A Memoir》回憶錄,將帶領讀者走進 Rebel 的成長歷程,見證一位喜劇明星的誕生之路。 書中,Rebel 將與你分享: • 成名之路的辛酸與血淚:從選美比賽到功夫擂台,意想不到的經歷造就 Rebel 的獨特個性。 • 好萊塢的圓夢之旅:面對無數次試鏡失敗,「胖艾美」如何堅持自我,勇闖好萊塢? • 自我探索的勇氣:對於易胖體質、愛情觀以及自我懷疑,Rebel 首次敞開心扉,分享她最真實的感受。 準備好和「胖艾美」一起笑傲人生了嗎? 這不僅是一本自傳,更是鼓勵你我勇敢追夢、擁抱自我的心靈讀物!From the scene-stealing star of Pitch Perfect and Bridesmaids comes a refreshingly candid, hilarious, and inspiring book about her unconventional journey to Hollywood success and loving herself.For decades, Rebel Wilson had single-mindedly focused on her career, making a name for herself through her iconic roles in Pitch Perfect, Bridesmaids, and Isn’t It Romantic. Now, she’s ready to chronicle the emotional and physical lessons she learned, as well as her most embarrassing experiences. A malaria-induced hallucination? An all-style martial arts fighting tournament? Junior handling at dog shows? And this was all BEFORE she moved to Hollywood!Rebel Rising follows Rebel Wilson’s incredible journey of “making it,” constantly questioning, “Am I good enough? Will I ever find love? Will I ever change and become healthy?” Rebel writes for the first time about the most personal and important moments in her life—from fertility issues, weight gain and loss, sexuality, overcoming shyness, rejections, and, well...okay there’s at least one story thrown in about Brad Pitt! It’s all here. This memoir shows us how to love ourselves while making us laugh uncontrollably.


作者介紹 Rebel WilsonRebel Wilson is an Australian actress, director, comedian, writer, singer, and producer. She’s known for her roles in the Pitch Perfect series, Bridesmaids, How to be Single, Senior Year, The Hustle, Jojo Rabbit, and more.


書名 / Rebel Rising: A Memoir
作者 / Rebel Wilson
簡介 / Rebel Rising: A Memoir:✰「胖艾美」回憶錄。自信以對,勇闖好萊塢!備受全球觀眾喜愛的「胖艾美」RebelWilson親筆撰寫勵志回憶錄!從《歌喉讚》系列電影到《伴娘我最大
ISBN13 / 9781668007204
ISBN10 /
EAN / 9781668007204
誠品26碼 / 2682498231005
頁數 / 336
裝訂 / H:精裝
語言 / 3:英文
尺寸 / 9*6*0.8英吋
級別 / N:無
提供維修 /


最佳賣點 : 出演《歌喉讚》系列電影‧知名好萊塢演員「胖艾美」Rebel Wilson自傳
