Right Kind of Wrong | 誠品線上

Right Kind of Wrong

作者 Amy C. Edmondson
商品描述 Right Kind of Wrong:【你錯得對!正確犯錯:哈佛學者揭開成長心態的關鍵,分辨失敗類型與應對方式,駕馭不確定的未來】《心理安全感的力量》作者最新重磅力作★Thinkers5


內容簡介 你錯得對!《心理安全感的力量》作者 最新重磅力作★Thinkers50管理思想家排行榜TOP 1★榮獲年度行為科學家注目作品★《金融時報》和麥肯錫年度最佳商業書獎每個人都會犯錯,但是每個錯誤的價值並不一樣,別讓不犯錯、規避失敗耽誤了你和團隊的成長!為什麼優秀醫療團隊一起協作反而出現更高的錯誤率?可口可樂瓶裝水怎麼陷入複雜型失敗,認列700萬英鎊損失?外科開心手術如何歷經智慧型失敗,發展為一年200萬例的成熟手術?在複雜且不確定的世界中,工作與生活經常充斥著出錯與失敗,傳統對待錯誤的態度又很苛刻,當事人飽受指責,使人普遍厭惡與恐懼犯錯,我們也就失去了從失敗中學習的機會。雖然操作或判斷失誤並不可恥、也不代表無能,這樣的想法日漸獲得認同,有不少新創企業還推崇起「快速犯錯,經常失敗」的文化,但仍有更多人與組織還是羞於犯錯與認錯,極盡所能避免失敗與被究責,因為他們不認為身處有心理安全感的環境。作者艾德蒙森是哈佛商學院教授,在全球最具影響力的 Thinkers50 名列第一,身為提出「心理安全感」概念的先驅,《正確犯錯》正是她累積25年來研究錯誤與失敗的成果。在這本新作中,她將暢談三種常見的失敗類型,指導我們辦別成因,重新架構,理性看待:基本型:通常有SOP,常因疏忽大意而犯錯,可善用清單工具來預防複雜型:最常出現在複雜的系統環境中,環環相扣,導致難以避免的災難結果智慧型:總發生在進入新領域,比如研發疫苗,是進步所必須的「好的失敗」只要你不犯第二回,智慧型失敗不算是錯誤,它需要縝密的思考,由於是犯盡可能小的失誤,不會造成不必要的傷害,且提供你寶貴的新知識,帶來新發現與新價值,還會產生有用的學習成果,增進我們的認知,這就是正確犯錯!針對三種失敗類型,作者提出三項最新思維,幫助我們不錯失成長良機,也不冒進,從容應對與防範非必要的失敗:自我覺察:藉由自我反省、謙遜、誠實和好奇的能力,洞察自身行為模式狀態意識:學習解讀特定情況的失敗可能性,掌握與判斷周遭情勢系統意識:學會觀察和充分理解家庭、組織、自然或政治系統的運作沒有清楚辨別失敗類型的魯莽行動,將帶來無意義的失敗,虛擲機會,浪費時間與資源;只有經過明智判斷的「正確犯錯」,才能創造有價值的經驗學習,真正學到東西,達到目標的最大效益。本書介出自天下雜誌出版《正確犯錯:哈佛學者揭開成長心態的關鍵,分辨失敗類型與應對方式,駕馭不確定的未來》We used to think of failure as the opposite of success. Now, we’re often torn between two “failure cultures”: one that says to avoid failure at all costs, the other that says fail fast, fail often. The trouble is that both approaches lack the crucial distinctions to help us separate good failure from bad. As a result, we miss the opportunity to fail well.After decades of award-winning research, Amy Edmondson is here to upend our understanding of failure and make it work for us. In Right Kind of Wrong, Edmondson provides the framework to think, discuss, and practice failure wisely. Outlining the three archetypes of failure—basic, complex, and intelligent—Amy showcases how to minimize unproductive failure while maximizing what we gain from flubs of all stripes. She illustrates how we and our organizations can embrace our human fallibility, learn exactly when failure is our friend, and prevent most of it when it is not. This is the key to pursuing smart risks and preventing avoidable harm.With vivid, real-life stories from business, pop culture, history, and more, Edmondson gives us specifically tailored practices, skills, and mindsets to help us replace shame and blame with curiosity, vulnerability, and personal growth. You’ll never look at failure the same way again.


作者介紹 Amy C. EdmondsonAmy C. Edmondson is the Novartis Professor of Leadership and Management at the Harvard Business School, renowned for her research on psychological safety over twenty years. Her award-winning work has appeared in The New York Times, The Wall Street Journal, the Financial Times, Psychology Today, Fast Company, Harvard Business Review, and more. Named by Thinkers50 in 2021 as the #1 Management Thinker in the world, Edmondson’s Ted Talk “How to Turn a Group of Strangers into a Team” has been viewed over three million times. She received her PhD, AM, and AB from Harvard University. She lives in Cambridge, Massachusetts, and is the author of Right Kind of Wrong, The Fearless Organization, and Teaming.


書名 / Right Kind of Wrong
作者 / Amy C. Edmondson
簡介 / Right Kind of Wrong:【你錯得對!正確犯錯:哈佛學者揭開成長心態的關鍵,分辨失敗類型與應對方式,駕馭不確定的未來】《心理安全感的力量》作者最新重磅力作★Thinkers5
ISBN13 / 9781668034576
ISBN10 /
EAN / 9781668034576
誠品26碼 / 2682418344006
頁數 / 368
裝訂 / P:平裝
語言 / 3:英文
尺寸 / 22.9*15.2*2.5
級別 / N:無
提供維修 /


最佳賣點 : 沒有絕對的失敗與成功:打破現代「害怕失敗」的迷思,擁抱失敗並明白對我們帶來的好處