Made in Taiwan: Recipes and Stories from the Island Nation | 誠品線上

Made in Taiwan: Recipes and Stories from the Island Nation

作者 Clarissa Wei
商品描述 Made in Taiwan: Recipes and Stories from the Island Nation:【探索台灣傳統美食,揭開美味佳餚背後的文化與傳承】美籍台裔記者魏貝珊(ClarissaWei)首本食譜書《台灣製


內容簡介 【探索台灣傳統美食,揭開美味佳餚背後的文化與傳承】美籍台裔記者魏貝珊(Clarissa Wei)首本食譜書《台灣製造》,細膩描繪與紀錄她的家鄉島國─台灣與台菜系譜與精髓。魏貝珊是90後洛杉磯出生的華人,父母皆來自台南,成長過程裡也時常往返台美兩地,讓她與台灣菜的滋味留下深刻印象,長大後她旅居香港,也曾因工作採訪多個中國省份,撰寫的飲食評論與文章常見於New Yorker, Bon Appétit等知名雜誌。魏貝珊發現,其實美國人對於亞洲菜很感興趣,只是沒有人帶進門,這讓她起心動念撰寫《台灣製造》,結合過去的工作經驗和對飲食探索的熱情,發揮她於紐約大學新聞政治系的訓練,她認真扎實地進行大量考究工作,也親身走訪市場與在地店家請教與訪談,讓《台灣製造》不僅僅只是一本食譜書,更開啟一場與台灣菜的靈魂交流,紀錄世世代代的台灣人民在這片土地上,以美食開展出多彩、豐富且持續變動的歷程。她特別邀請已有20年料理教室經驗、擅長中台菜料理烹飪的陳淑娥(Ivy Chen)合作,設計100多道台灣菜食譜,舉凡陽春麵、滷肉飯、三杯雞和臭豆腐,各種台式早餐、經典台南菜色、夜市小吃、熱炒等諸多台灣人每天都在吃的料理,除了菜餚介紹與製做工序之外,也將呈現料理背後的故事、文化以及在地人的情感連結。台灣菜過去被認為是在中華料理下的分支,但隨著台灣的歷史演變與統治者的更迭,接受來自東西方國家料理文化的衝擊下開始有了多元的發展、生根,讓台灣菜逐漸走出自己獨特的道路。An in-depth exploration of the vibrant food and culture of Taiwan, including never-before-seen exclusive recipes and gorgeous photography.Taipei-based food journalist Clarissa Wei presents Made in Taiwan, a cookbook that celebrates the island nation’s unique culinary identity—despite a refusal by the Chinese government to recognize its sovereignty. The expansive book contains deeply researched essays and more than 100 recipes inspired by the people who live in Taiwan today.For generations, Taiwanese cuisine has been miscategorized under the broad umbrella term of Chinese food. Backed with historical evidence and interviews, Wei makes a case for why Taiwanese food should get its own spotlight. Made in Taiwan includes classics like Peddler Noodles, Braised Minced Pork Belly, and Three-Cup Chicken, and features authentic, never-before-seen recipes and techniques like how to make stinky tofu from scratch and broth tips from an award-winning beef noodle soup master.Made in Taiwan is an earnest reflection of what the food is like in modern-day Taiwan from the perspective of the people who have lived there for generations. It is the story of a proud nation—a self-sufficient collective of people who continue to forge on despite unprecedented ambiguity.


作者介紹 Clarissa WeiClarissa Wei is a freelance journalist based in Taipei. Born in Los Angeles but raised on the food of Taiwan, she has been writing about the cuisines and cultures of Taiwan and China for over a decade. Her writing has been published in The New York Times, The New Yorker, the Los Angeles Times, Serious Eats, and Bon Appétit. She has produced videos on cross-strait tensions for VICE News Tonight, 60 Minutes, and SBS Dateline. Previously, Clarissa was a senior reporter at Goldthread, a video-centric imprint of the South China Morning Post in Hong Kong, where she made over 100 videos on the foods and cultures of China, Hong Kong, and Taiwan in the span of two years. In her spare time, she tends to a subtropical food forest on the outskirts of Taipei.


書名 / Made in Taiwan: Recipes and Stories from the Island Nation
作者 / Clarissa Wei
簡介 / Made in Taiwan: Recipes and Stories from the Island Nation:【探索台灣傳統美食,揭開美味佳餚背後的文化與傳承】美籍台裔記者魏貝珊(ClarissaWei)首本食譜書《台灣製
ISBN13 / 9781982198978
ISBN10 / 1982198974
EAN / 9781982198978
誠品26碼 / 2682387228000
頁數 / 384
裝訂 / H:精裝
語言 / 3:英文
尺寸 / 25.4*23.2*2
級別 / N:無
提供維修 /


最佳賣點 : 爬梳臺菜系譜,造訪在地店家,魏貝珊(Clarissa Wei)探索台灣傳統美食,揭開美味佳餚背後的文化與傳承
