The Algebra of Wealth: A Simple Formula for Financial Security | 誠品線上

The Algebra of Wealth: A Simple Formula for Financial Security

作者 Scott Galloway
商品描述 The Algebra of Wealth: A Simple Formula for Financial Security:✰後疫情時代的致富密碼✰《四騎士主宰的未來》作者最新力作。紐約大學商學院教授,蓋洛威(ScottGallo


內容簡介 ✰後疫情時代的致富密碼 ✰《四騎士主宰的未來》作者最新力作 紐約大學商學院教授,蓋洛威(Scott Galloway)教你在瞬息萬變的時代,打造財富與成功之路! 蓋洛威(Scott Galloway)以其一貫直白、不囉嗦的風格,揭示了在現今環境中取得財務成功的法則,無論您處於何種境遇,本書都能幫助您提高獲得經濟保障的機率。 您將學到: • 在職業發展規劃中,如何找到並跟隨你的天賦,而非僅僅是你的熱情 • 如何跟上時代的潮流,搭上經濟浪潮以獲取經濟效益 (現實是:市場動態永遠勝於個人成就) • 你可以採取哪些小步驟,在未來獲得豐厚回報,例如:多元化投資和稅務規劃 • 如何利用「斯多葛哲學」克制消費、量入為出,養成良好的理財習慣 《The Algebra of Wealth》匯集了全球知名商學院蓋洛威(Scott Galloway)教授實用、顛覆性的財務建議,是你提升財富遊戲勝率的實用指南。A must-have guide to optimizing your life for wealth and success, from bestselling author, NYU professor, and co-host of the Pivot podcast Scott Galloway.Today's workers have more opportunities and mobility than any generation before. They also face unprecedented challenges, including inflation, labor and housing shortages, and climate volatility. Even the notion of retirement is undergoing a profound rethink, as our life spans extend and our relationship with work evolves. In this environment, the tried-and-true financial advice our parents followed no longer applies. It's time for a new playbook.In The Algebra of Wealth, Galloway lays bare the rules of financial success in today's economy. In his characteristic unvarnished, no-BS style, he explains what you need to know in order to better your chances for economic security no matter what. You’ll learn:How to find and follow your talent, not your passion, when making career decisionsHow to ride and optimize big economic waves (hard truth: market dynamics always trump individual achievement)What small steps you can take that pay big returns later, including diversification and tax planningHow stoicism can help you minimize spending and develop better financial habitsBursting with practical, game-changing advice from one of the world’s most popular business school professors, The Algebra of Wealth is the practical guidebook you need to win today’s wealth game.


作者介紹 Scott GallowayScott Galloway is Professor of Marketing at NYU Stern School of Business and a serial entrepreneur. He is the bestselling author of Post Corona, The Four, and The Algebra of Happiness and has served on the boards of directors of the New York Times Company, Urban Outfitters, and Berkeley's Haas School of Business. His Prof G and Pivot podcasts, No Mercy No Malice blog, and Prof G YouTube channel reach millions. In 2019, Scott founded Section4, an online education platform for working professionals where he teaches business strategy:


書名 / The Algebra of Wealth: A Simple Formula for Financial Security
作者 / Scott Galloway
簡介 / The Algebra of Wealth: A Simple Formula for Financial Security:✰後疫情時代的致富密碼✰《四騎士主宰的未來》作者最新力作。紐約大學商學院教授,蓋洛威(ScottGallo
ISBN13 / 9780593718322
ISBN10 /
EAN / 9780593718322
誠品26碼 / 2682523531001
頁數 / 304
裝訂 / P:平裝
語言 / 3:英文
尺寸 / 22.9 x 15.2 x 1.5
級別 / N:無
提供維修 /


最佳賣點 : A must-have guide to optimizing your life for wealth and success,