Rules of Civility | 誠品線上


作者 亞莫爾.托歐斯
商品描述 Rules of Civility:《上流法則》RulesOfCivilitybyAmorTowlesistheunforgettabledebutbythemillion-copybestsellingauthorofAGentlemaninMoscowandTheLincolnHighway.InaN


內容簡介 假如我們只會愛上最適合自己的人,愛情又怎會讓人心碎神傷?★美國《華爾街日報》2011年十大好書、英國《泰晤士報》嚴選好書★2012年榮獲法國費茲傑羅文學獎★美國企鵝集團旗下維京出版社,以百萬美金天價搶下的新人處女作★高踞美國書商協會暢銷榜(46週)、洛杉磯時報暢銷榜(42週)、紐約時報暢銷榜(12週)、出版者週刊暢銷榜(7週)、今日美國暢銷榜(6週)★美國Amazon書店暢銷小說,賣出芬、法、德、荷、義、西等15國語文我們的選擇決定了我們的身分定位而所謂正確的選擇,其實只是生命的玩笑,它總是讓你覺得失去的比得到的多一封寫給紐約的情書,一個追索自我價值的永恆課題所謂遺憾,就是在你擁有一切之後,心底還是會偷偷念著的那個名字三十年後,當我轉身背對現時千錘百煉而來的圓滿,轉而去搜尋已逝的那一年間甜美的無常,才發現隨著時間過去,當年所有偶然的邂逅、所有不經意的決定,都變得有些命中註定的味道……* * *紐約,一切不可企及之物的總和,一座機遇與希望的夢想之城,它讓人欣喜迷醉,也讓人悔恨失落。三○年末的紐約,經濟大蕭條剛過,二戰的威脅未到,正是一個生氣蓬勃、充滿爵士、醇酒、晚宴的年代。25歲的祕書愷蒂,是個聰明冷靜、博學多聞、企圖心十足的窮女孩,在1937年最後一夜,她與室友伊芙在格林威治的爵士酒吧裡,結識了一位年輕又迷人的銀行家錫哥.古瑞。這場邂逅帶領愷蒂踏入曼哈頓令人目眩神迷的上層階級,開啟了她一整年充滿驚奇與瘋狂的際遇。她在此結識了一幫或天真或精明或憤世或野心勃勃的人,經歷了上流社會所謂的富裕與地位,發現表象下的爭鬥、嫉妒、背叛與慾望,嘗到了愛情的苦澀與錯失,也領略到當生命將選擇攤在你面前,讓你可以改變境遇、性格、軌道,那是上帝的恩賜,而且不會沒有代價。《上流法則》的文字優美且動人,藉由機智的話語和個性鮮明的角色,探討了愛情與友誼,階級與金錢,理想與妥協,以及選擇與命運。全書像是一封寫給紐約的情書,這個城市好壞皆有之,理想貪腐也皆有之。有人在此妥協於生活,有人掌握了自由,有人獻身給理想,有人屈服於欲望;有人贏得了地位與財富,有人贏得了內心的平靜與快樂。不可抹滅的是,從那年代流傳至今,紐約的燦爛輝煌。作者藉由小說細數紐約曾有的繁華與閃耀氛圍,重新建構卡波提、費茲傑羅年代的優雅風華。本中文書介出《上流法則》漫遊者文化事業股份有限公司 出版Rules Of Civility by Amor Towles is the unforgettable debut by the million-copy bestselling author of A Gentleman in Moscow and The Lincoln HighwayIn a New York City jazz bar on the last night of 1937, watching a quartet because she couldn’t afford to see the whole ensemble, there were certain things Katey Kontent knew:how to sneak into the cinema, and steal silk stockings from Bendel’show to type eighty words a minute, five thousand an hour, and nine million a yearthat if you can still lose yourself in a Dickens novel then everything is going to be fineBy the end of the year she’ll have learned:how to live like a redhead and insist upon the very bestthat chance encounters can be fated, and the word ‘yes’ can be a poisonthat riches can turn to rags in the trip of a heartbeat . . .‘If the unthinkable happened and I could never read another new work of fiction . . . I’d simply re-read this sparkling, stylish book, with yet another round of martinis as dry as the author’s wit’ Herald‘Terrific. A smart, witty, charming dry-martini of a novel‘ David Nicholls, author of One Day‘Achingly stylish . . . A witty, slick production, replete with dark intrigue, period details, and a suitably Katharine Hepburn-like heroine’ Guardian‘A love letter to the city and the era . . . Towles creates a narrative that sparkles with sentences so beautiful you’ll stop and re-read them’ Stylist"


作者介紹 Amor TowlesAmor Towles was born and raised just outside Boston, Massachusetts. He graduated from Yale University and received an MA in English from Stanford University, where he was a Scowcroft Fellow. He is a Principal at an investment firm in Manhattan, where he lives with his wife and two children.


書名 / Rules of Civility
作者 / 亞莫爾.托歐斯
簡介 / Rules of Civility:《上流法則》RulesOfCivilitybyAmorTowlesistheunforgettabledebutbythemillion-copybestsellingauthorofAGentlemaninMoscowandTheLincolnHighway.InaN
ISBN13 / 9781444708875
ISBN10 / 1444708872
EAN / 9781444708875
誠品26碼 / 2682064202002
頁數 / 368
注音版 /
裝訂 / P:平裝
語言 / 3:英文
尺寸 / 19.7X12.9X2.3CM
級別 / N:無