Do Androids Dream Of Electric Sheep? | 誠品線上


作者 菲利普.狄克
商品描述 Do Androids Dream Of Electric Sheep?:菲利普.狄克《銀翼殺手》WorldWarTerminusdevastatedtheEarth.Throughitsruins,bountyhunterRickDeckardsearchesfortherenegadere


內容簡介 殿堂級科幻經典神作 ◎電影《銀翼殺手》《銀翼殺手2049》靈感起源◎雷利史考特、諾蘭兄弟、J. J.亞伯拉罕、押井守、華卓斯基姊妹……這個故事深深影響他們本書最早於1968年出版,陰森地預言著未來,時至今日仍是一部走在時代前面的傑作。殺手不該同情獵物,只一個藉口就能出手,不浪費任何情緒。2021年1月3日,賞金殺手狄卡德的待辦事項-奉命追捕逃跑的人造「仿生人」出手之前,他必須對仿生人進行「共感測驗」,以免誤殺人類。2021年,數百萬人命喪世界大戰,人類瀕臨滅絕,倖存者遠離地球,留下來的無不渴望擁有一隻生物,而負擔不起的人,廠商提供幾可亂真的仿冒品,有馬,有鳥,有貓,還有羊……他們甚至做出仿生人。這些仿生人製作之精巧,簡直難辨真偽,但只有移居火星的人才能擁有。政府深怕人造人帶來浩劫,禁止它們來到地球。瑞克・狄卡德是官方核准的賞金殺手。他的工作是找到逍遙法外的仿生人,將它們「除役」。然而,狄卡德這次奉命追殺的6名新型仿生人,卻讓他對人性、道德、同理等概念產生了巨大的困惑。他只能靠分辨同理心的「共感測驗」來判別仿生人與真人,心中卻升起不安的顫慄-因為就連他自己,都可能無法通過這項測驗。仿生人會夢想擁有電動羊嗎?……瑞克之前從沒想過這一點。他對被自己除掉的仿生人從來沒有一絲同情。不論是在內心深處還是在理智上,他總以為自己全心全意地將仿生人視為一種智慧型機器。本中文書介出自《銀翼殺手》寂寞出版股份有限公司出版Philip K. Dick's classic SF novel, which was adapted as the film BLADE RUNNER.World War Terminus devastated the Earth. Through its ruins, bounty hunter Rick Deckard searches for the renegade replicants he is sent to 'retire', while he dreams of owning a live animal - the ultimate status symbol in a world all but bereft of natural life.The opportunity of a lifetime: kill six Nexus-6 targets, for a huge reward. But in Deckard's world things aren't that simple, and his assignment turns into a nightmare kaleidoscope of subterfuge and deceit - and the hunter becomes the hunted . . .Voted in a Locus poll as one of the 100 pre-1990 SF Novels, Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep spawned two blockbuster movies. Philip K. Dick won multiple awards for his works, examining human identity, psychology, conspiracy and paranoia, challenging the idea of objective truth in a manner that remains relevant today.'A masterclass in sci-fi wonderment' - Empire'One of the most original practitioners writing any kind of fiction' - The Sunday TimesWelcome to The Best Of The Masterworks: a selection of the finest in science fiction"


作者介紹 Philip K. DickPhilip K. Dick was born in Chicago but lived in California for most of his life. He went to college at Berkeley for a year, ran a record store and had his own classical-music show on a local radio station. He published his first short story, ‘Beyond Lies the Wub’ in 1952. Among his many fine novels are The Man in the High Castle, Time Out of Joint, Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep? and Flow My Tears, the Policeman Said.


書名 / Do Androids Dream Of Electric Sheep?
作者 / 菲利普.狄克
簡介 / Do Androids Dream Of Electric Sheep?:菲利普.狄克《銀翼殺手》WorldWarTerminusdevastatedtheEarth.Throughitsruins,bountyhunterRickDeckardsearchesfortherenegadere
ISBN13 / 9781399607742
ISBN10 / 139960774X
EAN / 9781399607742
誠品26碼 / 2682244916002
頁數 / 208
注音版 /
裝訂 / P:平裝
語言 / 3:英文
尺寸 / 19.8X12.9X0.1CM
級別 / N:無