Flowers For Algernon | 誠品線上


作者 丹尼爾.凱斯
商品描述 Flowers For Algernon:丹尼爾.凱斯《獻給阿爾吉儂的花束》TheclassicnovelaboutadaringexperimentinhumanintelligenceCharlieGordon,IQ68,isafloorsweeperandthegentlebu


內容簡介 如果那些歧視變得可以理解,如果愛情不是不可能,如果過往的記憶漸趨鮮明……真的會比較幸福嗎? 《24個比利》作者最膾炙人口的經典代表作!當我從他們眼中的白痴變成了天才,當我從眾人的笑柄變成了不可思議的「怪物」,我才漸漸懂得,世界上有一種悲傷叫作心痛,有一種殘酷叫作理解……很多人都笑我。但他們是我的朋友我們都很快樂。查理吃力地將這兩句話寫在〈進步報告〉。他患有智能障礙,最希望能「變聰明」,純真地以為這樣就能交到很多朋友,再也不會感到寂寞。聲稱能改造智能的科學實驗在白老鼠「阿爾吉儂」身上獲得突破性的進展,下一步急需進行人體實驗,個性和善、學習態度積極的查理於是成為最佳人選。手術成功後,查理的智商高速進化,然而那些從未有過的情緒和記憶也逐漸浮顯出來…… 他終於明白那些「朋友」說「去整查理‧高登」是什麼意思;他終於知道為什麼看到愛麗絲會心跳加速、手足無措;他終於回想起那段童年陰影,原來那就是痛苦、悲傷、恐懼這些辭彙的意思。而當心理醫師宣稱自己是「天才查理」的造物主,他再也忍無可忍! 然後,憤怒與懷疑變成查理對周遭世界的反應。我是我生命的全部,或只是過去這幾個月的總合?我做過什麼,為什麼有股無法言明的罪惡感席捲而來?就在此時,阿爾吉儂發生了異常的變化,實驗真的成功了嗎?查理深陷在自我認同的重重迷障中,而更大的危機即將到來……在這部一鳴驚人的處女作中,丹尼爾‧凱斯藉由查理‧高登的蛻變日記,細膩又寫實地反映出心智障礙者置身現實世界的模糊定位與艱難處境,字裡行間更展現了他對自私人性的犀利控訴!無可取代的題材、扣人心弦的文筆和發人深思的意涵,即使在經過多年之後,依然是絕對不能錯過的必讀經典!本中文書介出自《獻給阿爾吉儂的花束》丹尼爾.凱斯出版Charlie Gordon, IQ 68, is a floor sweeper and the gentle butt of everyone's jokes - until an experiment in the enhancement of human intelligence turns him into a genius.But then Algernon, the mouse whose triumphal experimental transformation preceded his, fades and dies, and Charlie has to face the possibility that his salvation was only temporary.Winner of the 1960 Hugo Award for Best Short Story, and subsequently expanded into a Hugo-nominated novel, Flowers for Algernon earned Daniel Keyes the honour of SFWA Author Emeritus in 2000 for his contribution to Science Fiction and Fantasy.'Heartbreaking and beautiful. Required reading, as far as I am concerned' - Wil Wheaton'A masterpiece of poignant brilliance . . . heartbreaking, and utterly, completely brilliant' - The Guardian'Excellent . . . extremely moving' - The Encyclopedia of Science FictionWelcome to The Best Of The Masterworks: a selection of the finest in science fiction"


作者介紹 Daniel KeyesBorn in Brooklyn in 1927, Daniel Keyes worked as a merchant seaman, editor and university lecturer. He published four other novels, including Flowers for Algernon, originally a short story, for which he won the Hugo Award, later expanded into the Nebula Award-winning novel and adapted as an Oscar-winning film (Charly, 1968). Daniel Keyes had a Master's degree in English and American literature and was a Professor of English and Creative writing. He died in 2014.


書名 / Flowers For Algernon
作者 / 丹尼爾.凱斯
簡介 / Flowers For Algernon:丹尼爾.凱斯《獻給阿爾吉儂的花束》TheclassicnovelaboutadaringexperimentinhumanintelligenceCharlieGordon,IQ68,isafloorsweeperandthegentlebu
ISBN13 / 9781399607766
ISBN10 / 1399607766
EAN / 9781399607766
誠品26碼 / 2682244914008
頁數 / 256
注音版 /
裝訂 / P:平裝
語言 / 3:英文
尺寸 / 19.8X12.9X0.1CM
級別 / N:無
