The Wheel of Time 1: The Eye of the World | 誠品線上

時光之輪 1: 世界之眼

作者 羅伯特.喬丹
出版社 Macmillan Publishing Services
商品描述 The Wheel of Time 1: The Eye of the World:《時光之輪1:世界之眼》TheWheelofTimeturnsandAgescomeandpass,leavingmemoriesthatbecomelegend.Legendfadestomyth,andeven


內容簡介 紐約時報暢銷冠軍作家 羅伯特.喬丹Robert Jordan媒體高度讚譽、媲美托爾金作品的史詩鉅作售出21國翻譯版權系列新作在美銷售4天直逼百萬冊全球總銷售高達2000萬冊以上平靜的小村莊,伊蒙村,正在為慶祝第二天立春節而忙碌著。但今年春天遲遲不見蹤影,處處冰雪堆積,彷彿預告不平靜的事即將發生。村裡三名從小就是好友的男孩,在今天遭遇了改變他們一生的事。黑騎士入侵、獸魔人攻進村莊。三名好友得知自己是被黑暗勢力追擊的對象,原來,他們正是可以改變世界並拯救世界的時軸。為了家人,他們只能離開家鄉。一段與邪惡對抗的戰鬥,正潛伏在他們前進的路上……「宏大的、令人敬畏的、豐富多彩的故事情節,讓人不由得想起托爾金的作品。」──出版人週刊「《時光之輪》……在英語世界,極少有其他的奇幻傳說能與它相提並論,能超越它的就更是微乎其微了。」──芝加哥太陽報「羅伯特.喬丹開始統治由托爾金一手開創的世界。」─—紐約時報「無愧於任何讚譽的優秀冒險故事。」──ANNE McCAFFREY「瑰麗多姿的奇幻畫卷。」─-GMI「羅伯特.喬丹寫下了關於光明和黑暗的鮮明形像,有時又有孩子氣的驚奇,這裡面雖然有著淡淡的托爾金風味,但他也創造了鮮明的自我寫作風格。」—─Pittsburgh Press「《時光之輪》兼具文字的優美和情節的豐富。其中包涵著格林兄弟的天真與魅力;賀胥黎的《勇敢新世界》的社會道德精神。這一切,再加上有血有肉的人物、隱祕晦澀的譬喻、趣味性的調劑、生動優美的自然風景,還有那種關於永恒的迷人感覺。作者藉助一種語言創造了一個文學世界和這個世界可能具有的一切真實性。」─—布魯斯特.米爾頓.羅伯森,默特爾海灘太陽報「全方位感覺的史實。」─—星期日時報本中文書介出自《時光之輪 1: 世界之眼》奇幻基地出版事業部出版Soon to be an original series starring Rosamund Pike as Moiraine!The first novel in Robert Jordan's #1 New York Times bestselling epic fantasy series, The Wheel of Time®.The Wheel of Time turns and Ages come and pass, leaving memories that become legend. Legend fades to myth, and even myth is long forgotten when the Age that gave it birth returns again. What was, what will be, and what is, may yet fall under the Shadow.When The Two Rivers is attacked by Trollocs--a savage tribe of half-men, half-beasts--five villagers flee that night into a world they barely imagined, with new dangers waiting in the shadows and in the light.Since its debut in 1990, The Wheel of Time® has captivated millions of readers around the globe with its scope, originality, and compelling characters. The last six books in series were all instant #1 New York Times bestsellers, and The Eye of the World was named one of America's best-loved novels by PBS's The Great American Read.The Wheel of Time®New Spring: The Novel#1 The Eye of the World#2 The Great Hunt#3 The Dragon Reborn#4 The Shadow Rising#5 The Fires of Heaven#6 Lord of Chaos#7 A Crown of Swords#8 The Path of Daggers#9 Winter's Heart#10 Crossroads of Twilight#11 Knife of DreamsBy Robert Jordan and Brandon Sanderson#12 The Gathering Storm#13 Towers of Midnight#14 A Memory of LightBy Robert JordanWarrior of the AltaiiBy Robert Jordan and Teresa PattersonThe World of Robert Jordan's The Wheel of TimeBy Robert Jordan, Harriet McDougal, Alan Romanczuk, and Maria SimonsThe Wheel of Time CompanionBy Robert Jordan and Amy RomanczukPatterns of the Wheel: Coloring Art Based on Robert Jordan's The Wheel of Time"


作者介紹 ROBERT JORDAN (1948-2007) is best known for his internationally bestselling epic fantasy series The Wheel of Time(R), which has sold over 40 million copies in North America and is currently being adapted for the screen. A native of Charleston, Jordan graduated from The Citadel, the Military College of South Carolina, with a degree in physics. He served two tours in Vietnam with the U.S. Army and received multiple decorations for his service.


書名 / The Wheel of Time 1: The Eye of the World
作者 / 羅伯特.喬丹
簡介 / The Wheel of Time 1: The Eye of the World:《時光之輪1:世界之眼》TheWheelofTimeturnsandAgescomeandpass,leavingmemoriesthatbecomelegend.Legendfadestomyth,andeven
出版社 / Macmillan Publishing Services
ISBN13 / 9781250251466
ISBN10 / 125025146X
EAN / 9781250251466
誠品26碼 / 2682053311005
頁數 / 864
注音版 /
裝訂 / M:口袋裝
語言 / 3:英文
尺寸 / 19X10.9X4.5CM
級別 / N:無