Get it Done: Surprising Lessons from the Science of Motivation | 誠品線上

達標: 芝大商學院教授親授, 意想不到的激勵課

作者 艾雅蕾.費雪巴赫
商品描述 Get it Done: Surprising Lessons from the Science of Motivation:【目標設定術:動機的科學】艾雅蕾.費雪巴赫《達標:芝大商學院教授親授,意想不到的激勵課》Agreatdeal


內容簡介 ★要實現夢想,看100本勵志書,不如了解「目標心理學」!用科學方法,輕鬆將目標化為行動!★沒有人對目標心理學的認識比艾雅蕾.費雪巴赫更深。——《恆毅力》作者安琪拉.達克沃斯與其精算食物的卡路里,不如知道「燃燒這一餐需要走路幾分鐘」,才有助於減肥!想要鼓勵自己開始跑步,請直接喊出「我要五小時內跑完馬拉松」!目標心理學告訴你,設定對了,就能輕鬆把目標化為行動!\首部全方位剖析「目標心理學」的重要著作!/\行為科學領域名家投入20年研究,帶你精準達成目標!/.為什麼設定困難的目標,反而能幫助你提早完成?.日本教授如何用「萬步計」設定量化指標,帶起全球健康風潮?.誘因是激勵自己的關鍵,但什麼情況下「減少誘因」反而更好?.「杯子半滿」和「杯子半空」的心態,如何影響你持續下去的動力?要達到任何目標,若不能用科學方法激勵自己前進,你恐怕移動不了半步!很多書都在談如何激勵和影響他人,但如果你最想影響的人是自己呢?你該從哪裡使力?碰到障礙和令人分心的事物,要如何堅持下去?當你面臨的責任、需求與渴望多到應接不暇,該以哪一個任務為優先?不管是面對工作、家務或人際關係,為自己制定和實現目標都是件難事。任教於芝加哥大學布斯商學院,既是心理學家也是行為科學家的艾雅蕾.費雪巴赫,投入20年研究「目標心理學」,邀請你將激勵學的原理運用在自己身上,掌握成功改變行為的4大關鍵元素,輕鬆驅動自己不斷前進!▲ 關鍵1──選一個目標無論你是行家或新手,都要從正確設定目標開始。▲ 關鍵2──保持動力你可以回顧進展並展望尚未做到的事,看看自己有沒有進步。▲ 關鍵3──兼顧多重目標別的目標可能會拉著你朝反方向走,要學會訂下先後次序,找到平衡之道。▲ 關鍵4──善用人際支持單靠自己達成目標本就不容易,萬一有人擋路就更困難了。善用人際支持,讓別人來幫你一把!本中文書介出自《達標: 芝大商學院教授親授, 意想不到的激勵課》先覺出版股份有限公司出版‘I don't know anyone who knows more than Ayelet Fishbach about the psychology of goals . . . I love this book and know you will too’ – Angela Duckworth, author of GritA great deal of ink has been spilled on the subject of motivating and influencing others, but what happens when the person you most want to influence is you? Setting and achieving goals for yourself – at work, at home, and in relationships – is harder than it seems. Knowing where to start, and carrying on in the face of roadblocks and distractions, can easily become overwhelming. When you face more responsibilities, needs and desires than you can keep track of, how do you prioritize?In Get it Done, psychologist and behavioural scientist Ayelet Fishbach presents a new theoretical framework for self-motivated action, explaining how to:– Identify the right goals– Attack the ‘middle problem’– Battle temptations– Use the help of others around you– And so much more . . .With fascinating research from the field of motivation science and compelling stories of people who learned to motivate themselves, Get it Done illuminates invaluable strategies for pulling yourself in whatever direction you want to go – so you can achieve your goals while staying healthy, clearheaded and happy.‘A compelling and revelatory new framework for setting and achieving your goals, from a psychologist on the cutting edge of motivational science’ – Carol Dweck, PhD, author of Mindset"


作者介紹 Ayelet FishbachAyelet Fishbach, PhD, is the Jeffrey Breakenridge Keller Professor of Behavioral Science and Marketing at the University of Chicago Booth School of Business, and the president of the Society for the Study of Motivation. Dr. Fishbach has been published in many psychology and business journals, including Psychological Review and Psychological Science, and served as an associate editor of several journals, including the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology and Psychological Science. Her research is regularly featured in the media, including the Wall Street Journal, CNN, Chicago Tribune, NPR and was selected to be featured in the New York Times’ ‘Annual Year in Ideas’. Dr Fishbach has received several international awards, including the Society of Experimental Social Psychology’s Best Dissertation Award and Career Trajectory Award, and the Fulbright Educational Foundation Award, and in 2006, she received the Provost’s Teaching Award from the University of Chicago. Get it Done is her first non-fiction book.


書名 / Get it Done: Surprising Lessons from the Science of Motivation
作者 / 艾雅蕾.費雪巴赫
簡介 / Get it Done: Surprising Lessons from the Science of Motivation:【目標設定術:動機的科學】艾雅蕾.費雪巴赫《達標:芝大商學院教授親授,意想不到的激勵課》Agreatdeal
ISBN13 / 9781529044683
ISBN10 / 1529044685
EAN / 9781529044683
誠品26碼 / 2682301305008
頁數 / 320
注音版 /
裝訂 / P:平裝
語言 / 3:英文
尺寸 / 19.7X13X0CM
級別 / N:無
