Working Backwards: Insights, Stories, and Secrets from Inside Amazon | 誠品線上

亞馬遜逆向工作法: 揭密全球最大電商的經營思維

作者 柯林.布萊爾/ 比爾.卡爾
商品描述 Working Backwards: Insights, Stories, and Secrets from Inside Amazon:柯林.布萊爾/比爾.卡爾《亞馬遜逆向工作法:揭密全球最大電商的經營思維》亞馬遜資深主管獨家解


內容簡介 逆向工作法4種獨特文化 ‧ 14項領導原則Amazon頂尖高層近30年深入分析觀察獨家解密亞馬遜的成功法則!第一本由亞馬遜前高階主管撰寫的商業實務和幕後故事傑夫.貝佐斯看完初稿後盛讚:「再也沒有人比你們兩個更適合來寫這本書!」亞馬遜兩位累積27年資歷的前高階主管現身說法揭開Kindle、Amazon Prime和AWS等創新商品的開發內幕詳細解析不用PPT、兩個披薩團隊、逆向工作法等亞馬遜獨有的領導思維柯林.布萊爾和比爾.卡爾是亞馬遜草創時期的員工,不但是亞馬遜最高領導團隊(S-Team)的成員,還經常與貝佐斯共同開會討論新商機,協助落實公司許多商業流程。他們不僅親身見證和參與亞馬遜創新產品與服務的研發,更幫忙塑造亞馬遜的企業文化與工作思維。他們在這本書中將揭開亞馬遜之道的重要原則與流程,一窺亞馬遜擴展為全球最大電商的成功經營模式。他們會詳細探討:.16項幫助公司成長茁壯的領導原則.有效開發創新產品的逆向工作法.招募符合企業文化的抬桿者招募流程.兩個披薩團隊與單一領導人的特殊建構組織模式.衡量業務發展的獨特方法.Kindle、Amazon Prime和AWS等創新商品的研發過程對任何渴望創新、引領組織轉型和執行高挑戰任務的經營者或新創團隊來說,本書為不容錯過的必讀商業之作!重量級推薦柯林和比爾抓住亞馬遜的經營精髓,也就是以顧客為起點,逆向工作。他們兩人皆在亞馬遜的關鍵時期擔任重要領導人。他們把亞馬遜的歷史轉化為有趣的故事和教訓。──亞馬遜全球消費者業務前執行長 傑夫.威爾基(Jeff Wilke)作者帶我們深入亞馬遜內幕,以第一人稱視角看這家公司的非凡發展。我過去在紅帽公司(Red Hat)及目前在IBM都曾與亞馬遜雲端運算服務(AWS)合作,因此我可以證明他們對客戶的承諾始終不渝。想要在組織內部推動顧客至上的信念,並促成卓越營運的領導人都應該好好閱讀此書。──IBM總裁 吉姆.懷赫特斯(Jim Whitehurst)貝佐斯曾告訴我,亞馬遜不像Google或蘋果,「沒有一個強大的優勢,只得把許許多多小小的優勢編成一條繩索。」亞馬遜一再證明,成功不是源於天才之舉,而是來自一套明確的商業做法,持之以恆並大膽的應用。如果你想在二十一世紀的商業界嶄露頭角,亞馬遜是你不得不研究的一家公司。── 歐萊禮媒體創辦人 提姆.歐萊禮(Tim O’Reilly)對於那些希望透過創新和商業改變世界的人,我強烈建議他們仔細研究《亞馬遜逆向工作法》。此書深入剖析亞馬遜,極其稀罕可貴。我預期此書很快將成為全球董事會和商學院課堂的必讀之書。── 華納媒體執行長 傑森.基拉爾(Jason Kilar)作者精準呈現亞馬遜獨特的企業文化,並描述亞馬遜創新的基本要素。他們以局內人的視角揭露這家公司的內幕,提供許多寶貴的教訓。對想要徹底改造商業模式的大公司,或是希望快速擴張的新創公司,本書都是必須拜讀的創新指南。── 華頓商學院副院長 瑟爾蓋.奈特西(Serguei Netessine)柯林和比爾深諳亞馬遜的核心管理做法,這也是亞馬遜成功的基礎。他們指出,任何成功的領導人都知道如何透過敘事報告和指標迅速掌握實際情況。這個洞見對任何一個產業的領導人都非常重要。你會想把這本企業寶典放在身邊,隨時翻閱。──《徹底坦率》(Radical Candor)作者 金.史考特(Kim Scott)《亞馬遜逆向工作法》是領導人得以落實指導原則、營運節奏和持久機制的藍圖。依照這張藍圖,團隊可以擴大規模,業務能夠加速擴張。對任何專注於推動成長的企業家和領導人來說,這是一本必讀之書。── 派樂騰公司(Peloton)人資長暨營運長 瑪莉安娜.嘉拉瓦格里亞(Mariana Garavaglia)柯林和比爾不是枯燥的列舉亞馬遜十四項領導原則和三項基本機制。他們提出很多具體而且容易了解的例子,看這家公司如何把這些原則和機制應用在人員招募、溝通、組織及產品設計等層面。──《紐約時報》(New York Times)若想真切的了解二十一世紀管理與領導的原則、流程與實務,都該好好閱讀本書。──《富比士》(Forbes)史蒂夫.丹寧(Steve Denning)《亞馬遜逆向工作法》就像是一本使用手冊,也許本書設計就是如此。柯林和比爾都是亞馬遜的老將,熱情洋溢的宣揚亞馬遜之道。可以確定的是,亞馬遜將一直秉持其核心原則和做法,不是因為貝佐斯盯著,而是因為柯林、比爾及亞馬遜現任的經理人都對亞馬遜之道深信不疑。── 美國聯合通訊社(Associated Press)柯林和比爾這兩位亞馬遜前資深主管,對該公司獨特的原則和流程提供第一手詳盡的資料。這是一本內容紮實的亞馬遜成功祕笈。讀者必然可從中汲取適用於自己服務機構的經驗和教訓。──《出版人週刊》(Publishers Weekly)本中文書介出自《亞馬遜逆向工作法: 揭密全球最大電商的經營思維》遠見天下文化出版股份有限公司出版‘Essential for any leader in any industry’ – Kim Scott, bestselling author of Radical CandorWorking Backwards gives an insider’s account of Amazon’s approach to culture, leadership and best practices from two long-time, top-level Amazon executives.Colin Bryar and Bill Carr joined Amazon in the late 90s. Their time at the company covered a period of unmatched innovation that brought products and services – including Kindle, Amazon Prime, Amazon Echo and Alexa, and Amazon Web Services – to life. Through the story of these innovations they reveal the principles and practices that drive Amazon’s success.Through their wealth of experience they offer unprecedented access to the ‘Amazon way’ as it was refined, articulated and proven to be repeatable, scalable and adaptable. Working Backwards shows how success is not achieved by the genius of any single leader, but rather through commitment to and execution of a set of well-defined, rigorously executed principles and practices that you can apply at your own company, no matter the size.‘Working Backwards should be read by anyone interested in the real thing – the principles, processes and practices of twenty-first-century management and leadership’ – Forbes‘Gives us the story as it developed at the time – and that is probably worth the cover price of the book in itself’ – Financial Times"


作者介紹 Collin BryarColin Bryar joined Amazon in 1998 – four years after its founding – and spent the next twelve years as part of Amazon's senior leadership team as Amazon grew from a domestic (US-only) seller of books to a global, multi-dimensional powerhouse and innovator. Colin served as a Vice President at Amazon, and for two of his years he was 'Chief of Staff' to Jeff Bezos, AKA 'Jeff's shadow', during which he spent each day attending meetings, traveling with, and discussing business and life with Jeff. After Amazon, he and his family relocated to Singapore for two years where Colin served as Chief Operating Officer of e-commerce company RedMart, which was subsequently sold to Alibaba. Colin is co-founder of Working Backwards LLC where he coaches executives at both large and early-stage companies on how to implement the management practices developed at Amazon.Bill CarrBill Carr joined Amazon in 1999 and spent more than fifteen years with the company. As Vice President of Digital Media, Bill launched and managed the company's global digital music and video businesses, including Amazon Music, Prime Video, and Amazon Studios. After Amazon, Bill was an Executive In Residence with Maveron, LLC, an early-stage, consumer-only venture capital firm. Bill later served as the Chief Operating Officer of OfferUp, the largest mobile marketplace for local buyers and sellers in the U.S. Today Bill is co-founder of Working Backwards LLC where he coaches executives at both large and early-stage companies on how to implement the management practices developed at Amazon.


書名 / Working Backwards: Insights, Stories, and Secrets from Inside Amazon
作者 / 柯林.布萊爾 比爾.卡爾
簡介 / Working Backwards: Insights, Stories, and Secrets from Inside Amazon:柯林.布萊爾 比爾.卡爾《亞馬遜逆向工作法:揭密全球最大電商的經營思維》亞馬遜資深主管獨家解
ISBN13 / 9781529033847
ISBN10 / 1529033845
EAN / 9781529033847
誠品26碼 / 2682201792007
頁數 / 304
注音版 /
裝訂 / P:平裝
語言 / 3:英文
尺寸 / 19.7X13X0CM
級別 / N:無
