The Bell Jar (Illustrated Ed.) | 誠品線上

The Bell Jar (Illustrated Ed.)

作者 Sylvia Plath
商品描述 The Bell Jar (Illustrated Ed.):【美國天才詩人/傳奇女作家雪維亞.普拉絲SylviaPlath經典作品《瓶中美人》紀念彩色插圖精裝版】Ifeltverystillandempty,thewaytheeyeofa


內容簡介 美國天才詩人 傳奇女作家Sylvia Plath經典作品《瓶中美人》紀念彩色插圖精裝版不朽經典長銷逾300萬本 一個少女忠於自我、背叛人生的成長故事英國BBC譽為女性小說的里程碑University Observer選為刻畫騷動青春最佳小說 與《麥田捕手》並列美國文壇早逝才女詩人唯一小說創作半自傳刻畫少女時期的窒息、徬徨與自毀美國高中英文課必讀 兩度改編電影如果不想要聽話,又該怎麼反抗?這是什麼鬼世界,我在什麼鬼地方!青春的真相不是燦爛的花花世界與耀眼的未來青春的真相是悍然毀棄貞操、試遍各種自殺法、進出精神病院最真實的十九歲 最不屑於矯飾的自白 最熾烈的青春印記十九歲的愛瑟聰明又憤世。一方面,她拿獎學金念名校,才華橫溢鋒芒畢露。另方面,面對情人的不安與懇求、朋友的傾訴與依賴、母親的付出與努力、師長對她的讚賞與期望,她只覺得莫名地冷感。甚至是對自己的整個生命,她也只覺得:我為什麼在這裡?那天下午,我媽買了玫瑰花來送我。「留到我的葬禮再送吧。」我說。我媽皺起臉,一副快哭的模樣。「愛瑟,妳不記得今天是什麼日子嗎?」「不知道。」我猜大概是情人節吧。「是妳的生日啊。」就在這時,我把玫瑰花扔進垃圾桶裡。本中文書介出自《瓶中美人》麥田出版社出版Sylvia Plath is a major cultural icon who continues to inspire new generations of female readers. The Bell Jar is one of the defining novels of the 20th century.I was supposed to be having the time of my life . . .Working as an intern for a New York fashion magazine in the summer of 1953, Esther Greenwood is on the brink of her future. Yet she is also on the edge of a darkness that makes her world increasingly unreal. Esther’s vision of the world shimmers and shifts: day-to-day living in the sultry city, her crazed men-friends, the hot dinner dances . . .The Bell Jar, Sylvia Plath’s only novel, is partially based on Plath’s own life. It has been celebrated for its darkly funny and razor sharp portrait of 1950s society, and has sold millions of copies worldwide."


作者介紹 Sylvia PlathSylvia Plath (1932-1963) was born in Boston, Massachusetts, and studied at Smith College. In 1955 she went to Cambridge University on a Fulbright scholarship, where she met and later married Ted Hughes. She published one collection of poems in her lifetime, The Colossus (1960), and a novel, The Bell Jar (1963); Ariel was published posthumously in 1965. Her Collected Poems, which contains her poetry written from 1956 until her death, was published in 1981 and was awarded the Pulitzer Prize for poetry.Beya RebaiBeya Rebai is based in Paris where she's born in 1995. She studied illustration in Brussels, Belgium, during three years. She proceeded with a master degree in Paris. Fascinated by colour, especially by the artistic current of the Nabis, she builds her drawings with a narrow and carefully selected colour range. Beya always has a sketchbook during her travels with some wax pastels, she draws what she sees, but in her way, with a lot of colours.


書名 / The Bell Jar (Illustrated Ed.)
作者 / Sylvia Plath
簡介 / The Bell Jar (Illustrated Ed.):【美國天才詩人 傳奇女作家雪維亞.普拉絲SylviaPlath經典作品《瓶中美人》紀念彩色插圖精裝版】Ifeltverystillandempty,thewaytheeyeofa
ISBN13 / 9780571373079
ISBN10 / 0571373070
EAN / 9780571373079
誠品26碼 / 2682231700003
頁數 / 272
注音版 /
裝訂 / H:精裝
語言 / 3:英文
尺寸 / 23.4X15.3X0CM
級別 / N:無


最佳賣點 : 美國天才女詩人Syvia Plath小說代表作‧插圖版