The Great Gatsby (Illustrated Ed.) | 誠品線上


作者 史考特.費茲傑羅
出版社 Hachette Book Group USA
商品描述 The Great Gatsby (Illustrated Ed.):《大亨小傳》Firstpublishedin1925byCharlesScribner'sSons,TheGreatGatsbysoldmodestlyandreceivedmixedreviewsfromliterarycritics


內容簡介 《大亨小傳》以一位剛畢業的社會新鮮人尼克為主角,窺探了自己表妹黛西與其丈夫湯姆,以及鄰居蓋茨比三人間的戀愛情事。蓋茨比是誰?幾乎所有的人皆對此抱有不同的看法。有人說他曾經殺過人、有人聽說他是個德國間諜,更有人說他其實是貴族的後裔……許許多多的人在蓋茨比那如皇宮般豪華的別墅享受著佳餚與美酒,卻沒有一個人了解這宴會的主人。唯有尼克,他看穿了蓋茨比隱藏在渾沌虛偽、繁華人潮中的純淨心靈──他朝無邊的黑夜伸出雙手、透過一盞綠燈訴說衷情,他在等一個人。然而,縱使蓋茨比交予一片真心,已然成為人妻、內心被私欲所佔據的黛西卻無法給出任何回應,最終讓這段戀情以悲劇作結。費茲傑羅曾這麼形容《大亨小傳》:「這部小說的重心在『幻象的消滅』,正是這種幻象才使得這個世界那麼鮮豔。你無須理會事情的真跟假,只要它們沾上了那份魔術般的光彩就行了。」他以一件男女情事,帶領讀者體會當時美國爵士時代的縱情享樂和徬徨迷茫,也用以抒發自身的傷疤與故事,最終成了最具美國1920年代特色的作品。本中文書介出自《大亨小傳》笛藤出版圖書有限公司出版A beautifully illustrated version of the original 1925 edition of F. Scott Fitzgerald's classic Great American novel.Widely considered to be the greatest American novel of all time, The Great Gatsby is the story of the wealthy, quixotic Jay Gatsby and his obsessive love for debutante Daisy Buchanan. It is also a cautionary tale of the American Dream in all its exuberance, decadence, hedonism, and passion.First published in 1925 by Charles Scribner's Sons, The Great Gatsby sold modestly and received mixed reviews from literary critics of the time. Upon his death in 1940, Fitzgerald believed the book to be a failure, but a year later, as the U.S. was in the grips of the Second World War, an initiative known as Council on Books in Wartime was created to distribute paperbacks to soldiers abroad. The Great Gatsby became one of the most popular books provided to regiments, with more than 100,000 copies shipped to soldiers overseas. By 1960, the book was selling apace and being incorporated into classrooms across the nation. Today, it has sold over 25 million copies worldwide in 42 languages.This exquisitely rendered edition of the original 1925 printing reintroduces readers to Fitzgerald's iconic portrait of the Jazz Age, complete with specially commissioned illustrations by Adam Simpson that reflect the gilded splendor of the Roaring Twenties."


作者介紹 F. Scott Fitzgerald (1896 - 1940) is widely regarded as one of the greatest American writers of the 20th century. He completed four novels in his lifetime, including This Side of Paradise, The Beautiful and Damned, The Great Gatsby, and Tender is the Night, as well as a fifth unfinished work, The Last Tycoon, which was published posthumously. He is also the author of numerous short stories.Adam Simpson studied at Edinburgh College of Art, Rhode Island School of Design and the Royal College of Art in London. His work encompasses a mixture of commissioned and self-initiated projects. Adam has contributed to exhibitions and book fairs in London, New York, Edinburgh and Bologna, as well as numerous Japanese art museums. His work has been shortlisted for a British Design Award and he was included in the Art Directors Club Young Guns awards. Adam's clients range from newspapers and magazines, to publishing and design agencies worldwide, including BAFTA, the SFMOMA, the New Yorker, and the New York Times. He works from his studio in south east London, overlooking the Thames.


書名 / The Great Gatsby (Illustrated Ed.)
作者 / 史考特.費茲傑羅
簡介 / The Great Gatsby (Illustrated Ed.):《大亨小傳》Firstpublishedin1925byCharlesScribner'sSons,TheGreatGatsbysoldmodestlyandreceivedmixedreviewsfromliterarycritics
出版社 / Hachette Book Group USA
ISBN13 / 9780762498130
ISBN10 / 0762498137
EAN / 9780762498130
誠品26碼 / 2682000478003
頁數 / 208
注音版 /
裝訂 / H:精裝
語言 / 3:英文
尺寸 / 21.8X16.3X2.7CM
級別 / N:無


最佳賣點 : 美國經典文學名著《大亨小傳》爵士年代風格插畫版
