BE 2.0 (Beyond Entrepreneurship 2.0): Turning Your Business into an Enduring Great Company | 誠品線上

恆久卓越的修煉: 掌握永續藍圖, 厚植營運韌性, 在挑戰與變動中躍升

作者 詹姆.柯林斯/ 比爾.雷吉爾
商品描述 BE 2.0 (Beyond Entrepreneurship 2.0): Turning Your Business into an Enduring Great Company:《恆久卓越的修煉:掌握永續藍圖,厚植營運韌性,在挑戰與變動中躍升》FromJ


內容簡介 《從A到A+》作者 Jim Collins 企業組織優化的方法Jim Collins 將他的經典著作Beyond Entrepreneurship全新修訂,並加入了新的章節內容,提供了未來世界的創業思考、企業組織優化的方法。詹姆‧柯林斯是深刻影響全球CEO與經理人的管理大師,被《富比士》譽為全球百位最偉大商管思想家,曾出版《基業長青》、《從A到A+》等暢銷經典,系列著作不僅是管理界必讀,更在全球創下千萬本銷售紀錄。柯林斯從在史丹佛商學院執教、到成立企管研究實驗室,都專注探究一個主題:同樣是從新創開始,為何有些企業能夠屹立數十年,甚至成為改變世界的公司?柯林斯研究發現,卓越的企業雖然罕見,卻絕非新鮮事,不同時代都有領導人引領企業長期成功,其中許多致勝關鍵其實是在企業創立初期就養成,不僅經得起時間考驗、更是現今企業面對快速變動的市場,迫切需要的指引。柯林斯決定將這些成功經營的基石重新帶回市場。三十年前,柯林斯與人生導師比爾‧雷吉爾共同在史丹佛商學院開設「創業與小企業管理」,非常受歡迎,兩個人並將課程精華撰寫成書,當時一出版即成為矽谷經典。那本書也是Netflix創辦人里德‧海斯汀(Reed Hastings)創業路上最重要的一本參考書,每年都重讀一遍,打造出今日的串流巨人。三十年後,柯林斯再整合多年研究獲得的洞見與體悟,新增四篇全新章節、十五篇新論述,寫成《恆久卓越的修煉》。不只擴充、更新內容,柯林斯更總結生涯所有著作精華,提出企業恆久卓越的藍圖,從人才、思維到行動,分階段詳細指出企業持續成長的路徑,即使遭遇挫敗、偏離軌道,也能再起。二十一世紀的前二十一年教會我們,沒有「新常態」,只有一連串「非正常」。在市場劇烈變動、科技快速顛覆的現在,要成為恆久卓越的企業更加困難,也更需要有紀律的行動。柯林斯分析,今天的大企業,也都曾是小新創,卓越的根基愈早奠定,愈可能具備挺過危機、翻轉頹勢的能耐。書中從用人、領導、願景、策略、創新到執行,把抽象遙遠的「卓越」拆解成可設定、可執行的明確「要素」,這張藍圖也收納了柯林斯最為人熟知的重點概念,例如找對人上車、第五級領導、二十哩行軍、轉動飛輪、提高運氣報酬率等,不管是身處哪一階段、哪種規模的企業,都能找到切入點、依循前進,一步步帶領公司邁向卓越。卓越不是終點,而是途徑──是引領我們持續進步、持續追求的路。人才──要攀登無人攀登過的高山、面對難以預料的風險,最佳避險之道是確認綁在繩子另一端的夥伴是對的人,無論發生什麼狀況,他都能應付。領導──唯有當人們擁有不追隨領導人的自由,卻仍願意追隨時,領導力才真正存在。願景──企業要長青,願景不可或缺。如果創業是打贏獨立戰爭,確立願景就是制定憲法,是指引企業不斷前進的核心價值。創新──好點子從來不缺,缺的是樂於接受各種想法的態度。執行──再出色的願景與策略,無法好好執行,永遠無法躍升卓越。企業五百強中,近九成領導人將成功歸功於「完美執行」本中文書介出自《恆久卓越的修煉: 掌握永續藍圖, 厚植營運韌性, 在挑戰與變動中躍升》天下雜誌股份有限公司出版From Jim Collins, the most influential business thinker of our era, comes an ambitious upgrade of his classic, Beyond Entrepreneurship, that includes all-new findings and world-changing insights.What’s the roadmap to create a company that not only survives its infancy but thrives, changing the world for decades to come?Nine years before the publication of his epochal bestseller Good to Great, Jim Collins and his mentor, Bill Lazier, answered this question in their bestselling book, Beyond Entrepreneurship.Beyond Entrepreneurship left a definitive mark on the business community, influencing the young pioneers who were, at that time, creating the technology revolution that was birthing in Silicon Valley. Decades later, successive generations of entrepreneurs still turn to the strategies outlined in Beyond Entrepreneurship to answer the most pressing business questions.BE 2.0 is a new and improved version of the book that Jim Collins and Bill Lazier wrote years ago. In BE 2.0, Jim Collins honors his mentor, Bill Lazier, who passed away in 2005, and reexamines the original text of Beyond Entrepreneurship with his 2020 perspective.The book includes the original text of Beyond Entrepreneurship, as well as four new chapters and fifteen new essays. BE 2.0 pulls together the key concepts across Collins’ thirty years of research into one integrated framework called The Map. The result is a singular reading experience, which presents a unified vision of company creation that will fascinate not only Jim’s millions of dedicated readers worldwide, but also introduce a new generation to his remarkable work."


作者介紹 Jim Collins has produced a succession of transformative leadership books, notably Good to Great, Built to Last, How the Mighty Fall, and Great by Choice, which form the centerpiece of every leadership library around the world. Jim Collins himself has become the world’s leading thinker on what makes great companies tick, and a Socratic advisor to CEOs and leaders worldwide.


書名 / BE 2.0 (Beyond Entrepreneurship 2.0): Turning Your Business into an Enduring Great Company
作者 / 詹姆.柯林斯 比爾.雷吉爾
簡介 / BE 2.0 (Beyond Entrepreneurship 2.0): Turning Your Business into an Enduring Great Company:《恆久卓越的修煉:掌握永續藍圖,厚植營運韌性,在挑戰與變動中躍升》FromJ
ISBN13 / 9780399564239
ISBN10 / 0399564233
EAN / 9780399564239
誠品26碼 / 2681935617006
頁數 / 352
注音版 /
裝訂 / H:精裝
語言 / 3:英文
尺寸 / 23.6X15.6X2.9CM
級別 / N:無
