The Corrections | 誠品線上


作者 強納森.法蘭岑
出版社 Macmillan Publishing Services
商品描述 The Corrections:《修正》Afteralmostfiftyyearsasawifeandmother,EnidLambertisreadytohavesomefun.Unfortunately,herhusband,Alfred,islosinghissanitytoParkinson’sdi


內容簡介 修正會帶來希望?還是為了逃離無從化解的過去……這是一個家的故事,一個關於回家的故事,唯有解開那些未被承認的過往,回家的燈才會真正點亮。《時代》雜誌譽為最偉大的小說家,震驚文學世界之作2001年美國國家書卷獎得獎作2005年入選《時代》雜誌百大英語小說《修正》毋寧是法蘭岑個人的一次小小的復仇,一次絶境反擊,在網路稱霸影像稱雄的虛擬世界領土上,為文學為書寫扳回了一城。這一家人被責任和義務捆縛在一起,被愛與罪來回折磨,與那些循環往復的需要奮戰:諒解的需要、解釋的需要、解開未被承認的傷害(它們被深深埋在壓抑的記憶裡)之謎的需要。--《紐約時報》書評讀者想要的小說元素,這本書應有盡有——《紐約時報》書評故事從虛擬小鎮上老房子裡一對老夫妻的生活樣態開始,四、五十年的婚姻過下來,對彼此只剩下「互不干擾、相安無事」的期待。於是,在三層樓大的空間裡隔著樓層想「聽」對方的動靜(卻聽不到);於是,「雜物vs.好物」的認定及地盤攻防戰,每天比兩老的對話還殷勤地展開。三個早已搬到美國東岸生活的孩子,長子有事業、有家庭、有名銜、有財富;次子有學術地位、有聰明才智、有冒險性格;么女時尚美麗、才華洋溢、能力出眾。但他們各自有對家、對感情的內心衝突得想辦法處理,也有自我價值認知的空白待填補。法蘭岑透過高潮迭起的劇情發展,讓人物遊走在教授與嬉皮、健全光鮮與壓抑憂鬱、男女歡與女女愛、文青與黑幫、紐約靡華與立陶宛追殺、發明家與被迫害者、情慾與情愛、誠實與謊騙、盲從與棄守、求生與求死、最想愛人與最得不到愛……之間活靈活現,讓讀者在這架構看似簡單的家庭故事裡,讀到豐富、超越想像又極度真實的世界。我小說中的家庭,是一邊完美地運作,一邊被折磨人心的衝突撕扯——法蘭岑原生家庭幾乎是個人性格、觀點的養成藍圖,與家人之間的愛怨糾葛,往往在不知不覺間影響了我們看待世界的態度與角度,影響力甚至可以持續數十年。而那些始終被壓抑到記憶底處、未被完成的解釋、未被承認的傷害,讓回家這條路變得何其漫長。 這本小說除了談家庭,更不改法蘭岑以小窺大,進一步省視美國、批判美國的本色。從經濟到文化,從表象的華美到泡沫化後的坑疤,法蘭岑下筆絕不手軟。這個許多人追求的美好國度,法蘭岑並不驕傲,也不寬貸。我們一直在等這樣一本小說——《君子》雜誌這是被美國《時代》雜誌譽為最偉大小說家的強納森.法蘭岑,在2001年911事件前幾天出版的一本關於「回家」的小說,他以這本小說震驚世界文學讀者,拿下美國國家圖書獎、獲普利茲獎提名,奠定了他的文學地位。本中文書介出《修正》新經典圖文傳播有限公司出版#1 NEW YORK TIMES BestsellerNATIONAL BOOK AWARD WINNER“A spellbinding novel” (People) from the New York Times bestselling author Jonathan Franzen, the author of Crossroads, The Corrections is a comic, tragic epic of worlds colliding: an old-fashioned world of civic virtue and sexual inhibitions, a new world of home surveillance, hands-off parenting, do-it-yourself mental health care, and globalized greed.After almost fifty years as a wife and mother, Enid Lambert is ready to have some fun. Unfortunately, her husband, Alfred, is losing his sanity to Parkinson’s disease, and their children have long since flown the family nest to the catastrophes of their own lives.The oldest, Gary, a once-stable portfolio manager and family man, is trying to convince his wife and himself that, despite certain alarming indicators, he is not clinically depressed. The middle child, Chip, has lost his seemingly secure academic job and is failing spectacularly at his new line of work. And Denise, the youngest, has escaped a disastrous marriage only to pour her youth and beauty down the drain of an affair with a married man―or so her mother fears.Desperate for some pleasure to look forward to, Enid has set her heart on an elusive goal: bringing her family together for one last Christmas at home."


作者介紹 Jonathan FranzenJonathan Franzen is the author of novels such as The Corrections (2001), Freedom (2010), and Crossroads (2021), and works of nonfiction, including Farther Away (2012) and The End of the End of the Earth (2018), all published by Farrar, Straus and Giroux. He lives in Santa Cruz, California.


書名 / The Corrections
作者 / 強納森.法蘭岑
簡介 / The Corrections:《修正》Afteralmostfiftyyearsasawifeandmother,EnidLambertisreadytohavesomefun.Unfortunately,herhusband,Alfred,islosinghissanitytoParkinson’sdi
出版社 / Macmillan Publishing Services
ISBN13 / 9781250824028
ISBN10 / 1250824028
EAN / 9781250824028
誠品26碼 / 2682054809006
頁數 / 576
注音版 /
裝訂 / P:平裝
語言 / 3:英文
尺寸 / 21X13.7X0.1CM
級別 / N:無
