The Gray Man (Netflix Movie Tie-in Ed.) | 誠品線上

The Gray Man (Netflix Movie Tie-in Ed.)

作者 Mark Greaney
商品描述 The Gray Man (Netflix Movie Tie-in Ed.):【Netflix2022最新電影《灰影人》原著小說!雷恩·葛斯林、克里斯·伊凡主演】ThefirstGrayMannovelfrom#1NewYorkTimesbestsellin


內容簡介 Netflix 2022最新電影《灰影人》原著小說雷恩·葛斯林、克里斯·伊凡主演★《獵殺紅色十月》、《全面封鎖》作者湯姆.克蘭西的御用合著作家──馬克.格雷尼的長篇特務懸疑小說。★Netflix史上最高預算,最吸睛卡司╳實力派導演攜手合作!★耗資兩億美金力邀羅素兄弟執導,打造「最強特務宇宙」。★金球獎影帝Ryan Gosling飾演「灰影人」寇特.詹特利「美國隊長」Chris Evans出演「壞壞惹人愛反派」洛伊.漢森。全球知名驚悚小說家李查德盛情推薦:「堅定、毫不退縮──這正是驚悚故事所具備的元素。」那些躲在暗處的人稱他為「灰影人」。但對「灰影人」來說,殺戮與生存之間,卻沒有灰色地帶。他究竟是為了別人而殺人?還是為了活下去而殺人?灰影人要證明,兩者之間早已沒有區別。寇特.詹特利曾是中情局最精銳的頂級特務,他沒有親人、朋友,只有關於他的流言在特務界不斷流傳。寡言、低調、來去無蹤的他,只要出手總是彈無虛發,精準完成所有任務。在「業界」裡,他就是傳說中的「灰影人」。「這世上總有該被除掉的壞人。」──這是他唯一的信條,他每一次殺人的原因。然而,黑暗注定如影隨形。在一次暗殺任務後,他被非洲獨裁者盯上。他在中情局的前同事洛伊動用所有火力,甚至派出上百人監視整個歐洲大陸,只為取得「灰影人」的項上人頭。作為要脅,洛伊還擄走詹特利的管理人一家五口。為了解救因他而被綁架的無辜夫婦和八歲雙胞胎女孩,他必須在短短四天內橫跨整個歐洲,從覆滿白雪的瑞士高山到充滿觀光客與「街頭藝術家」的花都巴黎,獨自對付來自十二國的五十多位超頂尖殺手。在血汗、背叛、金錢交織的慾望漩渦中,灰影人能否堅守他的信條,成功完成救援?智力、勇氣、子彈、火藥與近身肉搏, 只有其中一方死亡,才是一切的終結。【各家推薦】「我愛極了灰影人。」──紐約時報暢銷榜第一名作家李查德「這是新世紀的傑森包恩。」──紐約時報暢銷榜第一名作家詹姆士.羅林斯「優質的懸疑作品,每一頁都沒有任何喘息的空間。如果讀者想要找一本充滿速度與激情的動作片小說,這是很好的選擇。」──芝加哥太陽報「從第一頁開始,子彈橫飛、遍地陳屍,在一片大屠殺中,詹特利擁護著自己的道德原則,著實是引人入勝的主角。」──《書單》雜誌(Booklist)本中文書介出自《灰影人》野人文化股份有限公司出版NOW A NETFLIX FILM STARRING RYAN GOSLING, CHRIS EVANS, AND ANA DE ARMASThe first Gray Man novel from #1 New York Times bestselling author Mark Greaney.To those who lurk in the shadows, he’s known as the Gray Man. He is a legend in the covert realm, moving silently from job to job, accomplishing the impossible and then fading away. And he always hits his target. Always.But there are forces more lethal than Gentry in the world. Forces like money. And power. And there are men who hold these as the only currency worth fighting for. In their eyes, Gentry has just outlived his usefulness. But Court Gentry is going to prove that, for him, there’s no gray area between killing for a living and killing to stay alive…."


作者介紹 Mark Greaney Mark Greaney has a degree in international relations and political science. In his research for the Gray Man novels, including Agent in Place, Gunmetal Gray, Back Blast, Dead Eye, Ballistic, On Target, and The Gray Man, he traveled to more than fifteen countries and trained alongside military and law enforcement in the use of firearms, battlefield medicine, and close-range combative tactics. He is also the author of the New York Times bestsellers Tom Clancy Support and Defend, Tom Clancy Full Force and Effect, Tom Clancy Commander in Chief, and Tom Clancy True Faith and Allegiance. With Tom Clancy, he coauthored Locked On, Threat Vector, and Command Authority.


書名 / The Gray Man (Netflix Movie Tie-in Ed.)
作者 / Mark Greaney
簡介 / The Gray Man (Netflix Movie Tie-in Ed.):【Netflix2022最新電影《灰影人》原著小說!雷恩·葛斯林、克里斯·伊凡主演】ThefirstGrayMannovelfrom#1NewYorkTimesbestsellin
ISBN13 / 9780593547595
ISBN10 / 0593547594
EAN / 9780593547595
誠品26碼 / 2682167933001
頁數 / 464
注音版 /
裝訂 / M:口袋裝
語言 / 3:英文
尺寸 / 20X13X2CM
級別 / N:無
