In the Land of the Cyclops | 誠品線上

In the Land of the Cyclops

作者 Karl Ove Knausgaard
出版社 Macmillan Publishing Services
商品描述 In the Land of the Cyclops:【北歐大陸冷冽視角,書寫生命、藝術與哲學的深度思索】挪威作家KarlOveKnausgaard繼充滿爭議和話題性的自傳系列作“MyStruggle”後,帶來這


內容簡介 挪威作家Karl Ove Knausgaard繼充滿爭議和話題性的自傳系列作“My Struggle”後,帶來這本較為平靜卻深刻的散文集,談論他對於藝術創作、文學的哲思。 他用一種近於愛默森式的寫作手法,以冷靜的目光觀察、分析,並以誠實、直白的方式討論。 在18篇散文中,他運用非常多攝影藝術作品作為討論的例子,包括以畫面格大膽強烈、概念藝術攝影師Cindy Sherman, 拍攝孩童裸露照而引發爭議的攝影師Sally Mann, 以裸女人像聞名的Francesca Woodman 和當代英國實驗攝影師Stephen Gill等,他思考何謂藝術?藝術的產生與社群的關係為何?藝術家是否該設定界線?藝術是否反映著內在的現實?藉由不同類型的攝影作品,他尋找著答案。 對於文學創作,他也提出過去對小說寫作的「默契」,作者必須消失在他們的作品中,許多當代評論認為評價一本小說,必須將作者的出身背景與之抽離,但這「完全虛構」真的無此重要嗎?他也質疑,現代小說缺乏誠懇與坦白,出現太多「不能太冒犯的主題」、「不能太討厭的角色」和「不能太令人失望的結局」,是否反而背離藝術反映現實的心? 以平易近人的筆調,冷冽卻優雅,書寫對藝術─乃至於人生的詰問。 From the New York Times bestselling author of the My Struggle series comes a collection of ambitious, remarkably erudite essays on art, literature, culture, and philosophy. In the Land of the Cyclops is Karl Ove Knausgaard’s first collection of essays to be published in English. In these wide-ranging pieces, he reflects openly and with penetrating intelligence on Ingmar Bergman’s notebooks, Anselm Kiefer, the northern lights, Madame Bovary, Rembrandt, and the role of an editor. Accompanied by black-and-white reproductions throughout, these essays illuminate Cindy Sherman’s shadowlands, the sublime mystery of Sally Mann’s vision, and the serious play of Francesca Woodman. They capture Knausgaard’s remarkable ability to mediate between the personal and the universal, between life and art. Each piece glimmers with his candor and his longing to authentically see, understand, and experience the world.


作者介紹 Karl Ove KnausgaardKarl Ove Knausgaard was born in Norway in 1968. My Struggle has won countless international literary awards and has been translated into at least fifteen languages. Knausgaard lives in Sweden with his wife and four children.Damion SearlsDamion Searls is an American writer and translator. He grew up in New York and studied at Harvard University and the University of California, Berkeley. He specializes in translating literary works from Western European languages such as German, Norwegian, French, and Dutch. Among the authors he has translated are Marcel Proust, Rainer Maria Rilke, Robert Walser, Ingeborg Bachmann, Thomas Bernhard, Kurt Schwitters, Peter Handke, Jon Fosse, and Nescio.


書名 / In the Land of the Cyclops
作者 / Karl Ove Knausgaard
簡介 / In the Land of the Cyclops:【北歐大陸冷冽視角,書寫生命、藝術與哲學的深度思索】挪威作家KarlOveKnausgaard繼充滿爭議和話題性的自傳系列作“MyStruggle”後,帶來這
出版社 / Macmillan Publishing Services
ISBN13 / 9780374265601
ISBN10 / 0374265607
EAN / 9780374265601
誠品26碼 / 2682307678007
頁數 / 416
注音版 /
裝訂 / P:平裝
語言 / 3:英文
尺寸 / 21.1X13.7X2.5CM
級別 / N:無


最佳賣點 : 北歐大陸冷冽視角,書寫生命、藝術與哲學的深度思索