Neverwhere | 誠品線上


作者 Neil Gaiman
商品描述 Neverwhere:《無有鄉》UnderthestreetsofLondonthere’saworldmostpeoplecouldneverevendreamof.Acityofmonstersandsaints,murderersandangels.Thisisthecityofthepeoplew


內容簡介 1999年法國最佳奇科幻小說Julia Verlanger Award洛杉磯時報(LA Times)年度暢銷書top 3舊金山紀事報(San Francisco Chronicle)年度暢銷書奇科幻雜誌《軌跡》年度暢銷書第一世上有兩個倫敦。有上層倫敦,那是一般人住的地方;有下層倫敦,那裡住著從世界裂縫掉下來的人。理查•馬修在路上救了一個受傷的女孩,人生從此改變。那晚之前,他有工作,有未婚妻,有個家,還有一個很有意義的生活;那晚之後,未婚妻忘了他是誰,他的公寓被當作待售屋賣掉,同事不認識他,路人看不見他。理查•馬修這個人像被修正液塗掉,消失在這個世界上。為了找回自己的生活,理查追著女孩進入「下層倫敦」--那是一個光怪陸離的世界,而且危機四伏。女孩告訴理查,她的家人是「開啟者」,可以在沒有門的地方無中生門,不須鑰匙就能將鎖住的門打開,但也因此遭人殺害。她答應理查,只要幫她找出凶手,她就帶理查去見天使伊斯靈頓,讓他恢復被抹除以前的生活。然而,在「下層」待得越久,理查就越感到不可思議:這裡有能跟老鼠溝通的鼠言人、憑空出現的地鐵站、在百貨公司裡舉行的深夜市集、像人又像動物的奇異居民。即使他依舊想回家,現實與幻想的界線、上層與下層倫敦的模樣,卻在他心中漸漸變得模糊難辨……某個時刻,你會覺得自己彷彿不屬於這世界。某些瞬間,你好像變透明了,沒人看得見你。在恍惚的時候,你似乎看見了不屬於這世界的東西。此時,如果你打開了正確的「門」,一趟特別的旅程就將展開。在這部猶如紙上蒙太奇的瑰麗成人童話中,作家尼爾.蓋曼打造了一把開啟想像與未知的神祕之鑰,引領我們進入夢境般詭譎、卻又真實可及的冒險。現實與奇幻的接壤,或許比我們以為的更貼近。蓋曼以各個地鐵站為經緯,深入刻畫倫敦這座城市。帶給曾在倫敦居住者鄉愁之感,而未曾去過倫敦的讀者,也會興起一探倫敦的心情。本中文書介出自《無有鄉》木馬文化事業有限公司出版National BestsellerFrom #1 New York Times bestselling author Neil Gaiman, a novel of bold creativity and narrative genius that brings to life a world most people could never even dream of―one of ten classic Gaiman works repackaged with elegant original watercolor art by acclaimed artist Henry Sene YeeUnder the streets of London there’s a world most people could never even dream of. A city of monsters and saints, murderers and angels. This is the city of the people who have fallen between the cracks. A single act of kindness to a ragged girl he finds injured on the street catapults young businessman Richard Mayhew out of his workaday life into a world that is both familiar and threateningly bizarre.Displaying bold creativity and narrative genius, Neverwhere is a dark, funny, and seductive tale that has become a contemporary literary touchstone."


作者介紹 Neil GaimanNeil Gaiman is a #1 New York Times bestselling author of books for children and adults whose award-winning titles include Norse Mythology, American Gods, The Graveyard Book, Good Omens (with Terry Pratchett), Coraline, and The Sandman graphic novels. Neil Gaiman is a Goodwill Ambassador for UNHCR and Professor in the Arts at Bard College.


書名 / Neverwhere
作者 / Neil Gaiman
簡介 / Neverwhere:《無有鄉》UnderthestreetsofLondonthere’saworldmostpeoplecouldneverevendreamof.Acityofmonstersandsaints,murderersandangels.Thisisthecityofthepeoplew
ISBN13 / 9780063070721
ISBN10 / 0063070723
EAN / 9780063070721
誠品26碼 / 2682010370007
頁數 / 464
注音版 /
裝訂 / P:平裝
語言 / 3:英文
尺寸 / 20.3X13.5X2.7CM
級別 / N:無


最佳賣點 : The #1 New York Times-bestselling author's ultimate edition of his wildly successful first novel featuring his "preferred text" and including the special Neverwhere tale "How the Marquis Got His Coat Back."