Trigger Warning | 誠品線上

Trigger Warning

作者 Neil Gaiman
商品描述 Trigger Warning:Inthiswide-rangingcollectionofshortfiction,NeilGaimanpiercestheveilofrealitytorevealtheenigmatic,shadowyworldthatliesbeneath.Thisrichcompendium


內容簡介 推理、奇幻、科幻、繪本、劇本、詩,無一不精的全能作家―― 尼爾‧蓋曼繼《易碎物》、《煙與鏡》後最新短篇集。 一出版,即空降紐約時報排行榜冠軍。 我們需要提防的是什麼?是我們自己。 觸發警告:點擊某連結後會連往令人不安、焦慮、恐懼,觸痛創傷的影像或敘述。蓋曼認為與其等待哪天自己的作品被人加上「觸發警告」,不如自己先放。因為你永遠不知道作家筆下的哪些字句會是導火線,觸發你內心的小小機關,令你跌入那道躲藏在生命裡、布滿陷阱的黑暗長廊,再也不見天日……〈關於卡珊卓〉所有人都告訴我,他們和我那個初戀女友在臉書上聯繫上了。這似乎是件值得慶賀的事情,問題是,他們不知道,那個叫卡珊卓的女孩只是我在十四歲時幻想出來的……〈喀哩喀啦沙沙包〉這個小男孩問我知不知道一種叫「喀哩喀啦」的怪物。我滿心以為這只是他的腦袋瓜裡的無傷大雅的想像之一,但他卻將我拖進了他腦中的黑暗裡……〈無點〉平凡無奇的某一天,某個戴著兔子面具的陌生人,前來拜訪布朗寧家,並且大手筆地買下他們的房子,將他們趕了出去。本來以為大賺一筆的布朗寧一家人,離開之後,卻發現所有房子都被陌生人買了下來,他們再也無處可去。那些戴著動物面具的陌生人,究竟有什麼打算?收錄二十五篇風格各異,但同樣都充滿無人能夠模仿的尼爾蓋曼風格的精采短篇。其中包含:英國三大文化象徵――福爾摩斯〈死亡與蜂蜜事件〉、大衛鮑伊〈瘦白公爵歸來〉、超時空博士(Doctor Who)〈無點〉的衍生小說,以及蓋曼和讀者以推特合作完成的十二篇古怪又充滿詩意的極短篇〈故事曆〉、白雪公主和睡美人擔綱演出,顛覆童話的〈沉睡者與紡錘〉,以及蓋曼廣受歡迎的代表性長篇《美國眾神》主角影子的又一詭異冒險〈黑犬〉。【讀者迴響】美國、英國亞馬遜讀者4顆星評價。Goodreaders超過兩萬筆登錄。本中文書介出自《觸發警告》獨步文化出版From one of the most critically acclaimed and beloved storytellers of our time comes a major new collection of stories, now available in a pulp-inspired mass market edition with cover art by renowned artist Robert McGinnis!In this wide-ranging collection of short fiction, Neil Gaiman pierces the veil of reality to reveal the enigmatic, shadowy world that lies beneath. This rich compendium features stories and poetry that transport us deep into the realm of imagination—where the fantastical becomes real and the everyday incandescent—including an original American Gods novella in which Shadow Moon finds himself drawn into the dark and murderous mystery of the “Black Dog” in the English Peak District.Horror and ghost stories, speculative fiction and fairy tales, fabulism and verse—all combine to illustrate the strength and breadth of Gaiman's storytelling mastery and cement his reputation as one of the finest writers at work today."


作者介紹 Neil GaimanNeil Gaiman is a #1 New York Times bestselling author of books for children and adults whose award-winning titles include Norse Mythology, American Gods, The Graveyard Book, Good Omens (with Terry Pratchett), Coraline, and The Sandman graphic novels. Neil Gaiman is a Goodwill Ambassador for UNHCR and Professor in the Arts at Bard College.


書名 / Trigger Warning
作者 / Neil Gaiman
簡介 / Trigger Warning:Inthiswide-rangingcollectionofshortfiction,NeilGaimanpiercestheveilofrealitytorevealtheenigmatic,shadowyworldthatliesbeneath.Thisrichcompendium
ISBN13 / 9780063052048
ISBN10 / 0063052040
EAN / 9780063052048
誠品26碼 / 2682010366000
頁數 / 384
注音版 /
裝訂 / M:口袋裝
語言 / 3:英文
尺寸 / 16.8X10.6X2.4CM
級別 / N:無
