Immune: A Journey into the Mysterious System That Keeps You Alive | 誠品線上

Immune: A Journey into the Mysterious System That Keeps You Alive

作者 Philipp Dettmer
出版社 Penguin Random House LLC
商品描述 Immune: A Journey into the Mysterious System That Keeps You Alive:【YouTube千萬訂閱!德國本地排名第一科普YouTube頻道Kurzgesagt–InaNutshell】菲利普.德特默《免


內容簡介 紐時暢榜科普書免疫學YouTube千萬訂閱!德國本地排名第一科普 YouTube 頻道 Kurzgesagt – In a Nutshell YouTube人氣科普頻道主筆戴特墨帶領讀者踏上穿越人體堡壘之旅。免疫系統的複雜性僅次於人腦,對生命至關重要。每章搭配彩圖深入研究免疫系統的一個元素。以深入淺出的文字佐以繽紛的視覺資訊圖表(infographics)帶領讀者探索人體內複雜度僅次於腦部的免疫系統。------------------------(全民醫學入門) X (人體免疫軍備全解說) X (彩色插圖)作者菲利普.德特默:千萬點閱、YOUTUBE最受歡迎科學頻道KURZGESAGT創辦人全面瞭解抗體、發炎和疫苗等防禦機制,以及過敏、癌症、細菌的威脅。比起打造「強大的免疫系統」,要追求「免疫系統的平衡」,不再做無效養生。當你醒來時,感覺喉嚨發癢而且頭有點痛。你在幫孩子打理好準備上學的同時,為此感到有些惱火。此時在皮膚之下,有一場史詩級的戰爭正在進行當中。數以百萬計的細胞正在為你犧牲,只是為了讓你在出門時還能夠抱怨。但大多數人從未真正地停下來問——免疫系統究竟是什麼?免疫系統的複雜度僅次於人類的大腦,它是地球上生物最古老、也最關鍵的其中一面。沒有它,你會在幾天內死去。在《免疫》中,菲利普•德特默——YouTube 上最受歡迎科學頻道背後的首腦,帶領著讀者踏上了穿越人體堡壘和其防禦系統的旅程。一場規模驚人的戰鬥在身體內持續進行著,充滿了入侵、戰略、失敗和高尚自我犧牲的故事。事實上,在你閱讀本文時,免疫系統可能已經辨識出並消滅了開始在你體內生長的癌細胞。本書共45個章節,每一章篇幅不長,各自鑽研免疫系統的其中一個元素,包括抗體和發炎等防禦機制,以及像是細菌、病毒感染、過敏和癌症等威脅。德特默揭示了為什麼提升免疫系統實際上是無稽之談、寄生蟲如何避開防禦系統潛入身體、病毒是如何運作的,以及當你割傷自己時,傷口中發生了哪些事情。透過引人入勝的彩圖說明和身臨其境的描述,《免疫》將最複雜、相互關聯和令人困惑的一門學科——免疫學——變成一場扣人心弦的冒險,穿越令人驚嘆的異常景觀。當你讀完這本書,你會對免疫系統在你遭到病原體侵入時全力以赴地為你奮戰、甚至為你而死心懷感激;也會疫苗的作用原理有更清晰的理解,知道該不該讓孩子和自己接種疫苗;當你生病時,也不再會輕易聽信銷售員的花言巧語而買下大多無效的藥品;更不會害怕孩子因玩耍而弄髒身體。瞭解就是力量。邀請您進入身體至關重要的這個系統,並開始這趟重要而精彩有趣的導覽行程。本中文書介出自《免疫: 認識你的免疫系統, 45個打造身體堡壘的必備知識》鷹出版NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLER • A gorgeously illustrated deep dive into the immune system that will forever change how you think about your body, from the creator of the popular science YouTube channel Kurzgesagt—In a Nutshell “Through wonderful analogies and a genius for clarifying complex ideas, Immune is a truly brilliant introduction to the human body’s vast system for fighting infections and other threats.”—John Green, #1 New York Times bestselling author of The Fault in Our StarsYou wake up and feel a tickle in your throat. Your head hurts. You’re mildly annoyed as you get the kids ready for school and dress for work yourself. Meanwhile, an epic war is being fought, just below your skin. Millions are fighting and dying for you to be able to complain as you head out the door. But most of us never really stop to ask: What even is our immune system?Second only to the human brain in its complexity, it is one of the oldest and most critical facets of life on Earth. Without it, you would die within days. In Immune, Philipp Dettmer, the brains behind the most popular science channel on YouTube, takes readers on a journey through the fortress of the human body and its defenses. There is a constant battle of staggering scale raging within us, full of stories of invasion, strategy, defeat, and noble self-sacrifice. In fact, in the time you’ve been reading this, your immune system has probably identified and eradicated a cancer cell that started to grow in your body.Each chapter delves into an element of the immune system, including defenses like antibodies and inflammation as well as threats like bacteria, allergies, and cancer, as Dettmer reveals why boosting your immune system is actually nonsense, how parasites sneak their way past your body’s defenses, how viruses work, and what goes on in your wounds when you cut yourself.Enlivened by engaging full-color graphics and immersive descriptions, Immune turns one of the most intricate, interconnected, and confusing subjects—immunology—into a gripping adventure through an astonishing alien landscape. Immune is a vital and remarkably fun crash course in what is arguably, and increasingly, the most important system in the body."


作者介紹 Philipp Dettmer is the founder and head writer of Kurzgesagt, one of the largest science channels on YouTube with over fourteen million subscribers and one billion views. After dropping out of high school at age fifteen, Dettmer met a remarkable teacher who inspired in him a passion for learning and understanding the world. He went on to study history and information design with a focus on infographics. After college, Dettmer started Kurzgesagt as a passion project to explain complicated ideas from a holistic perspective. When the channel took off, he dedicated himself full-time to making difficult ideas engaging and accessible.


書名 / Immune: A Journey into the Mysterious System That Keeps You Alive
作者 / Philipp Dettmer
簡介 / Immune: A Journey into the Mysterious System That Keeps You Alive:【YouTube千萬訂閱!德國本地排名第一科普YouTube頻道Kurzgesagt–InaNutshell】菲利普.德特默《免
出版社 / Penguin Random House LLC
ISBN13 / 9780593241318
ISBN10 / 0593241312
EAN / 9780593241318
誠品26碼 / 2682057486006
頁數 / 368
注音版 /
裝訂 / H:精裝
語言 / 3:英文
尺寸 / 22.9X17.8X2.6CM
級別 / N:無
