Notes on an Execution | 誠品線上

Notes on an Execution

作者 Danya Kukafka
商品描述 Notes on an Execution:【反思獵奇暴力文化將同理心留給對的人】連續殺人犯將在十二小時後行刑。他不想死。他想被理解、被崇拜。母親、小姨子,還有逮捕他的女警探,三人


內容簡介 反思獵奇暴力文化 將同理心留給對的人連續殺人犯將在十二小時後行刑。他不想死。他想被理解、被崇拜。母親、小姨子,還有逮捕他的女警探,三人娓娓道來她們眼中的凶手。小說栩栩呈現凶手生活軌跡中複雜且令人心驚的女子肖像,探索受暴女子無人聞問的坎坷人生,也質疑美國文化中過度美化男性兇手、迷戀獵奇犯罪、執著於解釋暴力男心理的傾向。畢竟,受害者與家屬才是該被同理的人。Ansel Packer is scheduled to die in twelve hours. He knows what he's done, and now awaits the same fate he forced on those girls, years ago. Ansel doesn't want to die; he wants to be celebrated, understood. But this is not his story. As the clock ticks down, three women uncover the history of a tragedy and the long shadow it casts. Lavender, Ansel's mother, is a seventeen-year-old girl pushed to desperation. Hazel, twin sister to his wife, is forced to watch helplessly as the relationship threatens to devour them all. And Saffy, the detective hot on his trail, is devoted to bringing bad men to justice but struggling to see her own life clearly. This is the story of the women left behind. Blending breathtaking suspense with astonishing empathy, Notes On An Execution presents a chilling portrait of womanhood as it unravels the familiar narrative of the American serial killer, interrogating our cultural obsession with crime stories, and asking readers to consider the false promise of looking for meaning in the minds of violent men."


作者介紹 Danya KukafkaDanya Kukafka is the internationally bestselling author of Girl in Snow. She is a graduate of New York University's School of Individualized Study. She works as a literary agent.


書名 / Notes on an Execution
作者 / Danya Kukafka
簡介 / Notes on an Execution:【反思獵奇暴力文化將同理心留給對的人】連續殺人犯將在十二小時後行刑。他不想死。他想被理解、被崇拜。母親、小姨子,還有逮捕他的女警探,三人
ISBN13 / 9781474625968
ISBN10 / 1474625967
EAN / 9781474625968
誠品26碼 / 2682106101003
頁數 / 320
注音版 /
裝訂 / P:平裝
語言 / 3:英文
尺寸 / 21.6X13.5X1CM
級別 / N:無
