How To Live When A Loved One Dies | 誠品線上

How To Live When A Loved One Dies

作者 Thich Nhat Hanh
商品描述 How To Live When A Loved One Dies:一行禪師《當摯愛逝去:療癒悲痛與失去的禪修練習》Acomfortingbookthatwillofferrelieftoanyonemovingthroughintensegriefandloss,Zen


內容簡介 「他向世界傳達正念。」——《時代》(Time)雜誌一行禪師對於失去與悲痛最澄澈睿智的教誨,與你一同走過生命中最破碎和失落的時候。▌當巨大的悲痛襲來,我們在正念中穩定身心摯愛的離世,可能是我們生命中最沉重的打擊。此時我們的心就猶如暴風雨中的一棵樹,飽經摧折、遊離不定。禪師用親切近人、充滿正念能量的禪修練習,溫柔地接住我們,讓我們跟隨禪師的指導,練習接納悲痛、釋放悲痛,回復身心平和與安定。▌死亡不是結束,離去的生命將永遠延續下去我們以為,所愛之人逝去了,他們的一切也將隨著身體的分解而消逝。然而生命就如天空的雲,它能化為雨水落在江海大地,也能化為水汽重新凝聚成雲,它無時無刻都在變化,但它永遠不會消失。禪師的澄澈又溫暖的文字,一步步帶領我們越過假象,看到生命的本來面目——我們不生不滅、無來無去,所愛之人就在我們心中,我們也在所愛之人的心中。讓我們道別以能在不久後再遇我們今天相遇明天將再遇我們正在源頭相遇在每一刻我們在萬物中相遇本中文書介出自《當摯愛逝去: 療癒悲痛與失去的禪修練習》知田出版A comforting book that will offer relief to anyone moving through intense grief and loss, Zen Master Thich Nhat Hanh shares accessible, healing words of wisdom to transform our suffering.In the immediate aftermath of a loss, sometimes it is all we can do to keep breathing. With his signature clarity and compassion, Thich Nhat Hanh will guide you through the storm of emotions surrounding the death of a loved one.How To Live When A Loved One Dies offers powerful practices such as mindful breathing that will help you reconcile with death and loss, feel connected to your loved one long after they have gone and transform your grief into healing and joy."


作者介紹 Thich Nhat HanhBorn in Hue, Vietnam, Thich Nhat Hanh was a Buddhist Zen Master, poet, scholar and human rights activist. In 1967, he was nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize by Martin Luther King. He founded the Van Hanh Buddhist University in Saigon, the School of Youth and Social Service and the Plum Village Buddhist community and meditation centre in France, where he lived for many years. He was the author of many acclaimed books including Peace is Every Step, Old Path White Clouds and Fear, which have sold millions of copies around the world. In 2018, he returned to Vietnam to live at the Tu Hieu Temple, where he was first ordained when he was sixteen years old. He died on 22nd January 2022, at the age of 95.


書名 / How To Live When A Loved One Dies
作者 / Thich Nhat Hanh
簡介 / How To Live When A Loved One Dies:一行禪師《當摯愛逝去:療癒悲痛與失去的禪修練習》Acomfortingbookthatwillofferrelieftoanyonemovingthroughintensegriefandloss,Zen
ISBN13 / 9781846047114
ISBN10 / 1846047110
EAN / 9781846047114
誠品26碼 / 2682222441007
頁數 / 176
注音版 /
裝訂 / P:平裝
語言 / 3:英文
尺寸 / 17.8X11X1.3CM
級別 / N:無