Ghost Town | 誠品線上


作者 陳思宏
商品描述 Ghost Town:金鼎獎文學圖書獎獲獎作品:台灣作家陳思宏《鬼地方》英文版KeithChen,thedesperatelyyearnedforsecondsonofatraditionalTaiwanesefamilywithfivedaughters,re


內容簡介 台灣作家陳思宏《鬼地方》英文版──英譯本榮登2022年──美國《紐約時報》秋季書單永靖對我來說,是個鬼地方,我一輩子都想逃離。陳家空廢,連篇鬼話。我們終究都活不出永靖這個小地方。 這一天,一切似乎如常。剝開日常,地上有鮮血,空中有蝙蝠,田裡有死掉的河馬,萬物不祥,所有人都在崩解邊緣。 陳天宏,出身彰化永靖,一個沒什麼人聽過的小地方。他是家中么子,爸媽連生了五個沒用的女兒,最後兩胎才拚到男丁。這么子逃到德國柏林,一心與家鄉割裂,卻意外殺了同志伴侶。出獄之後,無處可去,只得返回永靖。這天,剛好是中元節。鬼門敞開,百鬼橫行,他的歸鄉,註定撞上來自過去的鬼。故事從島嶼小地方的一天說起,爸媽大姊二姊三姊四姊五姊哥哥,還有陳天宏,陳家成員輪番登場,視角切換,光怪陸離的崩壞眾生相逐遭披露,層層窺見家族的傷痕與醜陋、小鎮的祕密、時代的恐怖與無情。回到鬼地方的人怎麼面對難堪的過往?一個小地方又怎麼會變成了鬼地方?本中文書介出自《鬼地方》鏡文學股份有限公司出版BESTSELLING WINNER OF THE TAIWAN LITERATURE AWARDKeith Chen, the desperately yearned for second son of a traditional Taiwanese family with five daughters, refuses to play the role his parochial parents would cast him in. Instead, he chooses to make a life for himself in cosmopolitan Berlin, where he finally finds acceptance as a young gay man.The novel is set about a decade later, on Ghost Festival, the Day of Deliverance. After Keith’s release from a maximum security prison, he has nowhere to go but home. With his parents gone, his siblings married, mad, on the lam, or dead, there is nothing left for him there, so it seems. As he explores his uncanny home town, we learn what tore his family apart, and, more importantly, the truth behind the terrible crime Keith committed in Germany.Told in a myriad of voices—both living and dead—and moving through time with deceptive ease, Ghost Town is a mesmerizing story of family secrets, countryside superstitions, and the search for identity amid a clash of cultures."


作者介紹 Kevin ChenKevin Chen began his artistic career as a cinema actor, starring in the Taiwanese and German films Ghosted, Kung Bao Huhn, and Global Player. Now based in Germany, he is a staff writer for Performing Arts Reviews magazine. He’s published several novels, essays and short story collections, including Attitude, Flowers from Fingernails, Three Ways to Get Rid of Allergies and other titles.


書名 / Ghost Town
作者 / 陳思宏
簡介 / Ghost Town:金鼎獎文學圖書獎獲獎作品:台灣作家陳思宏《鬼地方》英文版KeithChen,thedesperatelyyearnedforsecondsonofatraditionalTaiwanesefamilywithfivedaughters,re
ISBN13 / 9781787703919
ISBN10 / 1787703916
EAN / 9781787703919
誠品26碼 / 2682261200009
頁數 / 384
注音版 /
裝訂 / P:平裝
語言 / 3:英文
尺寸 / 20.8X13.2X2.8CM
級別 / N:無


最佳賣點 : 金鼎獎文學圖書獎獲獎作品‧陳思宏《鬼地方》英文版
