The Pale Blue Eye | 誠品線上


作者 路易斯.貝雅德
商品描述 The Pale Blue Eye:Netflix同名電影《淡藍之眸》原著小說:路易斯.貝雅德《淡藍之眸》April19th,1831.IntwoorthreehoursI’llbedead.Sobeginsthechillinglasttestamentof


內容簡介 Netflix同名電影《淡藍之眸 》原著小說★榮獲愛倫‧坡獎最佳小說獎提名,震撼全球的懸疑巨作★NEFLIX以高價搶下版權,改編電影即將上線★《黑暗騎士》克里斯汀‧貝爾擔綱主演,《哈利波特系列》《后翼棄兵》哈利‧米爾林、《X檔案》吉蓮‧安德森同台飆戲★「登峰造極的犯罪小說!」──各家權威媒體與美國亞馬遜讀者★★★★★滿分盛讚!「我們看見蒼白臂膀、棕色頭髮,看見染紅的臉頰……以及陡然亮起的淡藍色眼眸。」一八三○年,美國西點軍校,一具年輕學員的屍體,一個經驗豐富的偵探,以及一位名叫愛倫‧坡的軍校生。由暢銷小說家路易斯‧貝雅德(Louis Bayard)撰寫、榮獲愛倫‧坡獎最佳小說提名的《淡藍之眸》,講述一起發生在西點軍校的謀殺案,以及其背後巨大的陰謀。故事中,負責協助主角辦案的一位年輕軍校學員,就是日後著名的作家愛倫‧坡。有趣的是,現實中,愛倫‧坡在成為舉世皆知的名人之前,確實曾經於一八三○年代入伍並就讀過西點軍校,而其在校期間正好就是小說中謀殺案發生的時間。路易斯‧貝雅德透過出神入化的寫作手法鋪陳這場驚悚的古典推理故事,緊湊掌握節奏與詭譎的時代氣氛,並融入愛倫‧坡及其著作中膾炙人口的主題,被書評盛讚「連愛倫‧坡也會為其所嘆服」,是難得一見的古典推理超群之作。▌故事大綱一八三○年的西點軍校,一名年輕軍校生遭人發現上吊身亡,打破了寧靜的十月夜晚。隔天早晨,更駭人的事隨之曝光:有人剜走了死者的心臟。曾任紐約市警探的奧古斯都‧蘭德,由於小有名氣,便受託私下訪查這樁謎案。然而辦案非得祕密進行不可,以免這樁醜聞對根基未穩的軍校造成無法挽回的打擊。但蘭德從出乎意料的盟友身上獲得了援手──一名年輕的軍校生。他性格憂鬱,好酒貪杯,寫過兩本詩集,來歷不明,對過去經歷的說法一變再變。蘭德漸漸對他心生父親般的慈愛之情,而這名來自南方、性情古怪、抑鬱寡歡的詩人,名為愛德加‧愛倫‧坡。蘭德在愛倫‧坡的幫助下,將一步步揭開這場西點軍校發生的駭人謀殺案,以及背後令人毛骨悚然的陰謀……本中文書介出自尖端出版《淡藍之眸 》**Now a major Netflix film starring Christian Bale and Gillian Anderson**April 19th, 1831. In two or three hours I’ll be dead.So begins the chilling last testament of Gus Landor, a retired New York City police constable, whose numerous talents include code-breaking, riot control and the ‘gloveless interrogation’. A young cadet has been found hanged at a military academy on the shores of the Hudson River. Before his body could be buried, however, it was stolen and his heart brutally carved out.Fearing a scandal, the top brass at West Point have summoned Landor to help catch the culprit, and keep his discoveries away from prying eyes. As Landor embarks on a thrilling adventure to solve the case, he uncovers a series of dark secrets and finds unlikely assistance in the form of a mischievous young cadet named Edgar Allan Poe.Full of drama and unexpected twists, The Pale Blue Eye is a brilliantly haunting and atmospheric historical mystery.‘Brilliantly plotted and completely absorbing, ending with the kind of shock that few novelists are able to deliver’ Sunday Times‘Bayard’s shockingly clever and devoutly unsentimental new mystery reads like a lost classic . . . Bayard reinvigorates historical fiction, rendering the 19th century as if he’d witnessed it firsthand’ New York Times"


作者介紹 Louis BayardLouis Bayard lives in Washington. He has written several novels, including MR. TIMOTHY and THE PALE BLUE EYE, which was shortlisted for the CWA Ellis Peters Historical Crime Award.


書名 / The Pale Blue Eye
作者 / 路易斯.貝雅德
簡介 / The Pale Blue Eye:Netflix同名電影《淡藍之眸》原著小說:路易斯.貝雅德《淡藍之眸》April19th,1831.IntwoorthreehoursI’llbedead.Sobeginsthechillinglasttestamentof
ISBN13 / 9781399810050
ISBN10 / 1399810057
EAN / 9781399810050
誠品26碼 / 2682313990001
頁數 / 432
注音版 /
裝訂 / P:平裝
語言 / 3:英文
尺寸 / 19.8X12.9X0.1CM
級別 / N:無
