Just F*king Do It: Stop Playing Small.Ttransform Your Life | 誠品線上

與成功對頻: 成功需要努力, 更需要心靈能力, 你的思維慣性, 決定你的人生與命

作者 娜婀.希伯特
商品描述 Just F*king Do It: Stop Playing Small.Ttransform Your Life:《與成功對頻:成功需要努力,更需要心靈能力,你的思維慣性,決定你的人生與命運》JUSTF*CKINGDOITwilltakeyou


內容簡介 工作不順、感情失意、財務不自由……總是覺得自己一無是處,不是你不夠努力或不上進,而是因為身心沒有對準成功的頻率!★ Amazon.com讀者評價4.7顆星,好評如潮★ 作者自行創業,經營兩項生意,兩年內年收入破千萬★ TED演講《富比士》菁英教練,不藏私分享翻轉人生的成功法◎酗酒、嗑藥、夜夜笙歌……從誤入歧途到助人的全能教練TED演講《富比士》菁英教練娜婀.希伯特,曾遭受種族歧視、被霸凌排擠、父母離異、感情失敗、16歲罹患憂鬱症,讓她苦不堪言,為了追求短暫的快樂,開始酗酒、嗑藥、夜夜笙歌。如今,她翻身一變,成為《富比士》菁英商業教練,還登上TED講台,把自己的成功祕訣分享給需要的人,這個祕訣讓她從低薪族變成年收破千萬的企業家,擁有幸福美滿的家庭和財務自由的人生。◎ 其實,成功是種頻率根據心理學的科學研究,如果心情愉悅,抱持「正向心態」,就會採取正確行動,比較容易實現願望。也就是說,大腦的思維慣性就像波頻,當我們覺得喜悅、愛、自由、感恩、熱情,振動頻率高,就容易發生好事,當我們覺得恐懼、抑鬱、哀傷、不安、愧疚,振動頻率暴跌,就容易發生鳥事。因此,管理思維慣性,是與成功對頻的首要原則。◎ 成功需要努力,更需要心靈能力,該怎麼做才能與成功對頻?.人生難免遇到挫敗,可以把負面情緒當成反向指標,更容易走出低谷.不要光是想想,研究顯示,寫下目標的人實現目標的機率,是不寫的十倍.拔除深藏在潛意識的「毒性信念雜草」.每天觀想15分鐘,進行「靈性整容」,移除情緒疤痕.言語的力量強大,你說的話決定你的感受與行動.不用擔心那麼多,總之,做就對了!本書還有更多如何與成功對頻的具體方法,幫你改變思維慣性,穿越對失敗和未知的恐懼,把沒時間、沒精神的藉口統統扔掉,不再做什麼事情都半途而廢,不再批判自己,讓你隨心所欲翻轉現狀,打造最佳版本的自己!本中文書介出自《與成功對頻: 成功需要努力, 更需要心靈能力, 你的思維慣性, 決定你的人生與命運》采實文化事業股份有限公司出版'NOOR HIBBERT IS A FORCE OF NATURE AND HER BOOK IS A CANDID, NO-BULLSH*T BLUEPRINT FOR LIVING YOUR MOST AMAZING LIFE. INVIGORATING AND INSPIRING!' Sarah Knight, New York Times bestselling author of The Life-Changing Magic of Not Giving a F*ck'A ROUSING GUIDE ON HOW TO BUILD MOMENTUM TOWARDS YOUR GOALS, QUASH YOUR INNER DOUBTS AND CHARGE AT WHAT YOU REALLY WANT' , RED MagazineJUST F*CKING DO IT will take you on a mind-altering journey of self discovery and personal transformation using an approach which combines psychological rigour with spiritual power - helping you to become the best version of yourself and create a life of happiness and abundance.True personal development can only be achieved by changing how you think and interact with the world. This book, by the creator of the hit 'Think It, Get It' podcast, will demonstrate that, alongside purposeful and practical steps to improve your life, you have the power to multiply your success and happiness by harnessing the Law of Attraction.Whatever obstacles you face, this book will show you how to stop thinking small, make positive changes and live the life you deserve."


作者介紹 Noor HibbertNoor Hibbert is a qualified life and business coach, serial-entrepreneur, motivational speaker, author, mother and spiritual badass. Noor has a degree in Psychology and Postgraduate Certifictions in Business & Executive Coaching and Coaching Psychology. She is a trained Strategic Intervention coach and Rapid Transformational Therapist. She is the proud founder of This Is Your Dream - and where she helps people transform their mindset, master manifestation and live their best life through her monthly memberships. She also supports people in building their business in her coaching programs and is the host of the 'Think It, Get It' podcast. She has built a seven figure business whilst raising three small children and she strongly believes that embarking on a spiritual journey has accelerated her success.


書名 / Just F*king Do It: Stop Playing Small.Ttransform Your Life
作者 / 娜婀.希伯特
簡介 / Just F*king Do It: Stop Playing Small.Ttransform Your Life:《與成功對頻:成功需要努力,更需要心靈能力,你的思維慣性,決定你的人生與命運》JUSTF*CKINGDOITwilltakeyou
ISBN13 / 9781473692954
ISBN10 / 1473692954
EAN / 9781473692954
誠品26碼 / 2682096380006
頁數 / 224
注音版 /
裝訂 / P:平裝
語言 / 3:英文
尺寸 / 19.7X12.7X1.3CM
級別 / N:無
