The Little Prince: And Letter to a Hostage | 誠品線上

The Little Prince: And Letter to a Hostage

作者 安東尼.聖修伯里
商品描述 The Little Prince: And Letter to a Hostage:暢銷全球的TheLittlePrince小王子PenguinClothbound系列精美書封版AntoinedeSaint-Exupéry'stimelesstale,reissuedinabeauti


內容簡介 經典文學名著《小王子》Penguin企鵝出版社最新版:質感布面精裝收藏系列!微卷金髮、綠色風衣,披著黃色圍巾的小男孩,在1943年跟著候鳥降落於地球,如今已超過70年。小王子以簡單純真的話語,引領讀者進入一趟關於孤獨、友情、愛與死亡的旅程。20世紀法國最佳圖書,270種以上的語言譯本,暢銷全球超過2億冊,多次被改編成電影、動畫及舞台劇演出。小王子問世70餘年,已然成為全球最暢銷的書籍之一。「所有的大人都曾經是個孩子,雖然很少人記得這一點。」 這不只是本童書,也是本寫給大人的書。書中隱含了許多古今不變的哲理,無論何時閱讀,都能帶給人們不同的感觸。 藉由小王子,我們可以回想並重新思考愛情、友情、人性、孤獨、生活的意義與價值觀。「忘記朋友是一件傷心的事情。不是每一個人都有過真正的朋友。」 你的心裡還住著小王子嗎?還是早已遺忘? 小王子離開和他鬧彆扭的玫瑰,從小行星B612出發遊歷各個星球。 旅途中他遇見國王、自負的人、酒鬼、商人、點燈人、地理學家,也來到地球,邂逅狐狸與童心未泯的飛行員,經過一段段對話,卻沒人能和他建立真正的友誼。小王子才發現,他的玫瑰是世上最獨特的……「只有用心才能看清楚。真正重要的東西,用眼睛是看不見的。因為你在自己的玫瑰上傾注了時間,才使得你的玫瑰如此重要。」 任何事物原本都是平凡無奇的,但只要用心付出,便能賦予其與眾不同的意義,使之獨一無二。 小王子童真的話語深深烙印在全世界無數人的心中,喚起你我心中沉睡已久的純真。「人們搭著快車上路,卻不知道自己在尋找的是什麼。他們四處奔波,激動興奮,轉來轉去……但其實他們所尋找的,在一朵玫瑰、一滴水中就能找到。」 希望一統天下的國王、數著星星的商人……人們習慣不斷追求,擁有了還想要得到更多,以至於忘記自己最初的理想、忘了年稚時的童真。當世界的紛擾不休讓你感到疲憊不堪,當厭倦、麻木時,請拿起這本書,和小王子一起展開旅程,讓他帶你回歸初心,重新出發。本書介出自笛藤出版《小王子》Antoine de Saint-Exupéry's timeless tale, reissued in a beautiful clothbound edition designed by Coralie Bickford-Smith.Antoine de Saint-Exupéry first published The Little Prince in 1943, only a year before his plane vanished over the Mediterranean during a reconnaissance mission. Nearly eighty years later, this fable of love and loneliness has lost none of its power.The narrator is a downed pilot in the Sahara Desert, frantically trying to repair his wrecked plane. His efforts are interrupted one day by the apparition of a little prince, who asks him to draw a sheep. "In the face of an overpowering mystery, you don't dare disobey, " the narrator recalls. "Absurd as it seemed, a thousand miles from all inhabited regions and in danger of death, I took a scrap of paper and a pen out of my pocket. " And so begins their dialogue, which stretches the narrator's imagination in all sorts of surprising, childlike directions."


作者介紹 Antoine de Saint-ExuperyWriter and aviator Antoine de Saint-Exupéry (1900-1944), was born into an aristocratic French family at the turn of the century. Saint-Exupéry was preoccupied with aviation from a young age; a passion which would lead him into the French Air Force. His first two books, Southern Mail and Night Flight, are distinguished by a poetic evocation of the romance and discipline of flying. Later works, including Wind, Sand and Stars and Flight to Arras, stress his humanistic philosophy. Saint-Exupéry's popular children's book The Little Prince is also read by adults for its allegorical meaning. In 1944, Saint-Exupéry's plane disappeared during a mission in World War II.


書名 / The Little Prince: And Letter to a Hostage
作者 / 安東尼.聖修伯里
簡介 / The Little Prince: And Letter to a Hostage:暢銷全球的TheLittlePrince小王子PenguinClothbound系列精美書封版AntoinedeSaint-Exupéry'stimelesstale,reissuedinabeauti
ISBN13 / 9780241508664
ISBN10 / 0241508665
EAN / 9780241508664
誠品26碼 / 2682081650008
頁數 / 160
注音版 /
裝訂 / H:精裝
語言 / 3:英文
尺寸 / 20.4X13.2X2.5CM
級別 / N:無