War and Peace | 誠品線上


作者 列夫.托爾斯泰
商品描述 War and Peace:《戰爭與和平》AtaglitteringsocietypartyinSt.Petersburgin1805,conversationsaredominatedbytheprospectofwar.TerrorswiftlyengulfsthecountryasNapoleon


內容簡介 如史詩般的信念與生存之戰,堪稱十九世紀最偉大的小說安德烈拋下妻子麗莎來到了戰場,渴望成為一名英雄;公爵的私生子皮埃爾,在偶然機緣下繼承了龐大遺產,開始受人諂媚;正由女孩蛻變成女人的娜塔莎,在眾多追求者面前,還搞不清楚愛情的定義‧‧‧‧‧‧。托爾斯泰以三個俄羅斯貴族家庭的故事作為帷幕,並以一八一二年的俄法戰爭為軸心,講述了一個歐洲在動盪時代底下,人們如何歷經苦難,最終領悟人生真諦的故事。在這紛亂的世事中,究竟又有誰是能夠確切掌握自身的命運?又或者,這歷史的脈動早已成形,任誰都無法脫逃。「做個善良而寬大的人吧。」不同於以往的歷史敘事,托爾斯泰更融入了自身對於歷史、社會、宗教、哲學等的個人見解,其豐富的思想討論更為歷史小說開創了一個新的格局,被後世認肯為世界上最偉大的小說之一。作為寫實主義的巨擘,他為了人民而藝術,構思及創作《戰爭與和平》就費時六年,並於一八六五年到一八六九年間陸續出版。他以心理分析的筆法,專注於刻劃每個人物,在這本一百多萬字的長篇史詩中,就有多達五百五十九個角色,而每一位都令人動容。透過這本小說,我們不僅能與托爾斯泰重新經歷一次多場影響了俄國的重大戰役,如奧斯特利茨大戰、波羅底諾會戰、莫斯科大火、拿破崙潰退等,更能觀察到十九世紀初期俄國社會所經歷的變遷。這是部探討人心與時代兼具的小說,唯有與偉大的作家一同爬梳過這條長河,才能理解其中奧妙。本中文書介出自《戰爭與和平》木馬文化事業有限公司出版A stunning clothbound Hardcover Classics edition of Tolstoy’s great novel, one of the undisputed masterpieces of world literature. Nominated as one of America’s best-loved novels by PBS’s The Great American Read At a glittering society party in St. Petersburg in 1805, conversations are dominated by the prospect of war. Terror swiftly engulfs the country as Napoleon’s army marches on Russia, and the lives of three young people are changed forever. The stories of quixotic Pierre, cynical Andrey, and impetuous Natasha interweave with a huge cast, from aristocrats and peasants, to soldiers and Napoleon himself. In War and Peace, Tolstoy entwines grand themes—conflict and love, birth and death, free will and fate—with unforgettable scenes of nineteenth-century Russia, to create a magnificent epic of human life in all its imperfection and grandeur."


作者介紹 Leo Tolstoy (1828–1910) was born in central Russia. After serving in the Crimean War, he retired to his estate and devoted himself to writing, farming, and raising his large family. His novels and outspoken social polemics brought him world fame. Anthony Briggs (translator) has written, translated, or edited twenty books in the fields of Russian and English literature. Orlando Figes (introduction) is the prizewinning author of A People’s Tragedy and Natasha’s Dance. He is a regular contributor to the New York Times, the Washington Post, and the New York Review of Books.


書名 / War and Peace
作者 / 列夫.托爾斯泰
簡介 / War and Peace:《戰爭與和平》AtaglitteringsocietypartyinSt.Petersburgin1805,conversationsaredominatedbytheprospectofwar.TerrorswiftlyengulfsthecountryasNapoleon
ISBN13 / 9780241265543
ISBN10 / 0241265541
EAN / 9780241265543
誠品26碼 / 2681896969008
頁數 / 1440
注音版 /
裝訂 / H:精裝
語言 / 3:英文
尺寸 / 20.3X13.3X5.7CM
級別 / N:無