The World According to Lee McQueen | 誠品線上

The World According to Lee McQueen

作者 Louise Rytter
商品描述 The World According to Lee McQueen:HavinggrownupinLondon’sEastEnd,AlexanderMcQueenleftschoolat15tobecomeatailor’sapprenticeonMayfair’sSavileRow.At22,hejoine


內容簡介 英國時尚設計鬼才亞歷山大.麥昆經典語錄本書呈現傳奇設計師Alexander McQueen對時尚、女性、美麗和大自然的看法和觀點。麥昆以獨特的激進美學聞名,他的想法明確清晰,像是提到創造:我的目的是打破規則,但又同時保持傳統;提到女裝設計:我設計衣服是因為我不希望女性看起來都很天真。. . .我希望人們害怕穿我設計服裝的女人。本書徹底發人深省,向有遠見、敏銳機智和肆無忌憚的精神致敬,搭配特別繪製的插圖,是送給時尚工作者和麥昆粉絲的完美禮物。When times are hard, fantasy and escapism are crucial’ Alexander McQueen Having grown up in London’s East End, Alexander McQueen left school at 15 to become a tailor’s apprentice on Mayfair’s Savile Row. At 22, he joined the prestigious MA course at Central Saint Martins and, after presenting his 1992 graduate collection (bought on the spot by influential fashion stylist Isabella Blow), went on to change the course of fashion. McQueen was defiant in his opinions on creativity (‘Give me time and I’ll give you a revolution’), women (‘I design clothes because I don’t want women to look all innocent and naïve … I want people to be afraid of the women I dress’) and craft (‘You’ve got to know the rules to break them. That’s what I’m here for, to demolish the rules but to keep the tradition’). He drew much of his inspiration from the natural world (‘I have always loved the mechanics of nature and to a greater or lesser extent my work is always informed by that’) and consistently challenged perceptions of beauty (‘People find my things sometimes aggressive. But I don’t see it as aggressive. I see it as romantic, dealing with a dark side of personality’). This attractive book in an accessible format is the perfect gift for fans of fashion and Alexander McQueen, capturing the wit and spirit of a true visionary."


作者介紹 Louise RytterLouise Rytter is a freelance fashion curator, writer and online editor. Formerly an assistant curator at the Victoria and Albert Museum, where she worked on the blockbuster 'Alexander McQueen: Savage Beauty' exhibition, she is now Content Editor for the Google Arts & Culture ‘We Wear Culture' project. She is the author of Louis Vuitton Catwalk: The Complete Fashion Collections, also published by Thames & Hudson.


書名 / The World According to Lee McQueen
作者 / Louise Rytter
簡介 / The World According to Lee McQueen:HavinggrownupinLondon’sEastEnd,AlexanderMcQueenleftschoolat15tobecomeatailor’sapprenticeonMayfair’sSavileRow.At22,hejoine
ISBN13 / 9780500024157
ISBN10 / 0500024154
EAN / 9780500024157
誠品26碼 / 2682058041006
頁數 / 176
注音版 /
裝訂 / H:精裝
語言 / 3:英文
尺寸 / 17X12X0CM
級別 / N:無
