Invent and Wander: The Collected Writings of Jeff Bezos | 誠品線上

創造與漫想: 亞馬遜創辦人貝佐斯親述, 從成長到網路巨擘的選擇、經營與夢想

作者 傑夫.貝佐斯
出版社 Ingram Publishers Services
商品描述 Invent and Wander: The Collected Writings of Jeff Bezos:《創造與漫想:亞馬遜創辦人貝佐斯親述,從成長到網路巨擘的選擇、經營與夢想》貝佐斯打造的亞馬遜帝國!Inthisc


內容簡介 ★ 上市即空降 Amazon TOP 1★ 華爾街日報暢銷書★ 甫出版即售全球18國版權★ 收錄1997~2020貝佐斯CEO任內完整24封股東信後貝佐斯時代來臨前,一本書洞悉他27年來的長期思維與商戰歷程由貝佐斯本人親自撰述,24封致股東信全文、講稿、採訪第一次集結《賈伯斯傳》作者艾薩克森以近二萬字專文,解析貝佐斯獨樹一幟的領導風格與經營手法「如果你抵抗趨勢,你很可能是在抗拒未來。擁抱趨勢,你才能順風而行。」——傑夫.貝佐斯沒有含著金湯匙的出身、認清大學主修不如人立即轉系、辭退有著大好前途的華爾街工作、30歲創業時才剛新婚一年,曾經也從基層努力起的貝佐斯,他如何思考未來、選擇人生志向?也不過短短二十多年,貝佐斯帶領亞馬遜,連續破壞、顛覆多個產業。他如何做到「創辦人即公司」,從零開始創業,成就今日的亞馬遜?上市23年股價漲超2300倍,創造破兆元的市值,啟動零售、資訊服務革命,讓我們日夜離不開亞馬遜!艾薩克森在文中特別提到:「人文、科技、商業,這三項要素使他成為這個世代最成功和最具影響力的創新者。貝佐斯和賈伯斯一樣,驅動許多產業轉型。全世界最大的網路零售商亞馬遜,改變了我們的購物方式和我們對運輸配送的期待。」本書內容含括貝佐斯撰寫的獨一無二、極具原創性的股東信,以及許多演講和訪談文稿,從中能認識到他的成長背景和工作生活,以及他的想法如何一路演變——從局內人的觀點,了解貝佐斯的成功原因和祕訣。全書從創新、客戶至上,到氣候變遷、外太空、新冠肺炎疫情的啟示,談及各式各樣的商業和公共政策議題,有如參加一堂傳授商業價值、策略與執行力的大師課,沒有任何一本書可以代替。貝佐斯親身向你訴說,哪些核心原則與哲學,指引他創造、領導、改造亞馬遜及藍源公司。在亞馬遜業務高速成長的背後,貝佐斯有長期效忠他的資深主管團隊(S-team),有堅定信守的長期主義,有專注顧客優先的信念,有大膽下注、無懼失敗的動態發明與創新構想,有鼓勵員工漫步思考的餘裕。以上這些能使貝佐斯在預備卸任執行長一職後,留下一套繼續傳動不停的管理引擎,這套商業模式將讓亞馬遜的飛輪永動運作,為這家已經運轉27年的企業,不斷注入系統活力,使得不管日後貝佐斯在或不在,對公司都影響有限。不管你是企業執行長、剛剛起步的新創業者,或是使用亞馬遜產品與服務的買家及賣家,你都將從本書直觀了解貝佐斯的成功方程式,以及領導管理的核心原則和人生哲學。同時洞見其獨特和原創的想法如何誕生,以及他所描繪的人類大未來。本書特色本書彙編亞馬遜自成立以來各年的股東信,以及貝佐斯本人的重要講稿、採訪稿,讓你全面、有系統地掌握原汁原味的商業運作邏輯與思維。直接閱讀貝佐斯真正的經營思想歷程,不受各類間接寫就的相關書籍、文章曲解,效法他的經驗與做法,解鎖自己在工作與人生方面的成就,獲得雙贏。借用貝佐斯的概念,例如:長期主義、飛輪效應、自由現金流等等,幫助個人進行選擇、判斷、優化日常決策。本中文書介出自《創造與漫想: 亞馬遜創辦人貝佐斯親述, 從成長到網路巨擘的選擇、經營與夢想》天下雜誌股份有限公司出版In Jeff Bezos's own words, the core principles and philosophy that have guided him in creating, building, and leading Amazon and Blue Origin.In this collection of Jeff Bezos's writings—his unique and strikingly original annual shareholder letters, plus numerous speeches and interviews that provide insight into his background, his work, and the evolution of his ideas—you'll gain an insider's view of the why and how of his success. Spanning a range of topics across business and public policy, from innovation and customer obsession to climate change and outer space, this book provides a rare glimpse into how Bezos thinks about the world and where the future might take us.Written in a direct, down-to-earth style, Invent and Wander offers readers a master class in business values, strategy, and execution:The importance of a Day 1 mindsetWhy "it's all about the long term "What it really means to be customer obsessedHow to start new businesses and create significant organic growth in an already successful companyWhy culture is an imperativeHow a willingness to fail is closely connected to innovationWhat the Covid-19 pandemic has taught usEach insight offers new ways of thinking through today's challenges—and more importantly, tomorrow's—and the never-ending urgency of striving ahead, never resting on one's laurels. Everyone from CEOs of the Fortune 100 to entrepreneurs just setting up shop to the millions who use Amazon's products and services in their homes or businesses will come to understand the principles that have driven the success of one of the most important innovators of our time.Invent and Wander: The Collected Writings of Jeff Bezos is co-published by PublicAffairs, an imprint of Perseus Books, and Harvard Business Review Press."


作者介紹 Harvard Business ReviewHarvard Business Review is the leading destination for smart management thinking. Through its flagship magazine, 12 international licensed editions, books from Harvard Business Review Press, and digital content and tools published on, Harvard Business Review provides professionals around the world with rigorous insights and best practices to lead themselves and their organizations more effectively and to make a positive impact. Visit Follow @HarvardBiz on Twitter; find us on Facebook and LinkedIn.Jeff BezosThis book is a collection of writings and public statements by Jeff Bezos, founder and CEO of Amazon. Bezos is also the founder of aerospace company Blue Origin, which is working to lower the cost and increase the safety of spaceflight, and he is owner of the Washington Post. In 2018, he founded the Bezos Day One Fund, which focuses on funding non-profits that help homeless families, and on creating a network of tier-one preschools in low-income communities. Bezos graduated summa cum laude, Phi Beta Kappa in electrical engineering and computer science from Princeton University in 1986, and was named TIME Magazine's Person of the Year in 1999.


書名 / Invent and Wander: The Collected Writings of Jeff Bezos
作者 / 傑夫.貝佐斯
簡介 / Invent and Wander: The Collected Writings of Jeff Bezos:《創造與漫想:亞馬遜創辦人貝佐斯親述,從成長到網路巨擘的選擇、經營與夢想》貝佐斯打造的亞馬遜帝國!Inthisc
出版社 / Ingram Publishers Services
ISBN13 / 9781647820718
ISBN10 / 1647820715
EAN / 9781647820718
誠品26碼 / 2681962721004
頁數 / 256
注音版 /
裝訂 / H:精裝
語言 / 3:英文
尺寸 / 24.1X16.5X2.5CM
級別 / N:無