The Great Gatsby (Pretty Books Painted Ed.) | 誠品線上


作者 費茲傑羅
商品描述 The Great Gatsby (Pretty Books Painted Ed.):史考特.費茲傑羅《大亨小傳》Oneofliterature'smostdecadentstoriesisnowavailableinanexclusivecollector'sedition,featu


內容簡介 「他的夢似乎已近在咫尺,他幾乎不可能抓不住。」隨著一九一八年一次世界大戰結束,美國進入一個新時代──咆哮的二○年代(Roaring Twenties),戰後「迷失的一代」登場,持續了一百多年的美國夢漸漸動搖,美國人掙扎在傳統價值觀和新的價值觀之間,出版於一九二五年的《大亨小傳》,正好揭示了「美國夢」的式微與幻滅。故事發生於一九二二年的夏天,以當時繁榮的紐約長島上虛構的小村莊西卵為背景,敘述者尼克是耶魯大學畢業的二十九歲年輕人,從落後的西部家鄉來到進步的東部海灣賃屋而居,學做債券生意。尼克發現自家隔壁的豪宅夜夜笙歌、衣香鬢影,好不熱鬧。某日,尼克突然受邀前往派對,他因此得知了大宅的主人蓋茨比原來只是一個三十來歲的年輕男子,而蓋茨比之所以夜夜舉辦派對,只因為在海灣對面那間碼頭總是亮著綠燈的房子裡,住著他魂牽夢繫的往日情人黛西。五年前,他曾因為貧窮而失去了黛西,為了找回摯愛,他不擇一切手段致富,建起豪宅,只為再見佳人一面。然而,就算蓋茨比懷有唐吉訶德式的熾熱情感,也無法衝破冰冷的現實──不管是他們之間的愛情,或是尼克和其他從西部來到東部尋找機會的年輕人,雖然他們的夢想「似乎已近在咫尺,幾乎不可能抓不住」,但一切終歸幻滅,只留下一個優美而悲傷的夏日故事。費茲傑羅對於人物的描寫細膩到位,小說中不斷以黛西的聲音來暗示她的性格,如「她的嗓音充滿了金錢」;甚至用動物的名字為小說中的人物命名,以顯示蓋茨比的賓客中各色人物均有;對場景的描述也如詩般優美,像是:「有時候,一個影子在上面化妝室的百葉窗上移動,給另一個影子讓路,一隊模糊的影子,在一面無形的鏡子中塗脂抹粉。」如此一部近百年的經典,永遠值得再讀一遍。本中文書介出自《大亨小傳》時報文化出版企業股份有限公司出版One of literature's most decadent stories is now available in an exclusive collector's edition, featuring beautiful cover art from artist Laci Fowler and decorative interior pages, making it ideal for fiction lovers and book collectors alike.Beloved by fans across the globe, Fitzgerald's third novel The Great Gatsby exposes the dark side of the American Dream. This time-honored classic is now available as an exclusive collector's edition.Whether you're buying it as a gift or for yourself, this remarkable edition features:A beautiful, high-end hardcover featuring Laci Fowler’s distinctive hand-painted artDecorative interior pages featuring pull quotes throughoutMatching ribbon marker and gold page edges Part of a 4-volume collection including The Wonderful Wizard of Oz, Frankenstein, and The Return of Sherlock HolmesThe Great Gatsby has been casting its hypnotic spell on readers since 1925, unveiling every decadence and overindulgence the "Roaring Twenties " label implies. Nick Carraway, Daisy and Tom Buchanan, Jordan Baker, and of course, Jay Gatsby himself weave a sordid tale of love and betrayal.Exploring the themes of social division, wealth and materialism, and excess, this unique collector’s edition presents Fitzgerald’s classic tale in a giftable new way."


作者介紹 F. Scott FitzgeraldF. Scott Fitzgerald (1896-1940) is regarded as one of the greatest American authors of the 20th century. His short stories and novels are set in the American 'Jazz Age' of the Roaring Twenties and include This Side of Paradise, The Beautiful and Damned, Tender Is the Night, The Great Gatsby, The Last Tycoon, and Tales of the Jazz Age.


書名 / The Great Gatsby (Pretty Books Painted Ed.)
作者 / 費茲傑羅
簡介 / The Great Gatsby (Pretty Books Painted Ed.):史考特.費茲傑羅《大亨小傳》Oneofliterature'smostdecadentstoriesisnowavailableinanexclusivecollector'sedition,featu
ISBN13 / 9781401603915
ISBN10 / 1401603912
EAN / 9781401603915
誠品26碼 / 2682279321000
頁數 / 176
注音版 /
裝訂 / H:精裝
語言 / 3:英文
尺寸 / 23.9X16X1.5CM
級別 / N:無
