Liberation Day | 誠品線上

Liberation Day

作者 George Saunders
商品描述 Liberation Day:《十二月十日》《林肯在中陰》作者喬治.桑德斯2022新作!✰桑德斯針砭美國社會困境,黑色幽默不失樂觀✰桑德斯短篇小說集登紐時暢榜以《林肯在中陰》榮獲


內容簡介 《十二月十日》《林肯在中陰》作者喬治.桑德斯2022新作!桑德斯針砭美國社會困境,黑色幽默不失樂觀✰ 桑德斯短篇小說集登紐時暢榜以長篇小說《林肯在中陰》榮獲布克獎的美國作家喬治.桑德斯,《時代雜誌》盛讚為當代最傑出的英語短篇小說家,繼《十二月十日》之後,又一短篇小說力作!新作《解放日》收錄九則短篇叫座叫好,甫出版即榮登紐時暢銷榜,尖銳風趣且充滿人性的書寫,獲得英美媒體一致好評。本書隱約有緬懷美式樂觀主義的意味,寓言般的故事辛辣針貶美國的政治與經濟,主角們雖因錯誤抉擇導致處境每況愈下,但仍在掙扎中奮力尋找出路。桑德斯以其精準、理性又不失幽默的文字,透過一篇篇獨立的故事,揭示權力、倫理、正義在現實生活中的交互作用,並嘗試梳理人類社群生活的真義。故事帶有他一貫的特色,惡趣味、反狗血、細膩鋪陳,不斷帶給讀者挑戰與驚喜。“One of our most inventive purveyors of the form returns with pitch-perfect, genre-bending stories that stare into the abyss of our national character. . . . An exquisite work from a writer whose reach is galactic.”—Oprah Daily Booker Prize winner George Saunders returns with his first collection of short stories since the New York Times bestseller Tenth of December.The “best short-story writer in English” (Time) is back with a masterful collection that explores ideas of power, ethics, and justice and cuts to the very heart of what it means to live in community with our fellow humans. With his trademark prose—wickedly funny, unsentimental, and exquisitely tuned—Saunders continues to challenge and surprise: Here is a collection of prismatic, resonant stories that encompass joy and despair, oppression and revolution, bizarre fantasy and brutal reality.“Love Letter” is a tender missive from grandfather to grandson, in the midst of a dystopian political situation in the (not too distant, all too believable) future, that reminds us of our obligations to our ideals, ourselves, and one another. “Ghoul” is set in a Hell-themed section of an underground amusement park in Colorado and follows the exploits of a lonely, morally complex character named Brian, who comes to question everything he takes for granted about his reality. In “Mother’s Day,” two women who loved the same man come to an existential reckoning in the middle of a hailstorm. In “Elliott Spencer,” our eighty-nine-year-old protagonist finds himself brainwashed, his memory “scraped”—a victim of a scheme in which poor, vulnerable people are reprogrammed and deployed as political protesters. And “My House”—in a mere seven pages—comes to terms with the haunting nature of unfulfilled dreams and the inevitability of decay.Together, these nine subversive, profound, and essential stories coalesce into a case for viewing the world with the same generosity and clear-eyed attention Saunders does, even in the most absurd of circumstances."


作者介紹 George SaundersGeorge Saunders is the #1 New York Times bestselling author of eleven books, including A Swim in a Pond in the Rain; Lincoln in the Bardo, which won the Booker Prize; Congratulations, by the Way; Tenth of December, a finalist for the National Book Award and winner of the inaugural Folio Award; The Braindead Megaphone; and the critically acclaimed collections CivilWarLand in Bad Decline, Pastoralia, and In Persuasion Nation. He teaches in the creative writing program at Syracuse University.


書名 / Liberation Day
作者 / George Saunders
簡介 / Liberation Day:《十二月十日》《林肯在中陰》作者喬治.桑德斯2022新作!✰桑德斯針砭美國社會困境,黑色幽默不失樂觀✰桑德斯短篇小說集登紐時暢榜以《林肯在中陰》榮獲
ISBN13 / 9780593594933
ISBN10 / 0593594932
EAN / 9780593594933
誠品26碼 / 2682246819004
頁數 / 256
注音版 /
裝訂 / P:平裝
語言 / 3:英文
尺寸 / 21X14X1.6CM
級別 / N:無