100 Steps for Science: Why It Works and How It Happened | 誠品線上

100 Steps for Science: Why It Works and How It Happened

作者 Lisa Jane Gillespie
出版社 Quarto Publishing Group UK
商品描述 100 Steps for Science: Why It Works and How It Happened:改變世界的100個科學四季是怎麼形程的?數字早在西元2000年前,埃及和巴比倫時代就被人類使用來解決事情,那麼


內容簡介 改變世界的100個科學 四季是怎麼形程的?數字早在西元2000年前,埃及和巴比倫時代就被人類使用來解決事情,那麼,零和負數是何時發明的呢?舊石器時代,沒有車子、輪子,人們怎麼移動大石頭?(利用多根圓木棍,當重物往前位移時,後面的木棍拿到前面繼續讓重物移動)。本書介紹10個科學主題,(從太空、數字、物質、生命、輪子、光、聲音、醫藥、能源、粒子),每個主題延伸10個項目,共100個,改變世界的科學發現和發明。Plunge into the world of science and learn about humankind’s ten most important discoveries, including stars, wheels, numbers, light, medicine, sound, atoms, materials, energy and life.See how early scientific observations made by ancient civilizations went on to shape our world today, and learn how technology evolved over time in ten breakthrough moments for each of the ten key discoveries.​From the invention of the wheel, which was adapted over thousands of years to power the powerful modern engines of the modern age, learn how simple steps in science led to giant leaps for mankind.


書名 / 100 Steps for Science: Why It Works and How It Happened
作者 / Lisa Jane Gillespie
簡介 / 100 Steps for Science: Why It Works and How It Happened:改變世界的100個科學四季是怎麼形程的?數字早在西元2000年前,埃及和巴比倫時代就被人類使用來解決事情,那麼
出版社 / Quarto Publishing Group UK
ISBN13 / 9781847808059
ISBN10 / 1847808050
EAN / 9781847808059
誠品26碼 / 2681446480007
頁數 / 64
注音版 /
裝訂 / H:精裝
語言 / 3:英文
尺寸 / 30.3X23.6CM
級別 / N:無
