I Ate Sunshine for Breakfast | 誠品線上

I Ate Sunshine for Breakfast

作者 Michael Holland
出版社 Bounce Sales & Marketing Ltd.
商品描述 I Ate Sunshine for Breakfast:我吃了陽光當早餐----從陽光到餐桌植物世界歡迎來到綠色世界,請享用美味茶點!在這裡,你所吃的、喝的、用的,都是從陽光開始的喔!植物吸


內容簡介 我吃了陽光當早餐----從陽光到餐桌植物世界歡迎來到綠色世界,請享用美味茶點!在這裡,你所吃的、喝的、用的,都是從陽光開始的喔!植物吸收了陽光,進行光合作用,產生能量,再利用這能量生產東西,從橡膠、蜂蜜、植物果汁--茶,到餐後剔牙的牙籤;它還能製造各種香氣,甜的酸的,或提煉成染料,應有盡有,儼然是一座無聲的綠色工廠。不過,植物面對敵人時無法拔腿就跑,因此,在多達43萬種的植物中,只有5%可食用,其他都是有毒的。可得好好認識,才不會誤用喔! 植物扮演不可或缺的角色。本書的插畫用色復古、精緻優美,讓人一翻再翻,掉進植物的大千世界。另外,也提供讀者動動手的植物DIY點子,像是製作運動用的沙包,有趣的玉米粉史萊姆,在此還教讀者利用菠菜、甜菜、薑黃來染色,很酷吧!From expert ecologist and educator Michael Holland, this illustrated compendium celebrates the plants in your life, from minty toothpaste to the floral names in your classroom. This comprehensive guide covers everything from the parts of a plant through to conservation, and also features DIY projects for young gardeners. "Funny and clever, with illustrations that are a feast for the eye. An Instant classic. " - Sir Tim Smit KBE, co-founder of The Eden Project"


作者介紹 Michael HollandABOUT THE AUTHOR Michael Holland is Head of Education at Chelsea Physic Garden. He is also a photographer, compost nerd and wildlife gardener.Philip Giordano ABOUT THE ILLUSTRATOR Philip Giordano is an Italian illustrator born in a small coastal town in Liguria, of Philippine and Swiss descent. He attended the Brera Fine Arts Academy in Milan, the IED (European Institute of Design) and subsequently gained a Masters in Animation Techniques in Turin.


書名 / I Ate Sunshine for Breakfast
作者 / Michael Holland
簡介 / I Ate Sunshine for Breakfast:我吃了陽光當早餐----從陽光到餐桌植物世界歡迎來到綠色世界,請享用美味茶點!在這裡,你所吃的、喝的、用的,都是從陽光開始的喔!植物吸
出版社 / Bounce Sales & Marketing Ltd.
ISBN13 / 9781911171188
ISBN10 / 1911171186
EAN / 9781911171188
誠品26碼 / 2681868305001
頁數 / 128
注音版 /
裝訂 / H:精裝
語言 / 3:英文
尺寸 / 26X20.5X0CM
級別 / N:無
