Timelines of Everyone: From Cleopatra and Confucius to Mozart and Malala | 誠品線上

Timelines of Everyone: From Cleopatra and Confucius to Mozart and Malala

作者 DK
商品描述 Timelines of Everyone: From Cleopatra and Confucius to Mozart and Malala:時間軸從埃及豔后到莫札特、馬拉拉收錄150為古今必知的名人,從國王、王后﹙拉美西斯二世、


內容簡介 時間軸 從埃及豔后到莫札特、馬拉拉 收錄150為古今必知的名人,從國王、王后﹙拉美西斯二世、漢尼拔、凱撒、武則天﹚到一般平民,如農民、人權主義者、科學家、發行家、作家、藝術家等,不只是記錄其偉大成就,也收錄小故事---你知道西非統治者曼薩·穆薩,是當時最有錢的人嗎?好萊塢傳奇--海蒂·拉瑪發明的技術為後來發展為wifi和藍芽?愛因斯坦最後的話成謎,是因為她的護士不會說德語?! 在這裡你可以認識遠久的、莎士比亞達爾文更可以認識到近代的沙賈漢與慕塔芝·瑪哈﹙沙賈漢為慕塔芝·瑪哈建造泰姬瑪哈陵﹚、艾米琳·潘克斯特﹙英國女權運動者﹚、馬丁路德金恩博士﹙美國非裔民權運動家﹚、瑪都麗·荻西特﹙寶萊塢長青舞后﹚、主持人歐普拉和2014年獲諾貝爾和平獎的馬拉拉…等。 編輯清楚,大視覺圖像讓讀者對名人印象深刻,再以時間軸為主幹,依時間分枝其他小故事,資訊多,卻不雜亂。依不同的名人,設計不同的視覺排版,彰顯主角風格。 Get the inside track on the incredible lives of history's biggest names: from Shakespeare to Oprah Winfrey, and Anne Frank to Julius Caesar. Following on from the smash hit Timelines of Everything, Timelines of Everyone stands out from other history books by focusing squarely on the biographies of a myriad of movers and shakers across millennia. This DK children's book boasts more than 130 visual timelines, covering kings and queens, humanitarians, scientists, inventors, explorers, activists, writers, artists, and more. Timelines of Everyone breathes fresh life into the biographies of the people you thought you knew, yet also finds new stories from previously overlooked or ignored voices. Did you know US President Franklin D. Roosevelt was defeated only once in 300 wrestling matches? Or that more women passed NASA's rigorous astronaut training tests for Project Mercury, but were forbidden to fly into space? Or how about the fact that Einstein's last words were lost, because his nurse didn't speak German? This fascinating title takes kids on a historical journey, revealing not just the incredible achievements, contributions, and adventures of historical luminaries, but the lesser-known events that shaped them too, from childhood into old age. Filled with easy-to-understand visual timelines, vibrant illustrations, and a diverse range of historical figures, Timelines of Everyone is the must-have guide to the world's must-know names.


書名 / Timelines of Everyone: From Cleopatra and Confucius to Mozart and Malala
作者 / DK
簡介 / Timelines of Everyone: From Cleopatra and Confucius to Mozart and Malala:時間軸從埃及豔后到莫札特、馬拉拉收錄150為古今必知的名人,從國王、王后﹙拉美西斯二世、
ISBN13 / 9780241413005
ISBN10 / 0241413001
EAN / 9780241413005
誠品26碼 / 2681864810004
頁數 / 320
注音版 /
裝訂 / H:精裝
語言 / 3:英文
尺寸 / 30.7X25.5X0CM
級別 / N:無
