Why do Cats Meow? Curious Questions about Your Favourite Pet | 誠品線上

Why do Cats Meow? Curious Questions about Your Favourite Pet

作者 Nick Crumpton
商品描述 Why do Cats Meow? Curious Questions about Your Favourite Pet:為什麼貓咪喵喵叫呢?人類養貓咪當寵物已經有3500年了,而在這之前的9500年,貓咪就已經開始待在人身邊了


內容簡介 為什麼貓咪喵喵叫呢?人類養貓咪當寵物已經有3500年了,而在這之前的9500年,貓咪就已經開始待在人身邊了。不過,你知道喵代表什麼意思嗎?貓咪喜歡被摸嗎?摸哪裡最好?每一種貓都喜歡被摸嗎?為什麼人家說貓咪有九條命呢?貓為什麼可以有優雅地從高空跳下來,卻毫髮無傷?狗狗做得到嗎;貓咪喜歡舔自己,卻愛抓沙發抓椅子,為什麼呢?貓咪有上流上會嗎?…所有你對貓咪的好奇,本書都解釋給你聽喔,而且作者從神話傳說開始,從黑貓的迷信、貓咪在埃及祭典扮演重要角色,揭開面紗,看貓咪如何和人類發展密切的關係,再一一認識貓咪各種行為,以及如何維護貓咪的健康。Why Do Cats Meow? is the second book in the series of natural history books for children that answer curious questions about favourite and familiar pets. The book highlights the qualities of different types of cats, and answers some of the more curious questions children have about cats, including: why do cats like scratching things? Why do cats like bringing us dead things? and Why do cats have wet noses? Through the book, children will come to understand what’s so unique about a cat's body and its behaviour and why they deserve to be well cared for. The book also profiles famous cats from history and popular culture, including the cat-headed Egyptian goddess Bastet and Larry, Chief Mouser to the Cabinet Office, who lives and works at 10 Downing Street in London. By incorporating zoological information about the feline species with stories from history, art, religion and popular culture, Why Do Cats Meow? celebrates why cats have been such dear pets to us for centuries."


作者介紹 Nick CrumptonDr Nick Crumpton is a zoologist at University College London. He completed his PhD at Cambridge University before working at the Natural History Museum and for the BBC. He is the author of The Amazing Animal Atlas.Lily Snowden-FineLily Snowden-Fine is an illustrator and painter based in Toronto. Her clients include The New York Times among others. She was the voice of the original Peppa Pig when it first aired in 2004. She is the author illustrator of Why Do Dogs Sniff Bottoms? and Why Do Cats Meow?.


產品目錄 Lions in your living room: How long have people kept pet cats? • The good, the bad and the snuggly: How many different cats are there? • Making their mark: Do cats have territories? • Caterwauling kitties: Why do cats meow? • Feeling the way: What do a cat’s whiskers do? • Following your nose: Why do cats have wet noses? • Wary of the water: Why don’t cats like water? • An appetite for destruction: Why do cats like scratching things? • Unbreakable: Do cats have nine lives? • Moody moggies: Is my cat ignoring me? • Celestial creatures: Why were cats worshipped? • Cats in high places: Could cats rule the world? • Hunting instinct: Why do cats bring us dead animals? • Family matters: Where do cats like to have kittens? • Clean freak: Why do cats lick their own bottoms? • Content as can be: How can you keep your cat healthy? • Cat words: Index • Witches and omens: Do cats bring bad luck? • What a cat sees: Can cats see in the dark? • Petting your pet: Do cats like being stroked?


書名 / Why do Cats Meow? Curious Questions about Your Favourite Pet
作者 / Nick Crumpton
簡介 / Why do Cats Meow? Curious Questions about Your Favourite Pet:為什麼貓咪喵喵叫呢?人類養貓咪當寵物已經有3500年了,而在這之前的9500年,貓咪就已經開始待在人身邊了
ISBN13 / 9780500652381
ISBN10 / 0500652384
EAN / 9780500652381
誠品26碼 / 2681864385007
頁數 / 48
注音版 /
裝訂 / H:精裝
語言 / 3:英文
尺寸 / 30.1X23.2X0CM
級別 / N:無
