I Am the Messenger | 誠品線上


作者 馬格斯.朱薩克
出版社 Penguin Random House LLC
商品描述 I Am the Messenger:【96年11月誠品選書】因為《偷書賊》一書為國內讀者熟悉的澳洲作家馬格斯.朱薩克,一九七五年出生於雪梨,父母分別為奧地利及德國後裔,被譽為當代澳


內容簡介 DON’T MISS BRIDGE OF CLAY, MARKUS ZUSAK’S FIRST NOVEL SINCE THE BOOK THIEF AND AN UNFORGETTABLE AND SWEEPING FAMILY SAGA. From the author of the extraordinary #1 New York Times bestseller The Book Thief, I Am the Messenger is an acclaimed novel filled with laughter, fists, and love. A MICHAEL L. PRINTZ HONOR BOOK FIVE STARRED REVIEWS Ed Kennedy is an underage cabdriver without much of a future. He's pathetic at playing cards, hopelessly in love with his best friend, Audrey, and utterly devoted to his coffee-drinking dog, the Doorman. His life is one of peaceful routine and incompetence until he inadvertently stops a bank robbery. That's when the first ace arrives in the mail. That's when Ed becomes the messenger. Chosen to care, he makes his way through town helping and hurting (when necessary) until only one question remains: Who's behind Ed's mission?


各界推薦 【96年11月誠品選書】因為《偷書賊》一書為國內讀者熟悉的澳洲作家馬格斯.朱薩克,一九七五年出生於雪梨,父母分別為奧地利及德國後裔,被譽為當代澳洲小說界獲獎最多、著作最豐、讀者群最廣的作家。朱薩克從小就喜歡寫故事,他說自己的腦海裡永遠有好幾個故事在打轉。《偷書賊》就源自他幼年時父母講述的情節,父母所講述的情節場景也成為他創作的起源,造就了一個令人感動的故事。 這次推薦的I Am the Messenger,是早於偷書賊的作品,榮獲澳洲二○○三年 Children's Book Council Book of the Year獎。故事描述一位十九歲的青年Ed,一事無成,開計程車維生,平日就和一條臭狗和幾個同類朋友喝酒打牌,生活平淡,了無希望。然而這般平淡的生活,卻被一起銀行搶劫事件打破,Ed意外制服了劫匪,後來還接受記者採訪,甚至上了報紙頭條。因為一樁銀行搶案,Ed生命從此改觀,有人寄了張撲克牌給他,上面留有地址和時間,Ed雖滿腹疑惑,還是照著指示,一一完成任務,在紙牌的指引下,Ed馬不停蹄地幫助著別人,以獨特的方式給需要溫暖和愛的人們送去一番心意。他不僅救了別人,也救了自己,只是,隱身在這些使命背後的神祕人物究竟是誰?看似懸疑的情境鋪陳,朱薩克以其妙筆,呈現出一段充滿愛、歡笑與懸疑的神祕生命之旅。


作者介紹 Markus Zusak is the award-winning author of The Book Thief and I Am the Messenger, both Michael L. Printz Honor Books. An international bestseller, The Book Thief has sold over 4.5 million copies in the U.S. alone and has garnered worldwide critical acclaim. The New York Times called it ""Brilliant and hugely ambitious. . . . It's the kind of book that can be life changing,"" and The Guardian (UK) said, ""Unsettling, thought-provoking, life-affirming, triumphant and tragic, this is a novel of breathtaking scope, masterfully told. It is an important piece of work, but also a wonderful page-turner.""Markus Zusak is the recipient of the Margaret A. Edwards Award for significant and lasting contribution to writing for teens. He lives with his wife and children in Sydney, Australia.


書名 / I Am the Messenger
作者 / 馬格斯.朱薩克
簡介 / I Am the Messenger:【96年11月誠品選書】因為《偷書賊》一書為國內讀者熟悉的澳洲作家馬格斯.朱薩克,一九七五年出生於雪梨,父母分別為奧地利及德國後裔,被譽為當代澳
出版社 / Penguin Random House LLC
ISBN13 / 9780375836671
ISBN10 / 0375836675
EAN / 9780375836671
誠品26碼 / 2680254269002
頁數 / 368
注音版 /
裝訂 / P:平裝
語言 / 3:英文
級別 / N:無
