The Nordic Guide to Living 10 Years Longer: 10 Easy Tips to Live a Healthier, Happier Life | 誠品線上

10 Tips: må bättre och lev 10 år längre

作者 伯蒂爾.馬克倫德
商品描述 The Nordic Guide to Living 10 Years Longer: 10 Easy Tips to Live a Healthier, Happier Life:學習北歐人的十個簡單健康生活法,教您活得更快樂、更長壽!瑞典哥德堡大


內容簡介 學習北歐人的十個簡單健康生活法,教您活得更快樂、更長壽!瑞典哥德堡大學(Gothenburg University)教授、醫生Bertil Marklund以短短一百多頁的篇幅,提供從睡眠、飲食到運動領域的全方位生活建議,也說明壓力造成的負面衝擊。他介紹「Lagom」的概念,瑞典語為「中庸」之意,以適量、適度的生活方式與態度,將人生活得更加健康。十個章節、十個領域、十種改變作者汲取長達四十年的豐富研究經驗,綜合最新研究,教您從十個領域著手改變,如運動、充電時間、睡眠、日光浴、飲食……等,以十個簡易小訣竅,增加長壽的機會。北歐素以健康的生活方式為名,在這本簡潔有力的健康指南中,您將學到北歐人的生活智慧,也將打破迷思,導正許多深信不疑的錯誤觀念:作者會告訴您,喝咖啡其實有益健康、而因缺乏維他命D而死亡的人口,遠多過於皮膚癌死亡的人數。現在就從日常生活改變起,邁向北歐式的健康生活! Healthy living guides are all the rage (not to mention all things Scandi), but they can be too prescriptive or long. Who has time to read 300 pages or the discipline for a total lifestyle change overnight?Cue The Nordic Guide to Living 10 Years Longer. Dr Bertil Marklund - a doctor and researcher at the Gothenburg University with over 40 years of experience - provides the most cutting-edge research to explain the 10 areas he feels we should focus on to better our chances of a long life: Exercise, Time to Recharge, Sleep, Sunbathing, Food, Drink, Weight, Teeth, Attitude and Relationships.This guide provides wisdom from the Nordics, a region long known for its healthy and progressive lifestyle. It debunks myths on things we have been told are not good for us but actually can be, for example, did you know drinking lots of coffee will promote your health? Or that more people die of lack of Vitamin D than they do of skin cancer?The Danes may have their Hygge and the Norwegians their back to the land books, but the Swedes have a 'sundhet', more or less translated to 'soundness', a balanced, even keeled approach to a life of moderation. In general, Swedes are very healthy when it comes to food and exercise, and part of the key to this 'soundness' is that nothing is done at its extreme. Everything is incorporated over time and in steps into work and family life so as to make it manageable and sustainable.


書名 / The Nordic Guide to Living 10 Years Longer: 10 Easy Tips to Live a Healthier, Happier Life
作者 / 伯蒂爾.馬克倫德
簡介 / The Nordic Guide to Living 10 Years Longer: 10 Easy Tips to Live a Healthier, Happier Life:學習北歐人的十個簡單健康生活法,教您活得更快樂、更長壽!瑞典哥德堡大
ISBN13 / 9780349415390
ISBN10 / 0349415390
EAN / 9780349415390
誠品26碼 / 2681435310001
頁數 / 160
注音版 /
裝訂 / P:平裝
語言 / 3:英文
尺寸 / 23.4X15.3CM
級別 / N:無