IQ | 誠品線上


作者 Joe Ide
出版社 Hachette Book Group USA
商品描述 IQ:以高度聰明才智與入微觀察力,破解警方束手無策或不願插手的案件他是洛杉磯的福爾摩斯、人稱「IQ」的孤狼偵探!★2017年愛倫坡獎最佳首作入圍!★2017年安東尼獎最佳首


內容簡介 以高度聰明才智與入微觀察力,破解警方束手無策或不願插手的案件他是洛杉磯的福爾摩斯、人稱「IQ」的孤狼偵探!★ 2017年愛倫坡獎最佳首作入圍!★ 2017年安東尼獎最佳首作入圍!洛杉磯警方對於居高不下的高犯罪率束手無策,無法破解的謀殺案、失蹤孩童的事件層出不窮。而隱身於城市的黑暗角落,替無助的市民解決一樁樁案件的,是以聰明才智與觀察力著稱、人稱「IQ」的偵探!Isaiah Quintabe高中輟學,工作總是做不久,卻是個孤狼型的年輕天才偵探,也是個福爾摩斯迷,在低調不起眼的外表下隱藏的,是不屈不撓的決心與高度聰明才智,也因此得到IQ的稱號。他大部分的委託人都無法支付費用,所以他總是只收取他們能負擔的物品作為報酬。身為沒有職照的私家偵探,他找尋失蹤人口、找回贓物,也調查警方視為太敏感或複雜難解的案件。即使他在社區裡享有名氣,卻因為委託人大多貧窮,IQ的財務狀況也不佳。在高中朋友道森的慫恿下,他決定為了高額委託金,接下知名嘻哈歌手的案件:有人試圖謀殺他,IQ必須調查出對方究竟是誰!不過,可能的嫌疑犯卻多得難以追蹤,從流行音樂歌后前妻,到多不勝數的趨炎附勢者與金融家,任何一個都有謀殺他的動機!對洛杉磯街頭的地下社會十分熟悉的道森,因為無處可住,成了IQ的室友兼助手,與他一同踏上破案之路!另一方面,IQ持續被多年前的創傷與陰影所籠罩:高中時,他目擊哥哥被車撞擊身亡,駕駛肇事逃逸,至今仍逍遙法外。好幾年來,IQ都試圖調查出殺死哥哥的兇手……現在與過去的兩條故事線同時進行,日裔美國作家Joe Ide首部小說,以童年的成長地點為故事背景,塑造現代美國洛杉磯福爾摩斯的樣貌。Winner of the Anthony, Macavity, and Shamus AwardsA resident of one of LA's toughest neighborhoods uses his blistering intellect to solve the crimes the LAPD ignores.East Long Beach. The LAPD is barely keeping up with the neighborhood's high crime rate. Murders go unsolved, lost children unrecovered. But someone from the neighborhood has taken it upon himself to help solve the cases the police can't or won't touch.They call him IQ. He's a loner and a high school dropout, his unassuming nature disguising a relentless determination and a fierce intelligence. He charges his clients whatever they can afford, which might be a set of tires or a homemade casserole. To get by, he's forced to take on clients that can pay.This time, it's a rap mogul whose life is in danger. As Isaiah investigates, he encounters a vengeful ex-wife, a crew of notorious cutthroats, a monstrous attack dog, and a hit man who even other hit men say is a lunatic. The deeper Isaiah digs, the more far reaching and dangerous the case becomes.


作者介紹 Joe Ide Joe Ide is of Japanese American descent. Growing up in South Central Los Angeles, Joe's favorite books were the Conan Doyle Sherlock Holmes stories. The idea that a person could face the world and vanquish his enemies with just his intelligence fascinated him. Joe went on to earn a graduate degree and had several careers before writing his debut novel, IQ, inspired by his early experiences and his love of Sherlock. Joe lives in Santa Monica, California. Visit his website at


書名 / IQ
作者 / Joe Ide
簡介 / IQ:以高度聰明才智與入微觀察力,破解警方束手無策或不願插手的案件他是洛杉磯的福爾摩斯、人稱「IQ」的孤狼偵探!★2017年愛倫坡獎最佳首作入圍!★2017年安東尼獎最佳首
出版社 / Hachette Book Group USA
ISBN13 / 9780316449519
ISBN10 / 0316449512
EAN / 9780316449519
誠品26碼 / 2681692201005
頁數 / 352
注音版 /
裝訂 / M:口袋裝
語言 / 3:英文
尺寸 / 17X12.4X2.3CM
級別 / N:無
