Twelve Kings | 誠品線上

Twelve Kings

作者 Bradley Beaulieu
商品描述 Twelve Kings:全新奇幻冒險系列,述說一座充滿神秘及死亡預言的古老城市住著12位君王經典的阿拉伯背景故事設定,最偉大的女英雄挑戰極權暴政:誠品以「人文、藝術、創意、


內容簡介 全新奇幻冒險系列,述說一座充滿神秘及死亡預言的古老城市住著12位君王經典的阿拉伯背景故事設定,最偉大的女英雄挑戰極權暴政Sharakhai是位於西方盡頭沙漠區的一座古城,這座古城是商業及文化的主要重心,由遠古時期的12位殘暴、無情及永生不死的君王長期統治,12位君王擁有強大的軍隊及專屬的戰士共同捍衛這塊沙漠之地,在暴虐的統治下人民永無翻身之日。直到有位來自貧民窟名叫Çeda的勇敢少女決定抵抗君王的暴政,她前往Beht Zha’ir之地,學習到關於12位君王如何成功統治Sharakhai長達400之久的恐怖真相,以及解開君王的魔法,協助人民重獲自由的終極秘訣。Çeda的身世背景又與12位君王有什麼不解之緣?為了逃離君王的控制,躲藏起來的Çeda又該如何正面迎接12位君王狡詐的挑戰?充滿東方色彩的奇幻冒險故事,看主角齊心合力,挺身對抗永無白晝的黑暗世界。In the cramped west end of Sharakhai, the Amber Jewel of the Desert, Çeda fights in the pits to scrape a living. She, like so many in the city, pray for the downfall of the cruel, immortal Kings of Sharakhai, but she's never been able to do anything about it. This all changes when she goes out on the night of Beht Zha'ir, the holy night when all are forbidden from walking the streets. It's the night that the asirim, the powerful yet wretched creatures that protect the Kings from all who would stand against them, wander the city and take tribute. It is then that one of the asirim, a pitiful creature who wears a golden crown, stops Çeda and whispers long forgotten words into her ear. Çeda has heard those words before, in a book left to her by her mother, and it is through that one peculiar link that she begins to find hidden riddles left by her mother.As Çeda begins to unlock the mysteries of that fateful night, she realizes that the very origin of the asirim and the dark bargain the Kings made with the gods of the desert to secure them may be the very key she needs to throw off the iron grip the Kings have had over Sharakhai. And yet the Kings are no fools-they've ruled the Shangazi for four hundred years for good reason, and they have not been idle. As Çeda digs into their past, and the Kings come closer and closer to unmasking her, Çeda must decide if she's ready to face them once and for all.


書名 / Twelve Kings
作者 / Bradley Beaulieu
簡介 / Twelve Kings:全新奇幻冒險系列,述說一座充滿神秘及死亡預言的古老城市住著12位君王經典的阿拉伯背景故事設定,最偉大的女英雄挑戰極權暴政:誠品以「人文、藝術、創意、
ISBN13 / 9781473203020
ISBN10 / 1473203023
EAN / 9781473203020
誠品26碼 / 2681330535004
頁數 / 608
注音版 /
裝訂 / P:平裝
語言 / 3:英文
尺寸 / 19.7X13.4X3.8CM
級別 / N:無
