English in Medicine (3 Ed.) | 誠品線上

English in Medicine (3 Ed.)

作者 Glendinning, Eric H./ Holmström, Beverly
出版社 華泰文化事業股份有限公司
商品描述 English in Medicine (3 Ed.):EnglishinMedicineisacoursefordoctors,medicalstudentsandothermedicalprofessionalswhoneedtocommunicatewithpatientsandmedicalcolleague


內容簡介 English in Medicine is a course for doctors, medical students and other medical professionals who need to communicate with patients and medical colleagues. Each of the seven units focuses on one area of doctor-patient communication, from history-taking and examination to diagnosis and treatment. The course develops all four skills through a wide variety of activities. The third edition is now in full colour and has been updated to take account of developments in medicine and the impact of new information technology. The course does not require specialist knowledge on the part of the teacher.


書名 / English in Medicine (3 Ed.)
作者 / Glendinning, Eric H. Holmström, Beverly
簡介 / English in Medicine (3 Ed.):EnglishinMedicineisacoursefordoctors,medicalstudentsandothermedicalprofessionalswhoneedtocommunicatewithpatientsandmedicalcolleague
出版社 / 華泰文化事業股份有限公司
ISBN13 / 9780521606660
ISBN10 / 0521606667
EAN / 9780521606660
誠品26碼 / 2680365248002
頁數 / 156
注音版 /
裝訂 / P:平裝
語言 / 3:英文
級別 / N:無
