The Power of Broke: How Empty Pockets, a Tight Budget, and a Hunger for Success Can Become Your Greatest Competitive Advantage | 誠品線上

一無所有的力量: 口袋空空、預算緊繃、渴望成功……如何把種種限制, 變成你的最大優勢。

作者 戴蒙.強/ 丹尼爾.帕斯納
出版社 Penguin Random House LLC
商品描述 The Power of Broke: How Empty Pockets, a Tight Budget, and a Hunger for Success Can Become Your Greatest Competitive Advantage:TheinstantNewYorkTimesbestseller


內容簡介 ◎ 生不逢時,我們這一代再怎麼努力也沒用嗎?◎ 我才出社會,揹了大筆學貸,沒爸靠更沒人脈,好頭路要去哪裡找?◎ 老闆給我偉大的任務,卻沒給我一毛預算,這是重用還是糟蹋?◎ 大環境糟到看不到未來,再堅持夢想就玩殘自己了,放棄還是繼續?別煩惱,這裡要告訴你至少五條路,讓你明白:一無所有,反而會讓你找出超有效率的方式,達成目標。最經典的「無中生有」案例,包括Under Armour、《美國好聲音》……幾十個方法讓大家替你的夢想買單。本書作者戴蒙.強出身紐約黑人區,在貧窮中長大,天生有閱讀障礙,他卻投入時尚產業,創業資金只有40美元,被27間銀行拒絕貸款,最後卻發展成市值60億美金的知名潮牌FUBU。他目前是美國高收視率創業節目《創智贏家》(Shark Tank)的評審,這是一個幫助一無所有的人實現夢想、創業致富的節目:每個主角的共通點都是口袋空空、預算緊繃,但是渴望成功,於是在退無可退、輸無可輸的狀況下,展現出一無所有的驚人力量。◎ 明明一無所有,怎麼會有力量?因為力量來自你最初的想法,最原始的渴望,通常最有力量。有限的資源會幫助你知道自己最想做什麼,勝過什麼都想做。本書提到的每個人,都慶幸自己「一無所有」,才把成功發揮到淋漓盡致。◎ 看見真實的自己,這些人功成名就──有時你要挖空自己,有時你得放下面子,才發現自己有變富足的本領。.父親的餘蔭其實是陰影,他寧可一無所有做自己:史蒂夫‧青木能成為DJ之王,是因為他選擇當自己而非當接班人,他的堅持吸引不少追隨者,看似烏合之眾,他卻以「革命情感」凝聚成大公司。 .被排擠遭霸淩,如何堅持真實的我:阿卡莎‧布莉在學校被排擠,她只能到網路做自己。當她展現真實自我,意外贏得百萬粉絲的追隨,反而成為青少年的偶像、最受歡迎的自拍女王。◎ 能發揮(別人的)長處,比有錢重要一億倍──錢永遠不嫌多,但錢會成為問題。.找到你的,或別人的長處:吉吉‧巴勒原是個無法當上歌手的清潔婦,但她的杯子蛋糕總是令人驚艷,於是她用家傳的食譜和最好的食材,成為100家吉吉杯子蛋糕店的老闆。.把別人的轉為己用,不花錢行銷大師:傑伊‧亞伯拉罕沒有專長和學歷,但他用別人的理念、別人的市場,成為財富500大公司的行銷顧問,要怎麼讓「其他人的」成為「自己的」?◎ 學歷、經歷再顯赫,不如有一點眼界──學會看表面、還能看周邊。.我唯一好處是當個好人:暢銷書作家提姆.費里斯曾被27家出版社拒絕,但他樂於與人為善的好人理念, 反而最快接近大人物,最後得到藍燈書屋分支機構的賞識,寫一本書就發財。.我真的很愛演,配角賺的比主角多:喜劇演員、網路紅人喬希‧佩克一開始拍搞笑影片,只是為了娛樂自己,但他的分享忠於內心,讓數百萬名追蹤者不覺得自己被推銷了,他的生意,看起來一點也不像生意。◎ 借力使力,小處施力 ──小地方累積起來,能影響結果。小處就是展現奇蹟的地方。.我只懂這個,其餘全找親戚朋友幫忙:在網路洪荒年代,蘿倫‧賴丁格就看準網路購物的商機,她找朋友做網頁、兄弟做員工,自己則開著車跑遍各州推銷,用理念讓別人幫忙,她的網站如今是全美最大的購物網站之一。 .什麼錯都犯,重要的是能迅速復原:萊恩‧戴斯想早點結婚,為了賺錢什麼活都幹,所以他在大學就開了500家公司,只是他邊做邊錯,還欠下大筆鉅款,但他有什麼本領,在每次失敗後都能迅速歸零再爬起?這年頭再怎麼努力也沒用?現在你可以收回這句話了。因為,你該先問自己,你是用盡各種辦法,還是重複相同辦法?未來的變化會更加快速,一無所有的情況,只會不斷出現,所以,你得培養自己,把一無所有變成無中生有。本中文書介出自《一無所有的力量: 口袋空空、預算緊繃、渴望成功……如何把種種限制, 變成你的最大優勢。》大是文化有限公司出版The instant New York Times bestseller from Shark Tank star and Fubu Founder Daymond John on why starting a business on a limited budget can be an entrepreneur’s greatest competitive advantage.Daymond John has been practicing the power of broke ever since he started selling his home-sewn t-shirts on the streets of Queens. With a $40 budget, Daymond had to strategize out-of-the-box ways to promote his products. Luckily, desperation breeds innovation, and so he hatched an idea for a creative campaign that eventually launched the FUBU brand into a $6 billion dollar global phenomenon. But it might not have happened if he hadn’t started out broke – with nothing but hope and a ferocious drive to succeed by any means possible.Here, the FUBU founder and star of ABC’s Shark Tank shows that, far from being a liability, broke can actually be your greatest competitive advantage as an entrepreneur. Why? Because starting a business from broke forces you to think more creatively. It forces you to use your resources more efficiently. It forces you to connect with your customers more authentically, and market your ideas more imaginatively. It forces you to be true to yourself, stay laser focused on your goals, and come up with those innovative solutions required to make a meaningful mark. Drawing his own experiences as an entrepreneur and branding consultant, peeks behind-the scenes from the set of Shark Tank, and stories of dozens of other entrepreneurs who have hustled their way to wealth, John shows how we can all leverage the power of broke to phenomenal success. You’ll meet:· Steve Aoki, the electronic dance music (EDM) deejay who managed to parlay a series of $100 gigs into becoming a global superstar who has redefined the music industry· Gigi Butler, a cleaning lady from Nashville who built cupcake empire on the back of a family recipe, her maxed out credit cards, and a heaping dose of faith· 11-year old Shark Tank guest Mo Bridges who stitched together a winning clothing line with just his grandma’s sewing machine, a stash of loose fabric, and his unique sartorial flairWhen your back is up against the wall, your bank account is empty, and creativity and passion are the only resources you can afford, success is your only option. Here you’ll learn how to tap into that Power of Broke to scrape, hustle, and dream your way to the top."


作者介紹 Daymond John is CEO and Founder of FUBU, a much-celebrated global lifestyle brand, with over $6 billion in sales. He is also one of the country's most visible and respected entrepreneurs as one of the stars of ABC series Shark Tank, and the recipient of over 35 awards including the Brandweek Marketer of the Year and Ernst & Young’s New York Entrepreneur of the Year Award. John stands on that same cutting edge as one of corporate America's leading branding consultants as CEO of the marketing firm Shark Branding. He is also an author of two best-selling books, Display of Power and The Brand Within.From the Hardcover edition.


書名 / The Power of Broke: How Empty Pockets, a Tight Budget, and a Hunger for Success Can Become Your Greatest Competitive Advantage
作者 / 戴蒙.強 丹尼爾.帕斯納
簡介 / The Power of Broke: How Empty Pockets, a Tight Budget, and a Hunger for Success Can Become Your Greatest Competitive Advantage:TheinstantNewYorkTimesbestseller
出版社 / Penguin Random House LLC
ISBN13 / 9781101903612
ISBN10 / 1101903619
EAN / 9781101903612
誠品26碼 / 2681442142008
頁數 / 288
注音版 /
裝訂 / P:平裝
語言 / 3:英文
尺寸 / 20.3X13.2CM
級別 / N:無
