Cristòbal Balenciaga, Philippe Venet, Hubert de Givenchy: Grand Traditions of French Couture | 誠品線上

Cristòbal Balenciaga, Philippe Venet, Hubert de Givenchy: Grand Traditions of French Couture

作者 Nicolay-Mazery, Christiane De/ Givenchy, Hubert De
商品描述 Cristòbal Balenciaga, Philippe Venet, Hubert de Givenchy: Grand Traditions of French Couture:整個巴黎時尚工業中最值得驕傲的精緻文化CristobalBalenciaga、Philipp


內容簡介 整個巴黎時尚工業中最值得驕傲的精緻文化Cristobal Balenciaga、Philippe Venet與Hubert de Givenchy是法國時尚界頂級奢華傳統的大師,他們的精神與成就為時尚界立下了無法超越的典範。Cristobal Balenciaga是西班牙設計師,1937年開始打入巴黎時尚界,他創造的不只是獨特的風格,也研發各種技術,可以說是高級訂製服的開創者。他令人驚艷的創造力、頂尖的縫製技術與經得起時間考驗的優雅,皆是不可取代的招牌特色。Philippe Venet在對高級訂製服的崇敬之中延續精緻的傳統,然而用色非常有自己的獨特之處,縫製方面也有許多突破與創新。Hubert de Ginvenchy則是高級訂製服中的貴族,以他完美極致的圓熟不斷啟發時尚界。Ginvenchy風格就是純粹、完美、經典線條與頂級布料的代名詞,透過黛麗赫本與甘迺迪家族在世人心中留下不可抹滅的記憶;在他的設計中時常能看到植物花卉的主題,充分展現了他對大自然深切的情感。這三位卓越設計師繼承了法國時尚奢華氣派的傳統,在高級訂製服這個工藝、品味、設計、美感、創意的極致舞台中大展才華,同時將消費金字塔頂端的光芒帶進全球時尚圈之中。藉著深度認識三位大師,你可以擷取法國高級時裝最精粹的文化內涵──法國人將之視為國威,因為這的確教全世界設計師艷羨崇敬,也的確十足值得驕傲。


作者介紹 Christiane de Nicolay-Mazery, creative director at Christie's France, is the author of many books on French elegance, notably French Interiors (2009) and of The Yves Saint Laurent - Pierre Bergé Collection: The Sale of the Century (2009), both published by Flammarion. Hubert de Givenchy began his career with Jacques Fath, Robert Piguet, and Lucien Lelong, before moving to Schiaparelli in 1947, where he spent four years of total creative freedom and happiness. The elegant and sophisticated women he met there would become his faithful clients, including Daisy Fellowes, Babe Paley, the duchess of Windsor, Lady Abdy, Countess Gazzoni Frascara, Barbara Hutton, Patricia Lopez, and Gloria Guinness. Regarded as one of the world's finest haute couture designers of all time, Givenchy created signature waredrobes for the world's most elegant women such as Audrey Hepburn, Lauren Bacall, Elizabeth Taylor, Jean Seberg, Marlene Dietrich, Jacqueline Kennedy, Grace Kelly, and Maria Callas. The dress he designed for Audrey Hepburn's role in Breakfast at Tiffany's is a great classic in the history of fashion.


書名 / Cristòbal Balenciaga, Philippe Venet, Hubert de Givenchy: Grand Traditions of French Couture
作者 / Nicolay-Mazery, Christiane De Givenchy, Hubert De
簡介 / Cristòbal Balenciaga, Philippe Venet, Hubert de Givenchy: Grand Traditions of French Couture:整個巴黎時尚工業中最值得驕傲的精緻文化CristobalBalenciaga、Philipp
ISBN13 / 9782080301673
ISBN10 / 2080301675
EAN / 9782080301673
誠品26碼 / 2680511208003
頁數 / 144
注音版 /
裝訂 / H:精裝
語言 / 3:英文
尺寸 / 24X15.2CM
級別 / N:無