The Cider House Rules | 誠品線上


作者 約翰.厄文 (约翰.欧文)
出版社 Penguin Random House LLC
商品描述 The Cider House Rules:就我個人的領會,Irving是位本質上非常單純的作家。但由於太過單純,以致和這個不單純的世界產生了齟齬,反倒令人覺得他的現代性更加明顯。這種獨


內容簡介 "AN OLD-FASHIONED, BIG-HEARTED NOVEL . . . with its epic yearning caught in the 19th century, somewhere between Trollope and Twain . . . The rich detail makes for vintage Irving."--The Boston Sunday Globe"The Cider House Rules is filled with people to love and to feel for. . . . The characters in John Irving's novel break all the rules, and yet they remain noble and free-spirited. Victims of tragedy, violence, and injustice, their lives seem more interesting and full of thought-provoking dilemmas than the lives of many real people."--The Houston Post"John Irving's sixth and best novel . . . He is among the very best storytellers at work today. At the base of Irving's own moral concerns is a rare and lasting regard for human kindness."--The Philadelphia Inquirer"Entertaining and affecting . . . John Irving is the most relentlessly inventive writer around. He proliferates colorful incidents and crotchets of character. . . . A truly astounding amount of artistry and ingenuity."--The San Diego Union 'AN OLD-FASHIONED, BIG-HEARTED NOVEL . . . with its epic yearning caught in the 19th century, somewhere between Trollope and Twain . . . The rich detail makes for vintage Irving.' --The Boston Sunday Globe 'The Cider House Rules is filled with people to love and to feel for. . . . The characters in John Irving's novel break all the rules, and yet they remain noble and free-spirited. Victims of tragedy, violence, and injustice, their lives seem more interesting and full of thought-provoking dilemmas than the lives of many real people.' --The Houston Post 'John Irving's sixth and best novel . . . He is among the very best storytellers at work today. At the base of Irving's own moral concerns is a rare and lasting regard for human kindness.' --The Philadelphia Inquirer 'Entertaining and affecting . . . John Irving is the most relentlessly inventive writer around. He proliferates colorful incidents and crotchets of character. . . . A truly astounding amount of artistry and ingenuity.' --The San


各界推薦 就我個人的領會,Irving是位本質上非常單純的作家。但由於太過單純,以致和這個不單純的世界產生了齟齬,反倒令人覺得他的現代性更加明顯。這種獨特感真是不得了!如此的獨特與激進,希望有更多人能夠理解。 --村上春樹 John Irving是當今美國文壇首屈一指的小說家,日本的村上春樹、台灣的張大春都對他極度推崇,本書更榮登紐約時報暢銷書排行榜第一名的小說,在一九九九年,由Irving親自改編成同名電影劇本,並獲得奧斯卡金像獎最佳改編劇本獎。 一本風靡美國、歐洲、日本,許多讀者深深為之著迷與感動、精采好看又深刻動人的小說。 一個沒有子女的父親、與一個沒有父親的兒子的故事…… 在二十世紀前半的緬因州鄉間,設立一所墮胎醫院與孤兒院的婦產科醫生——韋伯.勒奇,將他豐富的醫學知識與外科技術,傳授給他最鍾愛的孤兒荷馬。然而滿懷人道理想、早熟而善良的荷馬,卻不願繼承恩師的衣缽——為人墮胎,於是在一個偶然的機緣下,離開了孤兒院,前往嚮往中的天堂——觀海果園,荷馬不僅學習到經營果園的方法、看見了孤兒院之外的真實世界、體會到人生的悲苦與歡樂,也與好友的女友墜入情網,從此在道德與愛情之間徘徊掙扎。但冥冥之中,命運賦予他背負起恩師責任的使命,而經過人生歷練的荷馬,也終將追隨勒奇醫生的腳步,勇敢邁向未來……


作者介紹 JOHN IRVING was born in Exeter, New Hampshire, in 1942. His first novel, Setting Free the Bears, was published in 1968, when he was twenty-six. He competed as a wrestler for twenty years, and coached wrestling until he was forty-seven. Mr. Irving has been nominated for a National Book Award three times--winning once, in 1980, for his novel The World According to Garp. He received an O. Henry Award in 1981 for his short story ""Interior Space."" In 2000, Mr. Irving won the Oscar for Best Adapted Screenplay for The Cider House Rules. In 2013, he won a Lambda Literary Award for his novel In One Person. An international writer--his novels have been translated into more than thirty-five languages--John Irving lives in Toronto. His all-time best-selling novel, in every language, is A Prayer for Owen Meany. Avenue of Mysteries is his fourteenth novel.From the Trade Paperback edition.


書名 / The Cider House Rules
作者 / 約翰.厄文 (约翰.欧文)
簡介 / The Cider House Rules:就我個人的領會,Irving是位本質上非常單純的作家。但由於太過單純,以致和這個不單純的世界產生了齟齬,反倒令人覺得他的現代性更加明顯。這種獨
出版社 / Penguin Random House LLC
ISBN13 / 9780345387653
ISBN10 / 0345387651
EAN / 9780345387653
誠品26碼 / 2611214044001
注音版 /
裝訂 / P:平裝
語言 / 3:英文
級別 / N:無
