內容簡介 A wondrous sketchbook from a year spent in the south of France—an artist's personal journal carried everywhere and crammed with drawings and notions and thoughts surprising and whimsical. Delicate watercolors shine like jewels set into each page of this exquisite book. In tones of sea and morning sky, stucco and brick, olive leaf and apricot, rose and geranium, sara Midda captures the land, the people, the shimmering air—the whole feeling of Provence and the Côte d'azur, and the spell they cast over even those who haven't visited. Interspersed throughout are photographic collages and charming observations. The whole book is printed on uncoated stock to convey the feeling of an artist's sketchbook.
各界推薦 Sara Midda其實有點像中世紀的修道院僧侶,在案前用漂亮的手寫體抄寫經文、繪製精細插圖。她喜歡在不同方向用不同顏色寫不同的字體,但是都非常工整;她把線條控制得很緊,不讓筆放肆亂跑。不過另一方面,她又很活潑淘氣,洋溢著青春與閒適的氣息,不會在植物的細節上著墨太多。她的圖看起來雖都袖珍可愛,不過那些細微的色彩渲染常常很自由隨興,畫面上散著淡淡、氳氳的水氣,像童話中的世界。 日本人很喜歡Sara Midda的作品,三越百貨很快和她簽了獨家契約,推出一系列以其畫作為主題的商品,除了必有的文具之外,還有小方巾、香皂…等,俱令人愛不釋手。 書況:144頁;186X137mm;精裝。 ◎看更多圖