Remembering Traditional Hanzi Book 1: How Not to Forget the Meaning and Writing of Chinese Characters | 誠品線上

Remembering Traditional Hanzi Book 1: How Not to Forget the Meaning and Writing of Chinese Characters

作者 Heisig, James W./ Richardson, Timothy W.
商品描述 Remembering Traditional Hanzi Book 1: How Not to Forget the Meaning and Writing of Chinese Characters:有系統地學習漢字,學習如何寫漢字,並採用短故事或每個字特


內容簡介 有系統地學習漢字,學習如何寫漢字,並採用短故事或每個字特性的記憶術,幫助學習者記住這漢詞的意思和形式。是一本創造故事記憶來學習漢字的工具書,極具學習效用。學習漢字,成為全球顯學,這本教導如何記住傳統漢字一書,與坊間學習漢字書有極大的不同,作者不鼓勵文字不斷重複書寫的學習方式。作者認為,怎麼記住才是關鍵,作者安排故事性的記憶,透過字形的基本元素與形成緣由,聯繫起來,並搭配短故事的敘述,使得讀者在學習複雜如一幅畫的漢字,能夠產生邏輯性的判斷與記憶。第一冊與第二冊供收錄日常生活中最常用到的3000個漢字,讓讀者運用在生活上,綽綽有餘。的更棒的是,作者不單單教導讀者怎麼寫,此外,每個漢字的彼此之間,作者精心挑選具有意義的關鍵詞,以點、線、面方式串連,創新方式,顯著地縮短了讀者學習複雜漢字所需的時間,並防止學過的漢字又滑出大腦的記憶。At long last the approach that has helped thousands of learners memorize Japanese kanji has been adapted to help students with Chinese characters. Book 1 of "Remembering Simplified Hanzi" and "Remembering Traditional Hanzi" covers the writing and meaning of the 1,000 most commonly used characters in the Chinese writing system, plus another 500 that are best learned at an early stage. (Book 2 adds another 1,500 characters for a total of 3,000.) Of critical importance to the approach found in these pages is the systematic arranging of characters in an order best suited to memorization. In the Chinese writing system, strokes and simple components are nested within relatively simple characters, which can, in turn, serve as parts of more complicated characters and so on. Taking advantage of this allows a logical ordering, making it possible for students to approach most new characters with prior knowledge that can greatly facilitate the learning process. Guidance and detailed instructions are provided along the way.Students are taught to employ 'imaginative memory' to associate each character's component parts, or 'primitive elements', with one another and with a key word that has been carefully selected to represent an important meaning of the character. This is accomplished through the creation of a 'story' that engagingly ties the primitive elements and key word together. In this way, the collections of dots, strokes, and components that make up the characters are associated in memorable fashion, dramatically shortening the time required for learning and helping to prevent characters from slipping out of memory.


書名 / Remembering Traditional Hanzi Book 1: How Not to Forget the Meaning and Writing of Chinese Characters
作者 / Heisig, James W. Richardson, Timothy W.
簡介 / Remembering Traditional Hanzi Book 1: How Not to Forget the Meaning and Writing of Chinese Characters:有系統地學習漢字,學習如何寫漢字,並採用短故事或每個字特
ISBN13 / 9780824833244
ISBN10 / 0824833244
EAN / 9780824833244
誠品26碼 / 2680501448006
頁數 / 440
注音版 /
裝訂 / P:平裝
語言 / 3:英文
級別 / N:無
