內容簡介 許多人說寫英語或參加考試時,遇到的最大困擾就是:字彙不夠。不僅在表達上找不到適當的字來說,閱讀上也經常為了滿紙不認識的英文單字而頭痛。為了幫助讀者克服字彙不足的問題,本書在30章中介紹了300個重要字彙。每五章一個單位,還附有一個crossword以及三個測驗,供讀者自我測驗。只要按部就班做完本書的演練和習題,便可逐步熟悉重要字彙的意義、特性和用法,打開用英語溝通的大門。藉由循序漸進的學習和反覆演練,建立紮實的英文字彙基礎,培養用字遣詞的精準語感。 適合準備考TOFEL,想要提昇字彙程度的讀者。也可作為準備考GRE、GMAT或全民英檢中級以上程度的考生使用。Groundwork For a Better Vocabulary, Third Edition, provides an answer to a problem that many students have: they simply don't know enough words. This book will help you truly master 300 important words. You will see and use these words in a number of diffenent-- and interesting-- contexts. By working actively with the materials in this book, you sure to expand your word base.Why study vocabulary ?* Vocabulary is a basic part of reading comprehension. If you don't know enough words, you will have trouble understanding what you read.* Vocabulary is a major part of almost every standardized test. The more words you know, the better you are likely to do on such important tests.* Studies show that students with strong vocabularies do better in school. And one study even found that the most common factor among people with rewarding careers was a good vocabulary.* A good vocabulary is vital in today's world. An increasing number of jobs involve providing services or provessing information. More than ever, words are the tools of our trade. The more words you know, the more success you are likely to achieve.