內容簡介 "『若者から若者への手紙 1945←2015』(ころから)を完全英訳!Originally published Japanese, 1945←2015: Reflections on Stolen Youth is now available in English. Fifteen Japanese youth of 1945 share their stories and fifteen modern-day young people write letters to them in thirty pleas for peace that span seven decades. The war survivors were innocent children, students, soldiers, and nurses. They lived on mainland Japan and its islands, the South Pacific, Korea, and China―and all were forced to take on adult roles far beyond their years. This book bears witness to the countless ways war alters forever the lives of everyone involved―even survivors who live well into old age."
作者介紹 岩渕デボラ"Born in California in 1956. After studying Japanese at the University of the Pacific, she came to Japan as a missionary associate, She has been writing and translating since 1988, including works by such well-known Japanese authors as Miyabe Miyuki, Takagi Nobuko, Watanabe Jun'ichi, and Hoshino Tomihiro. She lives in Maebashi with her husband, Ikuo, runs Minamimuki Translations, Ltd., and teaches at Gunma Prefectural Women's University."落合由利子写真家。日本大学芸術学部卒。卒業制作「WINDOW'S WHISPER」で芸術学部賞受賞。「母の友」(福音館書店)に「戦争は知らないけれど」を連載中。著書(写真・文)に『絹ばあちゃんと90年の旅ー幻の満州に生きて』(講談社)、『働くこと育てること』(草土文化)がある。北川直実日本航空機内誌「ウインズ」編集部チーフエディターを経てフリーランス編集者に。企画・編集した書籍に『難民と地雷』(草土文化)、『忘却に抵抗するドイツ』(大月書店)、『ドキュメンタリーの力』(寺子屋新書)などがある。「スプリングボード」(青年海外協力協会)元編集長・編集委員。