Lost in Taiwan | 誠品線上

Lost in Taiwan

作者 Mark Crilley
出版社 Hachette Book Group USA
商品描述 Lost in Taiwan:鼓舞人心的圖畫小說,走出舒適區的異地冒險!Paul和他的兄弟Theo來到台灣旅遊,Theo對這個地方很著迷,但Paul卻不感興趣,因為他不太喜歡探索新國家或體驗


內容簡介 鼓舞人心的圖畫小說,走出舒適區的異地冒險! Paul和他的兄弟Theo來到台灣旅遊,Theo對這個地方很著迷,但Paul卻不感興趣,因為他不太喜歡探索新國家或體驗新文化。 然而,在去電子產品商店的路上,Paul在台灣蜿蜒狹窄的街道裡迷失方向,他別無選擇,只能探索這個新環境尋找回到旅館的路。 在一個陌生的地方沒有朋友和GPS,Paul因為預料之外的插曲開始異地冒險,他會發生什麼事呢?In this exciting graphic novel about stepping out of your comfort zone, a traveler finds himself lost in Taiwan with no way of finding his brother—but he soon learns that this forced disconnect is helping him explore and experience the big wide world around him.THIS WASN’T PAUL’S IDEA.The last thing he’s interested in is exploring new countries or experiencing anything that might be described as “cultural enrichment.” But like it or not, he’s stuck with his brother, Theo, for two weeks in Taiwan, a place that—while fascinating to Theo—holds no interest to Paul at all.While on a short trip to a local electronics store, Paul becomes hopelessly lost in Taiwan’s twisting, narrow streets, and he has no choice but to explore this new environment in his quest to find his way back to Theo’s apartment.In an unfamiliar place with no friends—and no GPS!—there’s no telling what adventures he could happen upon. And who knows? Maybe it turns out he has friends in Taiwan, after all.


作者介紹 Mark Crilley is the author and illustrator of more than forty books, including several acclaimed graphic novels, for which he has received fourteen Eisner Award nominations. His work has been featured in USA Today, Entertainment Weekly, and on CNN Headline News. His popular YouTube videos have been viewed more than 400 million times. He lives in Michigan with his wife, Miki, and children, Matthew and Mio.


書名 / Lost in Taiwan
作者 / Mark Crilley
簡介 / Lost in Taiwan:鼓舞人心的圖畫小說,走出舒適區的異地冒險!Paul和他的兄弟Theo來到台灣旅遊,Theo對這個地方很著迷,但Paul卻不感興趣,因為他不太喜歡探索新國家或體驗
出版社 / Hachette Book Group USA
ISBN13 / 9781368040990
ISBN10 / 1368040993
EAN / 9781368040990
誠品26碼 / 2682371253001
頁數 / 256
注音版 /
裝訂 / P:平裝
語言 / 3:英文
尺寸 / 21X14X1.9CM
級別 / N:無
