American Born Chinese | 誠品線上

American Born Chinese

作者 Gene Luen Yang
出版社 Macmillan Publishing Services
商品描述 American Born Chinese:Disney+最新影集《西遊ABC》原著漫畫:楊謹倫《美生中國人》✰特別收錄作者楊謹倫(GeneLuenYang)和主創游朝敏(KelvinYu)的訪談。《美生中國人


內容簡介 Disney+原創美劇《西遊ABC》原著漫畫✰ 特別收錄作者楊謹倫(Gene Luen Yang)和主創游朝敏(Kelvin Yu)的訪談。《美生中國人》為紐約時報暢銷漫畫家楊謹倫(Gene Yang)的力作。故事講述了三個看似無關的角色:王進(Jin Wang),他與家人搬到一個新社區,卻發現他是新學校裡唯一的華裔美國學生;強大的美猴王,中國最古老和偉大的神話故事之一的主角;以及欽西(Chin-Kee),有著美國人眼裡最負面中國刻板印象的人物,他每年的拜訪都讓表弟丹尼(Danny)的生活變得糟糕。他們的生活和故事在出乎意料的轉折中交織在一起,《美生中國人》是一場驚奇不斷的旅程,形成緊張刺激的現代寓言。--------------American Born Chinese故事由三條線串在一起。第一個故事是華人經典的的西遊記—美猴王孫悟空稱霸花果山,如今想到天庭參加派對,卻得排上好長的隊伍。牠失去耐心,大發脾氣。第二故事,男孩Jin Wang一家搬到美國新社區,發現自己是社區中唯一的華人。他喜歡班上的白人女孩,卻不知怎麼表白。第三個故事講述Danny的表哥Chin-Kee,是典型的粗魯大聲公。每每他的到訪都造成Danny很大的困擾,Danny年年搬家,就是為了躲表哥。這三個看似不相關的故事,卻都和族群認同相關,華裔作者Gene Yang,將三個故事故事交織在一起,會產生什麼驚奇的火花呢?Original Series Now Available on Disney+Bonus Content: Includes an interview with author Gene Luen Yang and series creator Kelvin YuA tour-de-force by New York Times bestselling graphic novelist Gene Yang, American Born Chinese tells the story of three apparently unrelated characters: Jin Wang, who moves to a new neighborhood with his family only to discover that he's the only Chinese-American student at his new school; the powerful Monkey King, subject of one of the oldest and greatest Chinese fables; and Chin-Kee, a personification of the ultimate negative Chinese stereotype, who is ruining his cousin Danny's life with his yearly visits. Their lives and stories come together with an unexpected twist in this action-packed modern fable. American Born Chinese is an amazing ride, all the way up to the astonishing climax.American Born Chinese is the winner of the 2007 Michael L. Printz Award, a 2006 National Book Award Finalist for Young People's Literature, the winner of the 2007 Eisner Award for Best Graphic Album: New, an Eisner Award nominee for Best Coloring, a 2007 Bank Street Best Children's Book of the Year, and a New York Times bestseller.


作者介紹 Gene Luen YangGene Luen Yang writes, and sometimes draws, comic books and graphic novels. He was named a National Ambassador for Young People’s Literature by the Library of Congress in 2016, and advocates for the importance of reading, especially reading diversely. His graphic novel American Born Chinese, a National Book Award finalist and Printz Award winner, has been adapted into a streaming series. His two-volume graphic novel Boxers & Saints won the LA Times Book Prize and was a National Book Award Finalist. His nonfiction graphic novel, Dragon Hoops, received an Eisner award and a Printz honor. His other comics work includes Secret Coders (with Mike Holmes), The Shadow Hero (with Sonny Liew), and Superman Smashes the Klan and the Avatar: The Last Airbender series (both with Gurihiru). In 2016, he was named a MacArthur Foundation Fellow.


書名 / American Born Chinese
作者 / Gene Luen Yang
簡介 / American Born Chinese:Disney+最新影集《西遊ABC》原著漫畫:楊謹倫《美生中國人》✰特別收錄作者楊謹倫(GeneLuenYang)和主創游朝敏(KelvinYu)的訪談。《美生中國人
出版社 / Macmillan Publishing Services
ISBN13 / 9781250891396
ISBN10 / 1250891396
EAN / 9781250891396
誠品26碼 / 2682345714002
頁數 / 240
注音版 /
裝訂 / P:平裝
語言 / 3:英文
尺寸 / 22X15X1CM
級別 / N:無
