The Push | 誠品線上

The Push

作者 Ashley Audrain
商品描述 The Push:ThearrivalofbabyVioletwasmeanttobethehappiestdayofmylife.ButassoonasIheldherinmyarmsIknewsomethingwasn'tright.Ihadalwaysknownthatthewomeninmyfamilyare


內容簡介 母親。女兒。天使,魔鬼?沒被母親愛過的我,怎麼愛自己的孩子?我感覺自己是舉世唯一無法熬過這一切的母親。深入刻畫一位創傷母親的心靈狀態英美文學界一出手即驚世駭俗的新聲音!空降《紐約時報》小說暢銷榜前十大亞馬遜總榜前百大英國《星期天日報》暢銷榜未出版即售出34國版權,第2本續集售出21國九方投標競價,影視劇版權由《哈利波特》製片搶下成為母親意謂著什麼?如果成為人母後,一切不如你所願,甚至發展成你最害怕的情勢呢?本書是主人翁布萊絲向前夫敘述她身為母親的困境與遭遇,向讀者開展一部懸疑驚悚的家庭故事。我真的有能力成為好母親嗎?布萊絲的不安溯源家族三代,她的母親,以及母親的母親都不是稱職的媽媽,每個母親都以防衛甚至折磨的方式對待女兒,而長大後她也成為一位看似神經質的媽媽......當女兒薇歐列忒出生後,布萊絲的期待破滅了,她感受到雙方不對盤,女兒總是乖戾而拒絕合作,當她抱起女兒想要安撫卻換來尖叫淒厲,她努力想做個好媽媽卻撞得滿身是傷,她甚至覺得自己目睹女兒惡魔般的行為…...然而薇歐列忒在爸爸面前卻表現像個小天使。布萊絲和丈夫談起女兒時被視為是胡思亂想,夫妻之間也逐漸產生裂縫。弟弟山姆出生了,在兒子身上,布萊絲終於找到期盼已久的親子之愛,姊姊薇歐列忒似乎也愛這位弟弟,看起來往好的方向進展。沒想到,一場突如其來的意外撕裂了她的家庭,當她重新回想起來驚覺,女兒好像伸手推了這一切。親子關係是自古以來的課題,愛與恨,教與養,各種心理戰爭,本書帶領讀者進入一位母親的告白,驚悚的氛圍讀來心驚膽戰,故事的轉折讓人感到唏噓,震撼之餘也讓人反思自己與家人的親密關係。本書特色1.英美文學界第一次出手即備受矚目的新作家、新聲音。2.以罕見的第二人稱、情感濃烈的文風,為讀者勾勒一幅美國新大陸橫跨三代的母親畫面。3.極少見的家庭驚悚小說。4.以張力十足的情節帶出小說欲探討的「母親」一職與「親子關係」。法國哲學家西蒙波娃說,女性不是生而為女性,而是成為女性。英國兒童心理學家溫尼考特曾提出,夠好的母親這樣的客體環境對孩子的人格養成之重要,本書向讀者拋問:1.「女人」是否需透過「成為母親」來完整她的生命?2.何謂完美的母親?不管東西方社會,人們對「母親」的標準是不是太多也太高?3.「母性」、「親子血濃於水」,這些人們以為是天生的情感真是如此嗎?4.不是每位母親,或每位小孩都很順利、而且幸運,而且都愛他們的母親或小孩?本中文書介出自《在所有母親之間》商周出版出版***Be one of the first to discover why this novel you can't put down is also the novel you will never forget . . . ***'Raw, visceral, and often disturbing, this is an intense psychological drama that will be embraced by serious book club fans of Lionel Shriver's We Need To Talk About Kevin' Kristin Hannah, bestselling author of The Nightingale*****'I will never forget her eyes in that moment - I couldn't look away from them. But I knew what happened as soon as I heard it.'I think she pushed him,' I said to you quietly. 'I think she pushed him...'----'I read it in one sitting. Not to be missed' Lisa Jewell'Unsettling, visceral, provocative, compulsive' Sarah Vaughan----The arrival of baby Violet was meant to be the happiest day of my life. But as soon as I held her in my arms I knew something wasn't right. I had always known that the women in my family aren't meant to be mothers.My husband Fox says I'm imagining it. He tells me I'm nothing like my own mother, and that Violet is the sweetest child.But she's different with me. Something feels very wrong.Is it her? Or is it me? Is she the monster? Or am I?The Push is an unsettling, breathtaking and powerful read about obsession and our deepest fears that will stay with you long after you turn the final page.*******'Intensely absorbing, gripping until the final page, The Push excavates the myths of motherhood'Kim Edwards, bestselling author of The Memory Keeper's Daughter'Unsettling, visceral, provocative, compulsive'Sarah Vaughan, bestselling author of Anatomy of a Scandal'The most thought-provoking exploration of motherhood since We Need to Talk About Kevin'Clare Pooley, bestselling author of The Authenticity Project'With its riveting prose and deep convictions, Ashley Audrain's The Push had me in its clutches from the first page. Audrain's astute portrayal of motherhood was unsettling in its insights, yet highly entertaining on the page. Complex, nuanced, and unflinching, I inhaled this debut in one sitting'Karma Brown, bestselling author of Recipe for a Perfect Wife"


作者介紹 Ashley Audrain ASHLEY AUDRAIN previously worked as the publicity director of Penguin Books Canada. Prior to Penguin, she worked in public relations. She lives in Toronto, where she and her partner are raising their two young children. The Push is her first novel.


書名 / The Push
作者 / Ashley Audrain
簡介 / The Push:ThearrivalofbabyVioletwasmeanttobethehappiestdayofmylife.ButassoonasIheldherinmyarmsIknewsomethingwasn'tright.Ihadalwaysknownthatthewomeninmyfamilyare
ISBN13 / 9780241434567
ISBN10 / 0241434564
EAN / 9780241434567
誠品26碼 / 2681949220001
頁數 / 302
注音版 /
裝訂 / P:平裝
語言 / 3:英文
尺寸 / 23.4X15.3X0CM
級別 / N:無