Classical Music: An Illustrated History | 誠品線上

Classical Music: An Illustrated History

作者 Richard Bratby
商品描述 Classical Music: An Illustrated History:邊聽邊讀認識古典樂!本書除介紹音樂史上重要的音樂家及作品,更可透過手機下載app收聽100則經典樂曲(共約90分鐘)。:誠品以「


內容簡介 邊聽邊讀認識古典樂!本書除介紹音樂史上重要的音樂家及作品,更可透過手機下載app收聽100則經典樂曲(共約90分鐘)。音樂是如何做出的?你知道莫札特在八歲時創作出第一首交響樂曲?海頓一生寫了多少交響曲嗎?﹙108首﹚本書介紹以精采的插畫,介紹古典音樂歷史、大師,從莫札特、海頓到宣揚福音文化的Bingen賓根,到將現場表演和電子樂結合的芬蘭作曲家Kaija Saariaho,或是不強調音符微妙變化,反而呈現機械聲響的John Adams…收錄有趣的音樂小知識,介紹不同樂器如何演奏、組合,引薦最著名的歌劇、交響樂、芭蕾舞和協奏曲。附app,內有100 個簡短的音樂片段,約90 分鐘的樂曲,視覺和聽覺的雙重享受。作者Richard Bratby 是《伯明罕郵報》的副音樂評論家,並定期為《Gramophone》和《The Spectator》撰稿。The story of Classical Music in picture, word and sound, from Hildegard of Bingen to Saariaho. Introduces the greatest composers and lets readers hear their most famous works as they read. Shows the instruments and how they are played and combined to make music. Presents a selection of the most well-known operas, symphonies, ballets and concertos. AGES: 8 plus AUTHOR: Richard Bratby is deputy music critic at The Birmingham Post and writes regularly for Gramophone and The Spectator. He is passionate about communicating the joy of classical music to audiences of all ages. Nik Neves is a Brazilian illustrator and graphic artist whose work is widely published in editorial and advertising. SELLING POINTS: . Compelling text is full of fun facts and snippets of information on the life and times of great musicians . Features an app with 100 short audio clips and 90 minutes of listening time . Listen to the music as you read . Includes a good selection of women composers & musicians . The perfect gift for young music lovers


書名 / Classical Music: An Illustrated History
作者 / Richard Bratby
簡介 / Classical Music: An Illustrated History:邊聽邊讀認識古典樂!本書除介紹音樂史上重要的音樂家及作品,更可透過手機下載app收聽100則經典樂曲(共約90分鐘)。:誠品以「
ISBN13 / 9781912944347
ISBN10 /
EAN / 9781912944347
誠品26碼 / 2682525970006
頁數 / 48
裝訂 / H:精裝
語言 / 3:英文
尺寸 / 24.5 x 1 x 30 cm
級別 / N:無
提供維修 /


最佳賣點 : 邊聽邊讀認識古典樂!本書除介紹音樂史上重要的音樂家及作品,更可透過手機下載app收聽100則經典樂曲(共約90分鐘)。
